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TI-15.4-STACK-GATEWAY-LINUX-SDK: Question on the Linux implementation uses a runtime variable.


I am using TI-15-4-STACK-GATEWAY-LINUX-SDK_4.30.00.06 and know that TI Linux implementation uses a runtime variable rather than a compile time constant.

Most of coding is clear to me, except CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER (in collector.c) and CONFIG_PHY_ID (collector.c, collector.h, and ti_154stack_config.h).

Take CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER as an example.

--- snipped code ---

/* This is 3 times the polling interval used in beacon mode. */
#define TRACKING_TIMEOUT_TIME ((1<<CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER) * 960 * SYMBOL_DURATION * 3 / 1000) /*in milliseconds*/

 --- snipped code ---

My understanding is "the pre-processor cannot use variables from the C program in expressions, it can only act on pre-processor macros."

So code above to use CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER  in the pre-processor is out of my expectation. Actually it always return true. Am I correct?



  • Hi Peter,

    You are indeed correct. The pre-processor cannot use variables from the C program in expressions, it can only act on pre-processor macros. But that is not the case here.

    I'm not particularly familiar with the Linux SDK, but looking at the code and at the User's Guide (, it seems that ultimately for the Embedded config file, you still get a macro, not a C variable.

    My guess is that the build process has several stages. In the first one, you take care of the global variables defined in the linux_main.c file. And then at some other stage, you use these already defined variables to set the value of the macros in the Embedded Config file (i.e. ti_154stack_config.h).

    So as far as the Embedded Config file knows, these are just regular macros and not C variables, and no rules are broken when it comes to the use of pre-processor macros.


  • Hi AndresM,

    If you are talking on Embedded collector, that is fine. I am talking on collector Linux implementation.

    The problem is : C pre-processor #if expression is compile time, but Linux implementations (such CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER) are runtime variable.

    Let me explain more details from TI doc and code.

    From section "Collector Application Configuration" in "">, it said Linux implementation use Part 1 and Part 2 to defines and uses a runtime variable rather than a compile time constant.

    For Part 1, we know that ti_154stack_config.h file defines most of the global variables (such as CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER, CONFIG_PHY_ID, etc.).

    --- snipped code ---

    extern int linux_CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER;

    --- snipped code ---

    For part 2, we know that all global variables are defined in the linux_main.c file along with their default values. At start-up, the code for the linux_main.c file reads and parses the application configuration file (the contents of which may alter the value of the configuration values).

    --- snipped code ---


    --- snipped code ---

    So, for TI 15.4 Stack Linux SDK, its implementations in ti_154stack_config.h are runtime variables not constants.

    Therefore, its use in #if expression is not correct from my understanding.

    My sanity tests confirm me, that "#if (CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER != NON_BEACON_ORDER)" always return true as (0 != 15).

    And "#elif (CONFIG_PHY_ID == APIMAC_250KBPS_IEEE_PHY_0)" always return true as (0 == 0).



  • Hi Peter,

    May I ask, how are you running those sanity checks? I would like to do them as well to reproduce what you are seeing.


  • Hi AndresM,

    My configurations are SLR using non-beacon mode.

    Change original snipped code in collector.c file below:

    --- snipped code ---

    /* This is 3 times the polling interval used in beacon mode. */
    #define TRACKING_TIMEOUT_TIME ((1<<CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER) * 960 * SYMBOL_DURATION * 3 / 1000) /*in milliseconds*/
    #define TRACKING_TIMEOUT_TIME (CONFIG_POLLING_INTERVAL * 3) /*in milliseconds*/

    --- snipped code ---

    to below. You can see that Linux compiler will fail due to we put one line of wrong code. This makes sure original expression is not correct.

    --- snipped code ---

    /* This is 3 times the polling interval used in beacon mode. */
    #define TRACKING_TIMEOUT_TIME ((1<<CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER) * 960 * SYMBOL_DURATION * 3 / 1000) /*in milliseconds*/

    int foo = 0 /* wrong code */
    #define TRACKING_TIMEOUT_TIME (CONFIG_POLLING_INTERVAL * 3) /*in milliseconds*/

    --- snipped code ---

    This is because CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER is a runtime variable (i.e. linux_CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER) and we know "the pre-processor cannot use variables from the C program in expressions". Actually the pre-processor tries to evaluate linux_CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER that isn't defined as a macro, it treats it as having a value of zero I think. Hope it clear.



  • Hi Peter,

    Thank you for the fast reply. I have reproduced the issue you've described, so I will pass this information to the appropriate team to get their feedback.

    While doing some additional debugging, I noticed that CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER is actually being defined (try adding #define CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER to collector.c, and you will see the message from the compiler). The main issue is that at least for collector.c, CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER is just "linux_CONFIG_MAC_BEACON_ORDER", not the numeric value that we were expecting to get from linux_main.c.

    So I don't think that the issue is that the pre-processor is trying to use a C variable in the #ifdef expression, but that the value we want from linux_main.c is not being propagated correctly to collector.c.
