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[FAQ] Why use TI-RTOS7?

The TI real-time operating system known as SYS/BIOS or TI-RTOS is a mature and robust RTOS supported on generations of microcontroller products.  It continues to be the primary RTOS supported in the SimpleLink CC13XX and CC26XX SDK.  Texas Instruments is continuing to invest in the breadth of SimpleLink offering, focusing on improving the user experience and as a result is moving to the next generation of TI-RTOS to reduce complexity of the SYS/BIOS operating system to better match the SimpleLink product offering.  

This update brings multiple enhancements to the SDK which you can begin to evaluate in the 5.30.00 release with the RTOS source-code compatible release of TI-RTOS7. Among the key improvements you will see are:

  1. SimpleLink SDK RTOS configuration has aligned upon a common configuration technology of SysConfig. This reduces the complexity in the SDK by removing XDCTools from the build and configuration process.  It also significantly improves the build time of the kernel. For our SDK examples the configuration, compilation and linking time has dramatically reduced in all cases. Now, even the simplest TI-RTOS examples compile in almost no time. For example, the "empty project" shows build times reduced from 3:09 to 0:18.
  2. Improved performance for RTOS configurations by reducing flash and RAM usage all while improving runtime runtime performance.
  3. Generating simpler, smaller, and more reviewable configuration C Code while eliminating the generated module header files.
  4. The TI-RTOS7 code base better aligns with current industry standards and improves customer use and understanding.
  5. The IDE debug experience is significantly improved. CCS can now correctly step into kernel functions while debugging and kernel structures and definitions are easily viewed in the IDE.

The SimpleLink SDK will continue providing the SYS/BIOS6 kernel through July of 2022 but take a look at the improvements offered in TI-RTOS7 today.  For more updates check out the latest release of the SimpleLink CC13XX and CC26XX SDK