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SIMPLELINK-CC13XX-CC26XX-SDK: Newhaven display oled



how to connect with I2c expander module?

how to connect cc2652rsip  with Newhaven display oled 4x20 rows:

In serial interface :

 how to connect SDO and SDi  (serial data in and out separate)

to MISo and MOsi

  • Hi Kumaravel

    how to connect with I2c expander module

    Can you please clarify what it is you are trying to use?  You will likely be using the I2C TI Driver.

    how to connect cc2652rsip  with Newhaven display oled 4x20 rows

    Are you using something similar to this? 

    how to connect SDO and SDi  (serial data in and out separate)

    You should use the SPI TI Driver.  The SimpleLink device acts as the master/controller to the Newhaven slave/peripheral, so CC2652RSIP MOSI <--> Newhaven SDI and CC2652RSIP MISO <--> Newhaven SDO.  You can start with the TI Driver examples to use as a baseline for your development.  Please note that I do not recommend use of the Display driver as it was not intentionally developed with this type of display in mind.


  • Yes haven display -4x20 that same oled module 

    I have planned to use pcf8574 an I/O expander to connect with display in I2C mode.

    can you help me with the hardware connections and  to be controlled through I2c with cc2652psip

  • In SPI TI driver , there exists SPICC26XXDMA.h File ,for cc2652 devices . Shall we use it ?

    #include <SPI.h>
    // Pin Definitions
    #define RS_PIN      4   // Data/Command select
    #define SCLK_PIN    13  // SPI Clock
    #define SID_PIN     12  // SPI Data (MOSI)
    void sendCommand(uint8_t command) {
        digitalWrite(RS_PIN, LOW);  // RS = 0 for command
    void sendData(uint8_t data) {
        digitalWrite(RS_PIN, HIGH);  // RS = 1 for data
    void initDisplay() {
        // Initialize SPI
        pinMode(RS_PIN, OUTPUT);
        // Display initialization sequence
        sendCommand(0x28);  // Function set: 4-bit mode, 2 lines, 5x8 dots
        sendCommand(0x08);  // Display off
        sendCommand(0x01);  // Clear display
        sendCommand(0x06);  // Entry mode set: Increment cursor
        sendCommand(0x0C);  // Display on, cursor off, blink off
    void displayText(const char* text) {
        while (*text) {
    void setup() {
        displayText("Hello, World!");
    void loop() {
        // You can add code to update the display here

    will this code run and be flashed through code composer ?, please indicate steps to connect with command codes of display.

  • I've already mentioned the I2C TI Driver which you should reference to communicate with the PCF8574 I/O expander.  You should review the datasheet of that device closely and make the hardware connections accordingly.  You can contact the Interface Forum for specific PCF8574 inquiries or the Wireless Forums (such as this one) for CC2652RSIP-based coding questions.

    The SPI TI Driver will use the SPICC26X2DMA.c/h files automatically for CC2652RSIP projects.  The code you referenced is sourced from Energia or Arduino, as such are not applicable to the SimpleLink F2 SDK or CCS.


  • Thank you Ryan, I am trying to write my own driver for the display using the SPI Ti driver.