This guide is intended to provide a reference for all stages of development using TI Bluetooth® Low Energy connectivity products.
Step 0: Learn the technology
Step 1: Pick your device
Step 2: Download necessary software
Step 3: Begin software development
Step 4: Deep-dive into documentation
Step 5: Design your hardware
Step 6: Certification and production
Also see the ‘Common Development Questions’ section at the end.
Not sure what connectivity technology to use? Check out the Wireless Connectivity Technology Selection Guide!
Step 0: Learn the technology
- Connect Videos
- White Papers
Step 1: Pick your device
- Selection Guides
- *CC2340R5: Launchpad and Debugger
- *CC2340R2: Launchpad and Debugger
- CC2652R: LaunchPad
- CC2652P
- CC2652RB: LaunchPad
- CC1352R: LaunchPad or SensorTag
- CC1352P: LaunchPad
- CC2640
- CC2650: LaunchPad or SensorTag
- CC2640R2F: LaunchPad
- CC2640R2F-Q1: LaunchPad
- CC2642R
* indicates newest device/family
Step 2: Download necessary software
- For CC2340Rx devices: SIMPLELINK-LOWPOWER-F3-SDK (download SysConfig separaterly, BTool is included)
- For CC13X2/26X2 devices: SIMPLELINK-CC13X2-26X2-SDK (includes SysConfig for driver and stack configuration & BTool for Bluetooth Low Energy debugging)
- For CC2640R2 devices: SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK (includes SysConfig for driver and stack configuration & BTool for Bluetooth Low Energy debugging)
- Choose an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Programmer (optional if you are using an IDE)
- Other tools for evaluation (optional)
- Evaluate RF packet configurations: SmartRF Studio
- Develop sensor functionality: Sensor Controller Studio
- Sniff over-the-air packets: SmartRF Protocol Packet Sniffer
- Estimate RF range of technology: RF Range Estimator
Step 3: Begin software development
- Out of Box Experience (CC2340Rx | CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2): Once you have selected your LaunchPad, learn about its features and run your first application!
- Quick Start Guide (CC2340Rx | CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2): This guide provides a roadmap to the Bluetooth Low Energy /Bluetooth Low Energy 5 stack development environment. Get started using TI Resource Explorer, learn how to import a project into CCS or IAR, or develop a new application.
- SimpleLink Academy (CC2340Rx | CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2): Check out the SimpleLink Academy training platform for step-by-step instructions to learn about Bluetooth features and how to customize your application.
Lab |
Description |
Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals (CC2340Rx | CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2) |
Get started with Bluetooth by flashing a basic BLE example. |
Bluetooth Low Energy 5 PHY (CC2340Rx) |
Configure and switch physical layers (PHY) in Bluetooth Low Energy |
Bluetooth Low Energy Enhanced Over the Air Download Fundamentals (CC2340Rx) |
Learn how to wirelessly update firmware via the Over The Air Download (OAD) feature of the TI BLE5-Stack |
Bluetooth Low Energy Security Fundamentals (CC2340Rx) |
Learn the Basics of the Security Features built into the TI BLE5-Stack |
DMM Fundamentals (CC2340Rx | CC13X2/26X2) |
Dynamic Multi-protocol Manager (DMM) allows multiple wireless stacks to coexist and operate concurrently on a single radio |
Sensor Controller Fundamentals (CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2) |
How to use the Sensor Controller Studio and GUI tool |
RTOS Concepts (CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2) |
A general overview of concepts used in Real-Time Operating Systems such as task/threads, scheduling, semaphore. Start here to learn about TI-RTOS and POSIX. |
SysConfig Tool Basics (CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2) |
SysConfig is tool to help you configure your SimpleLink applications, generating source files for TI Drivers and software libraries |
Step 4: Deep-dive into documentation
- SDK Documents (CC2340Rx | CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2): You can find all stack user’s guides and API guides here, plus kernel, TI Drivers, and configuration tools
- Technical Reference Manual (CC2340Rx | CC13X2/26X2 | CC2640R2)
- CC2538/CC26x0/CC2x2 Serial Bootloader Interface
- Bluetooth® Low Energy Tree Structure Network
- Deep dive into the tools and development kits of the SimpleLink
MCU platform
Step 5: Design your hardware
- CC13xx/CC26xx Hardware Configuration and PCB Design Considerations
- SIMPLELINK-2-4GHZ-DESIGN-REVIEWS: Ask a TI expert to review your schematics and layout
- Additional hardware documents can be found on your device’s product page (see Step 1: Pick your device)
Step 6: Certification and production
- CC2538/CC26x0/CC2x2 Serial Bootloader Interface
- How to Qualify Your Bluetooth Low Energy Product
- Final Test Considerations for Wireless Technology Products
Common Development Questions
- How do I get started?
Start with the Out of Box Experience! This demo helps you learn about your LaunchPad and run your first application. After that, start to learn about the different features and software libraries we provide on SimpleLink Academy.
- How do I add my technology to a new application?
It is recommended that users start with one of the various development examples provided in the SDK.
- How do I learn about the peripheral drivers? Where do I find examples for PWM, I2C, SPI, UART, or GPIOs?
The TI Drivers Runtime APIs provide basic usage summaries and examples for each peripheral, and additional TI Drivers examples are provided for each device inside the examples/<rtos>/<LaunchPad>/drivers folder of your SDK.
- How do I flash code to my LaunchPad?
Use the CCSTUDIO IDE to build, load, and debug code. To program a binary image on a 2.4 or Sub1-GHZ device, refer to either FLASH-PROGRAMMER or UNIFLASH.
- Where do I learn about security features?
Find out more about the SimpleLink security features available on each stack with these White Papers.
- How do I get a schematic and layout review?
Design reviews can be requested for Sub-1 GHz and 2.4 GHz hardware
- Where do I go for help? Where can I find more FAQs?
The E2E Wireless Connectivity forum is the go-to source for help throughout every step of the design process.
E2E is a public forum with questions and answers posted by TI engineers and knowledgeable community members to help users quickly solve their design issues. Search a few keywords to see resolved questions, or you can ask a new question!