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CC1200: Manchester Compatibility with C1000 & CC110L

Part Number: CC1200
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC110L, CC1000, , TEST2, CC1101


we have developed a wireless ecosystem composed by a Base Station and Mobile Devices.
The Base Station is using the CC110L transceiver, while the Mobile Devices were developed a long time ago and still use the CC1000.
Due to the difficulties in getting the CC110L we were forced to upgrade the Base Station with the CC1200 transceiver.

The radio data protocol, used between the Base Station and the Mobile Devices is quite simple, it uses fixed size packet and no Hardware CRC but unfortunately uses Manchester. We cannot change it as it is used by the Mobile Devices already deployed on the field.

We were able to successfully receive packets on the CC1200 from the CC1000 after following the instructions on Chapter 5.2 of the CC120x User’s Guide.

However, we have been unable to correctly receive packets from the CC1200 either on the CC1000 or CC110L. Consider that the CC110L as receiver is only used for debugging purposes since it can be managed from SmartRF Studio. For the CC110L in particular, we are receiving only 40% to 60% of the packets.

Please find in attachment the configuration used for the CC110L that allows for a correct TX/RX with CC1000, and the configuration of the CC1200 that only allows for a correct RX.

// Address Config = No address check 
// Bit Rate = 19.2 
// Carrier Frequency = 868.705933 
// Deviation = 32.958984 
// Device Address = 0 
// Manchester Enable = true 
// Modulation Format = 2-FSK 
// Packet Bit Length = 0 
// Packet Length = 25 
// Packet Length Mode = Fixed 
// RX Filter BW = 104.166667 
// Symbol rate = 38.4 
// Whitening = false 
// Rf settings for CC1200
void cc120X_setup_registers(spi_write_reg_fn write_reg)
  write_reg(CC120X_IOCFG2,               0x06); // GPIO2 IO Pin Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_IOCFG0,               0x3C); // GPIO0 IO Pin Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_SYNC3,                0xXX); // Sync Word Configuration [31:24]
  write_reg(CC120X_SYNC2,                0xXX); // Sync Word Configuration [23:16]
  write_reg(CC120X_SYNC1,                0xXX); // Sync Word Configuration [15:8]
  write_reg(CC120X_SYNC0,                0xXX); // Sync Word Configuration [7:0]
  write_reg(CC120X_SYNC_CFG1,            0xAB); // Sync Word Detection Configuration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_SYNC_CFG0,            0x03); // Sync Word Detection Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_DEVIATION_M,          0xB0); // Frequency Deviation Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_MODCFG_DEV_E,         0x03); // Modulation Format and Frequency Deviation Configur..
  write_reg(CC120X_PREAMBLE_CFG1,        0x1A); // Preamble Length Configuration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_PREAMBLE_CFG0,        0x8A); // Preamble Detection Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_IQIC,                 0xC8); // Digital Image Channel Compensation Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_CHAN_BW,              0x10); // Channel Filter Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_MDMCFG1,              0x62); // General Modem Parameter Configuration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_MDMCFG0,              0x05); // General Modem Parameter Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_SYMBOL_RATE2,         0x8F); // Symbol Rate Configuration Exponent and Mantissa [1..
  write_reg(CC120X_SYMBOL_RATE1,         0x75); // Symbol Rate Configuration Mantissa [15:8]
  write_reg(CC120X_SYMBOL_RATE0,         0x10); // Symbol Rate Configuration Mantissa [7:0]
  write_reg(CC120X_AGC_REF,              0x27); // AGC Reference Level Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_AGC_CS_THR,           0xEE); // Carrier Sense Threshold Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_AGC_GAIN_ADJUST,      0x00); // RSSI Offset Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_AGC_CFG3,             0xB1); // Automatic Gain Control Configuration Reg. 3
  write_reg(CC120X_AGC_CFG2,             0x20); // Automatic Gain Control Configuration Reg. 2
  write_reg(CC120X_AGC_CFG1,             0x11); // Automatic Gain Control Configuration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_AGC_CFG0,             0x94); // Automatic Gain Control Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_FIFO_CFG,             0x00); // FIFO Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_SETTLING_CFG,         0x0B); // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration and Settling Con..
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_CFG,               0x12); // Frequency Synthesizer Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_WOR_CFG0,             0x21); // eWOR Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_WOR_EVENT0_LSB,       0x00); // Event 0 Configuration LSB
  write_reg(CC120X_PKT_CFG2,             0x00); // Packet Configuration Reg. 2
  write_reg(CC120X_PKT_CFG1,             0x00); // Packet Configuration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_PKT_CFG0,             0x00); // Packet Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_RFEND_CFG1,           0x0F); // RFEND Configuration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_RFEND_CFG0,           0x00); // RFEND Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_PA_CFG1,              0x3F); // Power Amplifier Configuration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_PA_CFG0,              0x56); // Power Amplifier Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_PKT_LEN,              0x19); // Packet Length Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_IF_MIX_CFG,           0x1C); // IF Mix Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_FREQOFF_CFG,          0x22); // Frequency Offset Correction Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_TOC_CFG,              0x03); // Timing Offset Correction Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_MDMCFG2,              0x08); // General Modem Parameter Configuration Reg. 2
  write_reg(CC120X_FREQ2,                0x56); // Frequency Configuration [23:16]
  write_reg(CC120X_FREQ1,                0xDE); // Frequency Configuration [15:8]
  write_reg(CC120X_FREQ0,                0xDF); // Frequency Configuration [7:0]
  write_reg(CC120X_IF_ADC1,              0xEE); // Analog to Digital Converter Configuration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_IF_ADC0,              0x10); // Analog to Digital Converter Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_DIG1,              0x04); // Frequency Synthesizer Digital Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_DIG0,              0x50); // Frequency Synthesizer Digital Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_CAL1,              0x40); // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration Reg. 1
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_CAL0,              0x0E); // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_DIVTWO,            0x03); // Frequency Synthesizer Divide by 2
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_DSM0,              0x33); // FS Digital Synthesizer Module Configuration Reg. 0
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_DVC0,              0x0F); // Frequency Synthesizer Divider Chain Configuration ..
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_PFD,               0x00); // Frequency Synthesizer Phase Frequency Detector Con..
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_PRE,               0x6E); // Frequency Synthesizer Prescaler Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_REG_DIV_CML,       0x1C); // Frequency Synthesizer Divider Regulator Configurat..
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_SPARE,             0xAC); // Frequency Synthesizer Spare
  write_reg(CC120X_FS_VCO0,              0xB5); // FS Voltage Controlled Oscillator Configuration Reg..
  write_reg(CC120X_IFAMP,                0x09); // Intermediate Frequency Amplifier Configuration
  write_reg(CC120X_XOSC5,                0x0E); // Crystal Oscillator Configuration Reg. 5
  write_reg(CC120X_XOSC1,                0x03); // Crystal Oscillator Configuration Reg. 1

// Address Config = No address check 
// Base Frequency = 868.705688 
// CRC Autoflush = false 
// CRC Enable = false 
// Carrier Frequency = 868.705688 
// Channel Spacing = 64.064026 
// Data Format = Normal mode 
// Data Rate = 38.4178 
// Deviation = 32.958984 
// Device Address = 0 
// Manchester Enable = true 
// Modulated = true 
// Modulation Format = 2-FSK 
// Packet Length = 25 
// Packet Length Mode = Fixed packet length mode. Length configured in PKTLEN register 
// Preamble Count = 4 
// RX Filter BW = 105.468750 
// Sync Word Qualifier Mode = 16/16 sync word bits detected 
// TX Power = 0 
// Rf settings for CC110L
void cc110L_setup_registers(spi_write_reg_fn write_reg)
  write_reg(CC110L_IOCFG2,             0x29); // GDO2 Output Pin Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_IOCFG1,             0x2E); // GDO1 Output Pin Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_IOCFG0,             0x06); // GDO0 Output Pin Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_FIFOTHR,            0x47); // RX FIFO and TX FIFO Thresholds
  write_reg(CC110L_SYNC1,              0x34); // Sync Word, High Byte
  write_reg(CC110L_SYNC0,              0xAF); // Sync Word, Low Byte
  write_reg(CC110L_PKTLEN,             0x19); // Packet Length
  write_reg(CC110L_PKTCTRL1,           0x00); // Packet Automation Control
  write_reg(CC110L_PKTCTRL0,           0x00); // Packet Automation Control
  write_reg(CC110L_ADDR,               0x00); // Device Address
  write_reg(CC110L_CHANNR,             0x00); // Channel number
  write_reg(CC110L_FSCTRL1,            0x08); // Frequency Synthesizer Control
  write_reg(CC110L_FSCTRL0,            0x00); // Frequency Synthesizer Control
  write_reg(CC110L_FREQ2,              0x20); // Frequency Control Word, High Byte
  write_reg(CC110L_FREQ1,              0x2C); // Frequency Control Word, Middle Byte
  write_reg(CC110L_FREQ0,              0x9E); // Frequency Control Word, Low Byte
  write_reg(CC110L_MDMCFG4,            0xCA); // Modem Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_MDMCFG3,            0x75); // Modem Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_MDMCFG2,            0x0A); // Modem Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_MDMCFG1,            0x21); // Modem Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_MDMCFG0,            0x37); // Modem Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_DEVIATN,            0x42); // Modem Deviation Setting
  write_reg(CC110L_MCSM2,              0x07); // Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_MCSM1,              0x30); // Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_MCSM0,              0x18); // Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_FOCCFG,             0x1D); // Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_BSCFG,              0x1C); // Bit Synchronization Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_AGCCTRL2,           0xC7); // AGC Control
  write_reg(CC110L_AGCCTRL1,           0x00); // AGC Control
  write_reg(CC110L_AGCCTRL0,           0xB2); // AGC Control
  write_reg(CC110L_RESERVED_0X20,      0xFB); // Use setting from SmartRF Studio
  write_reg(CC110L_FREND1,             0xB6); // Front End RX Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_FREND0,             0x10); // Front End TX Configuration
  write_reg(CC110L_FSCAL3,             0xE9); // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
  write_reg(CC110L_FSCAL2,             0x2A); // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
  write_reg(CC110L_FSCAL1,             0x00); // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
  write_reg(CC110L_FSCAL0,             0x1F); // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
  write_reg(CC110L_RESERVED_0X29,      0x59); // Use setting from SmartRF Studio
  write_reg(CC110L_RESERVED_0X2A,      0x7F); // Use setting from SmartRF Studio
  write_reg(CC110L_RESERVED_0X2B,      0x3F); // Use setting from SmartRF Studio
  write_reg(CC110L_TEST2,              0x81); // Various Test Settings
  write_reg(CC110L_TEST1,              0x35); // Various Test Settings
  write_reg(CC110L_TEST0,              0x09); // Various Test Settings
  write_reg(CC110L_PARTNUM,            0x00); // Chip ID
  write_reg(CC110L_VERSION,            0x17); // Chip ID
  write_reg(CC110L_FREQEST,            0x00); // Frequency Offset Estimate from Demodulator
  write_reg(CC110L_CRC_REG,            0x00); // 
  write_reg(CC110L_RSSI,               0x80); // Received Signal Strength Indication
  write_reg(CC110L_MARCSTATE,          0x01); // Main Radio Control State Machine State
  write_reg(CC110L_PKTSTATUS,          0x00); // Current GDOx Status and Packet Status
  write_reg(CC110L_TXBYTES,            0x00); // Underflow and Number of Bytes
  write_reg(CC110L_RXBYTES,            0x00); // Overflow and Number of Bytes

Could you please support us to solve the communication issues?

Thank you very much.

  • To transmit using manchester with the CC1200 and receive it using the CC110L you need to do the following:

    CC1200 must use a 4 bytes sync word that is manually manchester encoded (Since the CC1200 does not manchester encode sync automatically).

    Because of this, the CC110L can only use a 2 byte sync word (will be 4 bytes when encoded):

    CC1101: 0xD391

    CC1200: 0xA65A9656 (0xD391 manchester encoded)

    When using only a 2 byte long sync word on the CC110L, it might be a good idea to use CS gating of the sync word, to avoid too m any false sync detects:
