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DLP-RF430BP: RF430BP: Interface issue

Part Number: DLP-RF430BP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: RF430CL330H

Dear sir,

1. Can you explain the power sequencing and handshaking between smart phone(Active device) and DLP-RF430BP board(Passive device) during NFC (near field communication) communication? 

2. I am trying to communicate the smart phone (Sony xperia M) and DLP-RF430BP board with example code shared by TI but multiple times, communication is  not happening (Data is not receiving in smart phone)., reason? 

3. Can you u share any bench marking or comparative study data of different standards , available for NFC communication. ?


Anil Garg

  • Hello Anil,

    Which LaunchPad or MCU are you using to control the RF430CL330H?

    It is not a standalone device and *must* be controlled by a host MCU in order to function.

    Our FAQ guide has further details:

  • I am using launchpad MSP-EXP430G2 

    Micro controller: M430G2553

    Tested on example code shared by TI. 




     * {main.c}
     * {main application}
     * Copyright (C) 2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated -
     * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
     * are met:
     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
     * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
     * documentation and/or other materials provided with the
     * distribution.
     * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
     * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
     * from this software without specific prior written permission.
    // RF430 NFC Booster Pack (Host/Master)
    // RF430 User Address Map
    // -----------------------------------------
    // Address | Size | Description |
    // -----------------------------------------
    // 0xFFFE | 2B | Control Register |
    // 0xFFFC | 2B | Status Register |
    // 0xFFFA | 2B | Interrupt Enable |
    // 0xFFF8 | 2B | Interrupt Flags |
    // 0xFFF6 | 2B | CRC Result |
    // 0xFFF4 | 2B | CRC Length |
    // 0xFFF2 | 2B | CRC Start Address |
    // 0xFFF0 | 2B | Comm WD Ctrl Reg |
    // -----------------------------------------
    // 0x0000 - | 2kB | NDEF App Memory |
    // 0x07FF | | |
    // Description: This demo demonstrates RF430 read/write accesses via the I2C bus.
    // This is the code for the tester/host processor, which is the MASTER. This master
    // can send read and write commands over I2C to access the data structure in the
    // RF430 device. The following formats are used:
    // Write Access:
    // The master transmits a 2 byte address, then transmits N 16 bit values MSB first
    // to be stored by RF430 in locations starting at this address and incrementing.
    // Read Access:
    // The master transmits a 2 byte address, then receives back from RF430
    // the two bytes RF430 has stored at this location, MSB first.
    // Continuous Read Access:
    // The master receives the N bytes stored in RF430 starting at the next address
    // (next address = the last accessed address + 2) and incrementing, MSB first.
    // /|\ /|\ (Host/Tester)
    // RF430 10k 10k MSP430G2553
    // (Slave) | | Master
    // _________________ | | _________________
    // | SDA|<-|----+->|P1.7/UCB0SDA XIN|-+
    // | | | I2C | |
    // | SCL|<-+------>|P1.6/UCB0SCL XOUT|-
    // | | | |
    // GND<--|E(2-0) /RST|<---------|P1.3* | (* NOTE: Will be moved on next hardware revision.)
    // | INTO|--------->|P2.7* |
    // | | | P1.0|---->LED1
    // | | | |
    // |_________________| |_________________|
    // Built with CCSv5.2
    #include "msp430.h"
    #include "RF430_example.h"
    #include "string.h"
    unsigned char RF430_DEFAULT_DATA[] = {
    		/*NDEF Tag Application Name*/
    		0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x01, 0x01,
    		/*Capability Container ID*/
    		0xE1, 0x03,
    		0x00, 0x0F, /* CCLEN */
    		0x20, /* Mapping version 2.0 */
    		0x00, 0xF9, /* MLe (49 bytes); Maximum R-APDU data size */
    		0x00, 0xF6, /* MLc (52 bytes); Maximum C-APDU data size */
    		0x04, /* Tag, File Control TLV (4 = NDEF file) */
    		0x06, /* Length, File Control TLV (6 = 6 bytes of data for this tag) */
    		0xE1, 0x04, /* File Identifier */
    		0x0B, 0xDF, /* Max NDEF size (3037 bytes of useable memory) */
    		0x00, /* NDEF file read access condition, read access without any security */
    		0x00, /* NDEF file write access condition; write access without any security */
    		/* NDEF File ID */
    		0xE1, 0x04,
    		/* NDEF File for Hello World */
    		0x00, 0x14, /* NLEN: NDEF length (20 byte long message, max. length for RF430CL) */
    		/* NDEF Record (refer to NFC Data Exchange Format specifications)*/
    		0xD1, /*MB(Message Begin), SR(Short Record) flags set, ME(Message End), IL(ID length field present) flags cleared; TNF(3bits) = 1; */ \
    		0x01, 0x10, /*Type Length = 0x01; Payload Length = 0x10 */
    		0x54, /* Type = T (text) */
    		0x02, /* 1st payload byte: "Start of Text", as specified in ASCII Tables */
    		0x65, 0x6E, /* 'e', 'n', (2nd, 3rd payload bytes*/
    		/* 'Hello, world!' NDEF data*/
    		/* 0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6f, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x21 */
    		/* ACB NFC DEM0 */
    		0x41, 0x43, 0x42, 0x20, 0x4E, 0x46, 0x43, 0x20, 0x44, 0x45, 0x4D, 0x4F, 0x20
    }; /* End of data */
    void Update_NDEF(void);
    unsigned char NDEF_Application_Data[100];// = RF430_DEFAULT_DATA;
    unsigned char test_data[] = {0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF};
    unsigned char CRC_Data[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    unsigned char Cmd = 0; //Command byte for SPI mode
    unsigned char read_complete = 0;
    unsigned char rx_byte_count = 0;
    unsigned char tx_byte_count = 0;
    unsigned int Results[11] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    char string1[] = "ZXC Bacdefgh uioprtyg \n";
    char para1[] = "X phase :";
    char para2[] = "Y Phase :";
    char para3[] = "Z Phase :";
    #define FixValue 1000
    unsigned int val = FixValue;
    unsigned char CTRatio = 1;
    unsigned int temp_val = 0;
    unsigned int temp_val_shift = 0;
    unsigned int buff = 0;
    char cnt = 0 ;
    unsigned int Total_length = 0;
    unsigned int size = 0 ;
    char val1[] = 1000";
    char val2[] = "1000";
    char val3[] = "1000";
    #define SIZE1 strlen(string1)
    #define SIZE1 strlen(string1) + strlen(para1)
    /* Code-binary that opens on ETW and re-trims LF oscillator to below 280kHz */
    unsigned char func_retrim_osc[] = {
    		0xB2, 0x40, 0x11, 0x96, 0x10, 0x01,
    		0xB2, 0x40, 0x60, 0x03, 0x18, 0x01,
    		0x30, 0x41
    unsigned int temp = 0;
    unsigned char into_fired = 0;
    unsigned char read_data[200];
    void main (void)
    	volatile unsigned int test = 0;
    	unsigned int flags = 0;
    	unsigned int temp = 0;
    	//unsigned char read_data[200];
    	WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Turn off Watch Dog
    	if (CALBC1_8MHZ==0xFF) // If calibration constant erased
    		while(1); // Do not load, trap CPU!!
    	BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_8MHZ; // Set range
    	DCOCTL = CALDCO_8MHZ; // SMCLK = MCLK = DCO = 8 MHz ACLK = LF oscillator
    	// Configure pins for I2C
    	PORT_I2C_SEL0 |= (SCL + SDA); // Selecting I2C pin function
    	PORT_I2C_SEL1 |= (SCL + SDA);
    	//configure USCI for I2C
    	UCB0CTL1 |= UCSWRST; // Software reset enabled
    	UCB0CTL0 |= UCMODE_3 + UCMST + UCSYNC; // I2C mode, Master mode, sync
    	UCB0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_3 + UCTR; // SMCLK = 8MHz, transmitter
    	UCB0BR0 = 80; // Baudrate = SMLK/80 = 100kHz
    	UCB0I2CSA = 0x0028; // slave address - determined by pins E0, E1, and E2 on the RF430CL330H
    	UCB0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // Software reset released
    	// RST RF430 (in case board remained powered but the MSP430 reset for some reason - MSP430 RST button pushed for example)
    	PORT_RST_SEL0 &= ~RST; // Setting as GPIO pin functionality
    	PORT_RST_SEL1 &= ~RST;
    	PORT_RST_OUT &= ~RST;
    	PORT_RST_DIR |= RST; // RF430CL330H device in Reset
    	PORT_RST_OUT |= RST; // Release the RF430CL330H from Reset
    	//configure LED1
    	PORT_LED_SEL0 &= ~LED1; // Confirming GPIO pin functionality
    	PORT_LED_SEL1 &= ~LED1;
    	PORT_LED_DIR |= LED1; // Set as Output
    	PORT_LED_OUT &= ~LED1; // Start LED off
    	//configure P1.1
    	PORT_LED_SEL0 &= ~BIT1; // Confirming GPIO pin functionality
    	PORT_LED_SEL1 &= ~BIT1;
    	PORT_LED_DIR |= BIT1; // Set as Output
    	//PORT_LED_OUT &= ~BIT1; // Start LED off
    	PORT_LED_OUT |= BIT1;
    	//configure pin for INTO interrupt
    	PORT_INTO_SEL0 &= ~INTO; // Confirming GPIO pin functionality
    	PORT_INTO_DIR &= ~INTO; // Set as Input
    	PORT_INTO_OUT |= INTO; // Set output register high
    	PORT_INTO_REN |= INTO; // Internal pull-up resistor
    	PORT_INTO_IFG &= ~INTO; // Clear interrupt flag
    	PORT_INTO_IES |= INTO; // Set interrupt trigger as high-to-low transition, since INTO will be setup active low below
    	//__delay_cycles(4000000); // Leave time for the RF430CL33H to get itself initialized; should be 20ms or greater
    	__delay_cycles(160000); // Leave time for the RF430CL33H to get itself initialized; should be 20ms or greater
    	while(!(Read_Register(STATUS_REG) & READY)); // Wait until READY bit has been set
    	/* This code is used to change data rate capability */
    	// Write_Register(TEST_MODE_REG, TEST_MODE_KEY); //unlock test mode
    	// Write_Register(CONTROL_REG, TEST430_ENABLE); //enable test mode, now have to use actual addresses
    	// Write_Register(0x2a7C, 0xF7); //the bit rate capability setting, 0xF7=848kbits
    	// Write_Register(0x2814, 0); //exit test mode (CONTROL_REG is at real address 0x2814)
    	// Write_Register(TEST_MODE_REG, 0); //exiting this mode, RF is disabled as Control register is set to 0
    	/* Configure RF430CL330H for Typical Usage Scenario */
    	for(cnt= 0; cnt < 45;cnt++)
    		NDEF_Application_Data[cnt] = RF430_DEFAULT_DATA[cnt];
    	//write NDEF memory with Capability Container + NDEF message
    	Write_Continuous(0, NDEF_Application_Data, 100);//48
    	//Enable interrupts for End of Read and End of Write
    	//Configure INTO pin for active low and enable RF
    	PORT_INTO_IFG &= ~INTO; //clear any pending flags
    	PORT_INTO_IE |= INTO; //enable interrupt
    	while (1)
    		PORT_LED_OUT &= ~BIT1; // Start LED off
    		// PORT_LED_OUT |= BIT1;
    		__bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); //go to low power mode and enable interrupts. We are waiting for an NFC read or write of/to the RF430
    		//device has woken up, check status
    			//before we read/write to RF430CL330H we should disable RF
    			Write_Register(CONTROL_REG, INT_ENABLE + INTO_DRIVE); //clear control reg to disable RF
    			flags = Read_Register(INT_FLAG_REG); //read the flag register to check if a read or write occurred
    			Write_Register(INT_FLAG_REG, EOW_INT_FLAG + EOR_INT_FLAG); //ACK the flags to clear
    			Write_Register(INT_ENABLE_REG, 0);
    			PORT_LED_OUT &= ~LED1; //clear LEDs
    			if(flags & EOW_INT_FLAG) //check if the tag was written
    				//tag was updated, so we should read out the new data
    				//read out the data
    				Read_Continuous(0, read_data, 200);
    				__no_operation(); //breakpoint here to examine the data
    				CTRatio = read_data[35]-48;
    					CTRatio = 1;
    					CTRatio = 1;
    				buff = 0;
    				val = FixValue * CTRatio;
    				Write_Continuous(0, NDEF_Application_Data, 100);
    				//show that tag was written by blinking LED 3 times
    				for(temp = 0; temp < 3; temp++){
    					PORT_LED_OUT |= LED1;
    					PORT_LED_OUT &= ~LED1;//clear LED
    			else if(flags & EOR_INT_FLAG) //check if the tag was read
    				//show that tag was read with LED by holding it on for 1 second
    				PORT_LED_OUT |= LED1;
    				PORT_LED_OUT &= ~LED1;//clear LED
    				PORT_LED_OUT |= BIT1;
    				// PORT_LED_OUT &= ~BIT1; // Start LED off
    				// NDEF_Application_Data[47]= 65 + temp;
    					buff = 0;
    					//val = FixValue * CTRatio;
    					buff= buff+10;
    				val = (FixValue * CTRatio) + buff;
    				Write_Continuous(0, NDEF_Application_Data, 100);
    			flags = 0;
    			into_fired = 0; //we have serviced INTO
    			//Enable interrupts for End of Read and End of Write
    			test = Read_Register(INT_ENABLE_REG);
    			//Configure INTO pin for active low and re-enable RF
    			//re-enable INTO
    			PORT_INTO_IFG &= ~INTO;
    			PORT_INTO_IE |= INTO;
    void Update_NDEF(void)
    	//strcat(NDEF_Application_Data, RF430_DEFAULT_DATA);
    	size = 35;
    	for(cnt= 0; cnt < strlen(string1);cnt++)
    		NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = string1[cnt];
    	size = size + strlen(string1) ;
    	for(cnt= 0; cnt < strlen(para1);cnt++)
    		NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = para1[cnt];
    	temp_val_shift = val;
    	temp_val= (val%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+3] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+2] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+1] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = temp_val + 48;
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+4] = '\n';
    	size = size + strlen(para1)+ 5 ;
    	for(cnt= 0; cnt < strlen(para2);cnt++)
    		NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = para2[cnt];
    	temp_val_shift = val;
    	temp_val= (val%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+3] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+2] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+1] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = temp_val + 48;
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+4] = '\n';
    	size = size + strlen(para2)+ 5 ;
    	for(cnt= 0; cnt < strlen(para3);cnt++)
    		NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = para3[cnt];
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = val>>4 ;//(val-(val/10)*10)+30;
    	temp_val_shift = val;
    	temp_val= (val%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+3] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+2] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+1] = temp_val + 48;
    	temp_val_shift= (temp_val_shift/10);
    	temp_val= (temp_val_shift%10);
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = temp_val + 48;
    	//DEF_Application_Data[size+cnt] = (val-(val/10)*10)+30;
    	NDEF_Application_Data[size+cnt+4] = '\n';
    	Total_length = strlen(string1) + strlen(para1) + strlen(para2) + strlen(para3) + 15 ;
    	NDEF_Application_Data[27] = Total_length+6;
    	NDEF_Application_Data[30] = Total_length-4+6;
    #pragma vector=PORT2_VECTOR
    __interrupt void PORT2_ISR(void)
    	//INTO interrupt fired
    		into_fired = 1;
    		PORT_INTO_IE &= ~INTO; //disable INTO
    		PORT_INTO_IFG &= ~INTO; //clear interrupt flag
    		__bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); //wake up to handle INTO
    __interrupt void ISR_trap(void)
    	while(1); // IT'S A TRAP!!!

  • Hello Anil,

    It looks like you made a number of customizations to the firmware. If you use the base firmware straight from the web, do you get any better results?

    What app are you using on the Sony Xperia?

    Can you read other tags/devices with the Sony Xperia (this would confirm NFC communication is on and working)?

    Regarding the question from your original post about the Handshaking process, Figure 3 in our Target board user guide gives a high level view: If you want further details you need to look into ISO14443-3, ISO14443-4 Part B, and NFC Forum NDEF standards.

    Note that our device is fully NFC compliant, and we passed certification with it:

  • Dear Jacobi,

    Thanks for your reply. 

    I am using "NFC tools" android application 

    I would like to update you,

    1. In Launchpad , If all EMULATION board jumpers (J3) are shorted : and communicating with smart phone  without usb power supply, It is not communicating. Why?

    2. In Launchpad , If all EMULATION board jumpers (J3) are opened : and communicating with smart phone  without usb power supply, It is not communicating up to range 2-3 cm but response time is 2 to 10 sec (sometime its more higher) for 80-100 bytes data.  why?

    3. What is role of line of sight during communication?

    4. Can i perform read write operation sequentially in NDEF memory using smart phone android application? If yes then How?

  • Hello Anil,

    You didn't mention you are trying to do passively powered communication with the LaunchPad... that is a big difference in application!!

    The LaunchPad and BoosterPack example by default is made to be functional with USB power supplied.

    The reason case 1 occurs for you is that the LaunchPad is messing with your setup. It's not well designed for such an application, and thus when the emulator circuit is connected via J3, the Emulation circuit is siphoning all the energy from the RF field, preventing the MSP430 from powering on!

    For case 2, the issue you are facing now is that the example you are using, even after the modifications you made, is not in any way power optimized. To operate with Android smartphones, you need to have the MSP430 power optimized and minimize the current draw from the device by having it in low power mode as much as possible. We don't have an example on the LaunchPad which does that though, our examples for power optimization are for our TI designs which use FRAM MSP430's.

    For question 3, not sure I fully understand, but if you are talking about read range and/or orientation, HF RFID/NFC is based on magnetic fields, so communication requires good coupling between the antenna coils of the tag and the reader. Therefore aligning them in parallel and without large distance between them is important to get the best inductive coupling results.

    For question 4, I don't understand your question. I use NFC Tools app myself and it reads and writes just like it's supposed to, is there different behavior you want from it, or are you having a problem with just reading or writing?

  • The reason case 1 occurs for you is that the LaunchPad is messing with your setup. It's not well designed for such an application, and thus when the emulator circuit is connected via J3, the Emulation circuit is siphoning all the energy from the RF field, preventing the MSP430 from powering on!

    1. what is the current consumption of emulator circuit?

    2. can you suggest any device for my application ? 


    RFID transponder IC for NFC communication which

    1. Can be powered up by any smart phone or active write read device.
    2. Supporting range >5cm
    3. Also please suggest the supporting Antenna which is capable to  transfer >100mW power from smart phone to passive device ( electronics  circuit board   + NFC tag).

    For case 2, the issue you are facing now is that the example you are using, even after the modifications you made, is not in any way power optimized. To operate with Android smartphones, you need to have the MSP430 power optimized and minimize the current draw from the device by having it in low power mode as much as possible. We don't have an example on the LaunchPad which does that though, our examples for power optimization are for our TI designs which use FRAM MSP430's.

    Can you share maximum power transfer data from smart phone to  development board (without USB power)?

    For question 3, not sure I fully understand, but if you are talking about read range and/or orientation, HF RFID/NFC is based on magnetic fields, so communication requires good coupling between the antenna coils of the tag and the reader. Therefore aligning them in parallel and without large distance between them is important to get the best inductive coupling results.

    Can you share any NFC standards regarding range and alignment ?

    For question 4, I don't understand your question. I use NFC Tools app myself and it reads and writes just like it's supposed to, is there different behavior you want from it, or are you having a problem with just reading or writing?

    while communicating the NFC launch pad with NFC TOOL (android application with Sony xperia M smart phone)  with usb supply , it is observed that

    if i place NFC enabled smart phone near the  NFC device (TI NFC launchpad) then , upto 5 second , it is able to read data from NFC device. But at same time and same position using NFC tool application (I was using at the time of experiment), if i try to write any data to TI NFC launchpad then it is not writing.  But if i comes out from field and again send write command  from NFC tool and comes near the TI NFC launchpad then its write successfully. Why?

  • Hello Anil,

    Anil Garg said:
    1. what is the current consumption of emulator circuit?

    I don't have that information, the LaunchPad is not part of our group. I don't believe the MSP430 team ever spec'd that out anyways though, as it is also not relevant for their applications since the emulator circuit is only for making a cheap eval board and offers no application value to customers.

    Anil Garg said:
    2. can you suggest any device for my application ? 

    Not sure what you mean for sure, but if I make the assumption that you wish to have an MCU recommendation to pair with the CL330H, all MSP's would work well though FRAM devices tend to be best for low power. Specific device choice would be dependent on your memory needs.

    Anil Garg said:
    Also please suggest the supporting Antenna which is capable to  transfer >100mW power from smart phone to passive device ( electronics  circuit board   + NFC tag).

    If you are asking for antenna on the smartphone side, I have no idea what that would even look like. In general smartphones can transmit that level of power by default though.

    Anil Garg said:
    Can you share maximum power transfer data from smart phone to  development board (without USB power)?

    We don't have any such data, and that varies from smartphone to smartphone. The best reference I can give you is the following... We made a TI design for a passively powered RF430CL330H application which has been able to operate with every NFC enabled smartphone we tested it against:  

    That design shows compact form factor, has code with LPM implemented, and takes all the hardware steps needed to minimize power consumption. For an application like yours, it would be the best reference point. Just please note that it is a TI Design and not an orderable part, so if you want to test it yourself you'd need to have it built on your end.

    Anil Garg said:
    Can you share any NFC standards regarding range and alignment ?

    There aren't standards for that outside of payment systems which we have no collateral for and do not support, and even those standards are governed by EMVCo and not the NFC Forum.

    Anil Garg said:
    if i place NFC enabled smart phone near the  NFC device (TI NFC launchpad) then , upto 5 second , it is able to read data from NFC device. But at same time and same position using NFC tool application (I was using at the time of experiment), if i try to write any data to TI NFC launchpad then it is not writing.  But if i comes out from field and again send write command  from NFC tool and comes near the TI NFC launchpad then its write successfully. Why?

    That is an Android/App issue. To write to a tag, the app you are using (which I think all apps do this) requires you re-present your phone to the tag when you want to write to it. That's just how the user interface is designed, and it is an issue isolated to your phone/app, not the RF430CL330H. If you use one of our Reader/Writer evaluation kits, then you would be able to read/write without moving the devices as much as you want. If you want to know more about that please reference Section 1.5 of our device FAQ: