Is there documentation or guide showing how to install the TI-BT_STACK_LINUX-ADDON on the AM335x evaluation module?
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Is there documentation or guide showing how to install the TI-BT_STACK_LINUX-ADDON on the AM335x evaluation module?
This is the best i could find, it still asks me to build TI-BT_STACK_LINUX-ADDON and then move the files to the SD card. But does't detail how to build the TI-BT_STACK_LINUX-ADDON . Two additional guides are provided here but the pages no longer exist.
Thank you Hari. This helps. In section 12.5 Bluetooth hardware configuration script. It says if using Beaglebone i need to patch the device tree. As a result the bluetopia utilities throws device tree errors.
How do i go about patching the device tree? I believe i need to edit and recompile /boot/am335x-blackbone.dtb? Where would i find a compatible cross compiler and the source code?
You can create the file '/home/root/tibt/config' and input the details as listed in section 12.4. Then BluetopiaPM should pick the right uart and bt_en (GPIO) correctly.
I created ~/BluetopiaPM/ with the appropriate details and /home/root/tibt/config.
Executing dmesg i can see ttyS1 is active. How can i know which GPIO number will initialize the wl18xx?
16 does not appear to bring up the bt interface.
Is it a custom board or beagle bone? If BB, which one? Make sure, the UART and GPIO has right pin muxing in the DTS file. tty device for the selected UART can be found in the dmesg logs. For GPIO, you can estimate from the GPIO bank and GPIO number.
The board is the amx335x evaluation board.
The document doesn't mention a DTS file.
Also tried baudrate of 3000000
No success:
Are you using with TI processor SDK? If so, the configuration file is auto generated in tibt/config.
Hi Hari,
The SD card did not come with the SDK installed. My main concern is the bluetooth stack.
If you are using the AM335x EVM. You can use below tibt/config file:
root@am335x-evm:~# cat tibt/config
Hari, Thank you very much. This helped make progress. But I still get that the bluetooth device is disabled.
root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM# ./SS1Tool
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value
BT COMM PORT (/dev/ttyS1): 3
Changing HCI baud rate to 3000000
Status: Executing BTS Script /lib/firmware/TIInit_11.8.32.bts.
Status: BTS Script successfully executed.
The Bluetooth device is disabled and an error occurred while attempting enable it (-4).
That is strange. It seems the BTS file is downloaded fine.. Instead of SS1Tool, can you use ./LinuxDEVM example like shown in the BluetopiaPM stack build guide.
Humm.. Are you using WL8 com8 module? (, plugged into the COM8 connector of AM335x processor board?
Thank you, i will post here if anything changes
console output from systemctl status bluetooth
>> systemctl status bluetooth
.Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: Starting SDP server
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm systemd[1]: Started Bluetooth service.
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: bluetoothd[1465]: Failed to open control socket: Protocol not supported (93)
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: bluetoothd[1465]: Can't init bnep module
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: bluetoothd[1465]: Failed to init network plugin
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: [[0;1;31mFailed to open control socket: Protocol not supported (93)[[0m
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: bluetoothd[1465]: Bluetooth Management interface initialized
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: [[0;1;31mCan't init bnep module[[0m
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: [[0;1;31mFailed to init network plugin[[0m
Apr 19 20:50:07 am335x-evm bluetoothd[1465]: Bluetooth Management interface initialized
Hi Hari,
My issue was resolved in a separate post here ->
I needed to rename the bts file. Thank you for you help. Very much appreciated.