Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1194, CC2650MODA, CC2650, LAUNCHXL-CC2650
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I am a student working for a project using the BOOSTXL-CC2650MA.
I would like to program the CC2650MA as a single chip directly in it.
I downloaded the Ble SDK but I don't know which example I should take.
Should I start my code from CC2650bp or CC2650lp then change the pin mapping in the code ?
And what does cc2650em, rc and stk ?
Thank you,
My goal is to create a code with CC2650MA as MCU which communicates with ADS1194 by SPI and sends data in MatLab/Application.
If you have any advices or documents for that thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
David Bigan, Student in ESIEE Paris