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Linux/CC2564MODN: hciattach for CC2564MODN

Part Number: CC2564MODN

Tool/software: Linux


I am working with IMX6ULL connect to CC2564MODN through UART. I have 'protocol not suppoted' problem.

My Bluz version is : v5.49.

what is correct hciattach command ?

when I write :

hciattach -t 30 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc1 texas 115200
Found a Texas Instruments' chip!
Firmware file : /lib/firmware/ti-connectivity/TIInit_6.7.16.bts
Loaded BTS script version 1
texas: changing baud rate to 115200, flow control to 1
Setting TTY to N_HCI line discipline
Can't set device: Protocol not supported
Can't initialize device: Protocol not supported

when I write:

root@imx6ull14x14evk:~# hciattach /dev/ttymxc1 texas 115200 flow
Found a Texas Instruments' chip!
Firmware file : /lib/firmware/ti-connectivity/TIInit_6.7.26.bts
can't open firmware file: No such file or directory
Warning: cannot find BTS file: /lib/firmware/ti-connectivity/TIInit_6.7.26.bts
Setting TTY to N_HCI line discipline
Can't set device: Protocol not supported
Can't initialize device: Protocol not supported

In the first case Bluez search TIInit_6.7.16.bts file, in the second case Bluez search TIInit_6.7.26.bts.

what is the correct command ?

what is the correct .bts file ?

where I found the correct file ?

Can someone help me ?
