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The device will not auto connect to an AP from stored profiles in station mode

Dear all

I can get SL_WLAN_CONNECT_EVENT and SL_NETAPP_IPV4_IPACQUIRED_EVENT after my device connect to an AP.

Then I try the following test in order to check the reconnect capability.

1. power off my AP.

2. the device will receive SL_WLAN_DISCONNECT_EVENT

3. power on my AP

Because I already set auto connect policy( using sl_WlanPolicySet) at the beginning.

Therefore I suppost that I could get SL_WLAN_CONNECT_EVENT after my AP is power on.

below is the code flow :

1. sl_start(0,0,0) to init device

2. sl_WlanProfileDel(0xFF) to make sure there is only one AP information by the following ProfileAdd function call

3. sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1, 0,0,0,0), NULL, 0) set AUTO connect policy

3. sl_WlanProfileAdd add one AP information

4. Get SL_WLAN_CONNECT_EVENT after my device connect to an AP

5. Get SL_WLAN_DISCONNECT_EVENT after I power off my AP

6. NO SL_WLAN_CONNECT_EVENT when I powr on my AP

From the spec, the device should try to connect to an AP from the stored profile after setting sl_WlanPolicySet.

How should I set in order to enable AUTO reconnect capabiility ?

Thank you


  • Veloso,

    I'll check it on my setup and get back. Which SP and SDK version are you on? And, did you modify the scan cycle/interval?

  • Hi Praneet

    Thanks for you help
    My SDK version is
    Howver I am not sure what my SP version is.
    Thyerefore I try to get it from sl_DevGet:

    And I do not use any scan policy in my project.

  • Veloso,

    You are on an older version of SP - Suggest you upgrade to the latest.

    I was not able to reproduce the issue w/ the latest package. Below is the code-snippet and the logs

    static long SetConnectionPolicy()
       unsigned char policyVal;
       long lRetVal = -1;
       /* Clear all stored profiles and reset the policies */
       lRetVal = sl_WlanProfileDel(0xFF);
       lRetVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0,0,0,0,0), 0, 0);
       //Add Profile
       /* user needs to change SSID_NAME = "<Secured AP>"
                SECURITY_KEY = "<password>"
         and set the priority as per requirement
         to connect with a secured AP */
       SlSecParams_t secParams;
       secParams.Key = SECURITY_KEY;
       secParams.KeyLen = strlen(SECURITY_KEY);
       secParams.Type = SECURITY_TYPE;
       lRetVal = sl_WlanProfileAdd(SSID_NAME,strlen(SSID_NAME),0,&secParams,0,1,0);
       //set AUTO policy
       lRetVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION,
                         &policyVal, 1 /*PolicyValLen*/);
           //wait until IP is acquired
           while((!IS_CONNECTED(g_ulStatus)) || (!IS_IP_ACQUIRED(g_ulStatus)))
           UART_PRINT("\n\r===>>> Device connected to AP\n\r");
           // Wait
           UART_PRINT("\n\r===>>> Device disconnected from AP\n\r");

    		           CC3200 CONNECTION_POLICY Application       
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    Device is configured in default state 
    Device started as STATION 
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: TP-LINK-APK2 ,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=
    ===>>> Device connected to AP
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: TP-LINK-APK2,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e on an ERROR..!! 
    ===>>> Device disconnected from AP
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: TP-LINK-APK2 ,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=
    ===>>> Device connected to AP
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: TP-LINK-APK2,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e on an ERROR..!! 
    ===>>> Device disconnected from AP
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: TP-LINK-APK2 ,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: TP-LINK-APK2,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e on an ERROR..!! 
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: TP-LINK-APK2 ,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=
    ===>>> Device connected to AP
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: TP-LINK-APK2,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e on an ERROR..!! 
    ===>>> Device disconnected from AP
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: TP-LINK-APK2 ,BSSID: a0:f3:c1:b1:d6:6e
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=
    ===>>> Device connected to AP


  • Veloso,

    Hope the snippet helps.
    I'm closing this thread - Please let me know if you need additional information. I suggest you open a new thread w/ references to the current one for us to track it better.
