We are developing a wireless Microphone with a USB dongle using CC8531 in Host-Controller operation. I have a USB dongle with CC8531 acting as a protocol master and two microphones with CC8531 as protocol slaves. From the USB dongle side, I need to know the battery status (normal or low battery) of either one or both microphones for LED indications.
I have gone through the "CC85XX – RF SOC FOR WIRELESS AUDIO STREAMING (SWRU250M) documents, here are my understandings, correct me if I am wrong.
1) Using NWM_GET_STATUS (Audio Network Control and Status Commands) command, a protocol Slave can get to know the power status of protocol master. There is no option to read the protocol slave battery status.
2) We have separate PM_GET_DATA (Power Management commands), only to get the current systems own battery voltage.
3) As per the document, the EHIF SPI status word Bit positions 11:9 indicates the "Power states".
If I read this status word from USB dongle side CC8531, whether it will be USB dongle's power state or Microphone's power state?. Also, Please provide some solution to implement this idea.