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CC2640R2F: Error while performing AESECB() on cc2640r2f

Part Number: CC2640R2F


I tried implementing AESECB() on cc2640r2f and it is working fine. I used the below mentioned code.

static void AES_Dec( void )
AESECB_Operation decryptOperation;
AESECB_Handle handleAES_de;
AESECB_Params aesParamsDecrypt;

aesParamsDecrypt.returnBehavior = AESECB_RETURN_BEHAVIOR_CALLBACK;
aesParamsDecrypt.callbackFxn = ecbCallback;
handleAES_de = AESECB_open(AESECB_INSTANCE, &aesParamsDecrypt);

// Set up AESECB_Operation
decryptOperation.key = &cryptoKey;
decryptOperation.input = ciphertext;
decryptOperation.output = decryptedInformation;
decryptOperation.inputLength = 16;

//Do the decryption
int_fast16_t decryptionResult = AESECB_oneStepDecrypt(handleAES_de, &decryptOperation);

//Print the decrypted information to serial monitor

//Close AES operation


But as i am adding board CC2640R2DK_5XD  under the options > c/c++ compiler > pre processor   the iar compiler is showing error as mentioned below.

Error[Li005]: no definition for "AESECB_config" [referenced from AESECB.orm3(drivers_cc26x0r2.arm3)] 

Error while running Linker 

kindly help


