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CC8531: Reading microphone's battery status in a Wireless Microphone and USB dongle Design

Part Number: CC8531



We are developing a wireless Microphone with a USB dongle using CC8531 in Host-Controller operation. I have a USB dongle with CC8531 acting as a protocol master and two microphones with CC8531 as protocol slaves. From the USB dongle side, I need to know the battery status (normal or low battery) of either one or both microphones for LED indications.

I have gone through the  "CC85XX – RF SOC FOR WIRELESS AUDIO STREAMING (SWRU250M) documents, here are my understandings, correct me if I am wrong.

1) Using NWM_GET_STATUS (Audio Network Control and Status Commands) command, a protocol Slave can get to know the power status of protocol master. There is no option to read the protocol slave battery status.

2) We have separate PM_GET_DATA (Power Management commands), only to get the current systems own battery voltage.

3) As per the document, the EHIF SPI status word Bit positions 11:9 indicates the "Power states". 

If I read this status word from USB dongle side CC8531, whether it will be USB dongle's power state or Microphone's power state?. Also, Please provide some solution to implement this idea.

  • Hello Mohamed,

    1) Please understand that NWM_GET_STATUS -> WPM_PM_STATE will indicate the assumed master's power state, not its battery state. 
    2) Battery voltage monitoring is intended to be a local interface only, and not communicated to connected devices.
    3) This will be the local device power state and this is not related to battery voltage. 

    If you can modify the human user interface, and add an external voltage monitor component which feeds into an input, then you may be able to use custom-defined HID reports to report data from the protocol slaves to be polled on the protocol master.  This idea has not been thoroughly investigated from my side but you can read more from the PPW-CFG Help documentation as well as the User Guide you are currently referencing.


  • Hello Ryan, 

    Thanks for the information, I have gone through the "SWRU250M" document. The Host controlled operation allows Remote control custom data transfer using RC_SET_DATA from protocol slave. And we can poll RC_GET_DATA in protocol master side to look for the data change. I think, this will help me to implement the above scenario. Is there any reference document available?. Thanks for your support!

  • You have the right idea if you have a solution to use RC_SET_DATA from the protocol slave host for custom battery voltage information.  You must further explore Section 3.2 (External Host Interface or EHIF) of SWRA250 for more information, which you can also further practice with the PUREPATH-WL-CMD tool.
