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CC2650RC: Reconnect on key press latency

Part Number: CC2650RC

 How quickly can the TI CC2650RC reconnect to a host and send a button press?  Initial tests and results:

    1. Connect the battery and immediately press a button on the remote.  I see no response from the host.  In fact, buttons pressed during the first 5-10 seconds after connecting the battery seem to be lost, never sent to the host. 

    1. Wait for the remote to sleep and then press a button on the remote.  After about 8 seconds, the host device responds to the button press. 


Using the TI CC2650RC development kit I’ve loaded the sample HID application.  The host device is an Android device, and the remote is already paired to the host device before the above tests.


    • Expecting to be able to achieve almost immediate reconnection, at least on wakeup, like you would see in a Bluetooth mouse. 
    • I’d like to know how to set up a test that can demonstrate the optimal reconnection time.  That test does not need to be with an Android host.  The main goal is to quickly demonstrate the chipset’s capabilities.

  • The Report Map characteristic contains the HID Report Descriptor which is used to define formatting information for Input Report, Output Report, and Feature Report data transferred between a HID Device and Report Host.

  • In BLE, the time to establish a connection is a function of 1) the ADV rate of the peripheral, and 2) the rate at which the central is scanning. Ultimately, the central/master issues the connection request and specifies the timing parameters that will determine when the first and subsequent connection event will occur.

    For the peripheral, which is what you are updating here, using directed ADV will allow you to ADV at the fastest rate, approx. 3.75ms. However, your central must be enabled to receive said directed ADV PDUs. See this post for an example for how to configure the BLE stack to send directed ADV:

    Best wishes