I have a project whereby I need a RFID reader that reads a single ID tag and following the pole (read) from the controller through an RS 232 port. The reader can delete the read once disclosed to the controller. I also have the capability to used Modbus TCP/IP, Devicenet, or CanOpen communications.
The tags that it will read are more than 10 meters apart.
It doesn't have to retain a number of reads but must read within at least two meters from the tag (Before directly over to after directly over) at 60 MPH at a distance on the same plane as the tag of two to three inches.
The data that it will read is a single 16 bit word. If a larger antennae is required I have a 22" X 30" X 3/4" space to put it in that would reduce the planar distance considerably.
The power source should be a multiple of 3.2 Vdc but I can regulate it down to 5Vdc if necessary.
Do you have a kit that would satisfy these requirements?
If you could recommend a flat 3/32" maximum thickness preferable passive tag that could fit in a 24" X Infinity space and be laminated onto a non conductive flat substrate. We might be able to router a bit of the thickness of the substrate to accommodate a thicker tag.
Also, I would very much like to be able to set the value of the tags that would most likely be suited for this application so a read write is preferable..