I'm developing a master BLE application based on the simple_ble_central example.
In my setup I have two proprietary sensors that can connect to the TI device, which is configured to have up to 4 connections in parallel.
When connected, in determined cases, those sensors transmitts notifies of around 30 bytes of payload in a high frequency (Sometimes I see two notifies in the same connection interval).
My application running on the TI device works as a gateway, getting all these BLE packets and "redirecting" them using UART communication. This procedure was implemented inside the "SimpleBLECentral_processGATTMsg", in which the UART write callback is called.
The problem is that when both sensors are operating in this condition, the payload of the notifies gets mixed, and the seen data is composed by the beggining of the sensor 1 notify and the end of the other one. (I could see it because each sensor transmitts a fixed and unique payload).
This situation occurs only when two or more connections are up. With just one sensor, there's no data mix nor loss.
The mix happens before the app message processing (UART redirecting), as I could see that the queue pointer that is passed to the "SimpleBLECentral_processGATTMsg" is already mixed.
The connection is stablished with a connection interval of 100ms. The used ble_sdk is "2-02-04-06"
Is there any particular configuration or initialization that could explain this behaviour?
Thanks in advance for the help!