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CC2500: Help with MSK minimum data rate limit

Part Number: CC2500

Hello everyone. We are using a single CC2500 on a custom board for the transmission and reception of data.

Our intention is to configure the chip with MSK modulation at 2425 MHz. We aim to operate at a 1 kbps data rate with FEC enabled, resulting in an effective rate of 500 bps, as per our understanding.

My inquiry pertains to the minimum data rate for MSK specified in the datasheet:

Do you know why is this limit? Is there a possibility of using 1ksps FEC enabled MSK modulation at 2425 MHz as we wanted? In our application the data rate is not important but we look for a long range link.

Thanks and best regards


  • Hello Santiago,

    If you are using SmartRF 7 you could set the device to 1 kBaud data rate, though I am unsure currently if the device will run well (or at all) at that rate. You can enable FEC under the MDMCFG1 register. 

    I might have to check internally if the device can operate at those prescribed rates. 

    Could you use the 26-kbps data rate as an alternative if 1 kbps is not possible? 


    Alex F

  • Hi Alex. Yes, that is my doubt.

    Yes, we have used several times SmartRF Studio and used FEC option previously.

    No, I can't use 26kbps...The max. bitrate for use may be 1.2 or 1.5 kbps max.

    I will appreciate if you can check internally if the device can operate at those prescribed rate.

    Best regards


  • Hello Santiago,

    I am trying to get a concrete answer for the bitrate, however I did receive the following feedback, the reason for the bitrate limitation;
    -Limitation in the tx shaping for MSK
    -Limitation in rx chain

    This part is one of our older devices, so support can be limited at times. 

    Alex F