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CC1310: Does the TI 15.4 protocol stack affect the communication distance of CC1310?

Part Number: CC1310

Hello, Dears

We conducted communication distance testing using CC1310 in an underground garage environment, with a testing frequency of 433MHz. The data is as follows:

1. CC1310 does not use the TI 15.4 protocol stack and uses simple sending and receiving routines in the SDK to test communication distance, which can reach approximately 400m.

2. CC1310 uses the TI 15.4 protocol stack, and the communication testing distance is only 250m.

May I ask if your company's own testing data has been compared between those with and without protocol stacks?

Or, do you have any relevant experience or conclusion that the TI 15.4 protocol stack has an impact on the distance of 433MHz wireless communication?

  • Hi Alex,

    Are you talking about network formation, or once the device has joined the network?
    During the network formation, depending on the mode used, there are multiple messages that need to be exchanged, which is more data than a simple TX and RX.

    Please check the RF range estimator to get the expected range with different Phys.

    The 15.4 stack should not reduce range by itself, but you could try sending shorted packets.



  • Hi Sid,

    The customer used studio software to test the 1312 radio frequency. The communication transmission and reception can reach 400m, and the RSSI is about -103. When tested with the 15.4 protocol stack, the communication transmission and reception can only reach about 230m. What is the reason?

    Thanks & Best regards,


  • Hi Yolande,

    In order to make a fair comparison, I wanted to ask the following questions. 

    1. Is the same PHY being used in both the scenarios? In the 15.4 stack and in smart RF studio.

    2. Is the transmit power same in both cases?



  • Yes, both scenarios use a 5kbps configuration

    The transmission power is all 14dbM

  • Hi,

    If the Phy and transmit power are same. The other major contributing factor would be packet length. Especially with a slow Phy, the transmit time is longer. 

    I made a sniffer capture of the default 15.4 stack examples. 

    The data packets in the defaults settings can go up to 132 bytes. What is the packet length you have on SmartRF studio?



  • Hi

    Compared with the default example, we have added 40 bytes of business data. I don't think this should have such a big impact.

  • Hi,

    What was the packet length in smartRf studio in your test setup? Is it the same length as your 15.4 stack application?

  • Hi

    As shown in the figure, the blue box is our data.

  • Hi,

    Sorry if I was not clear before. I will try to ask again.

    What was the packet length in smartRf studio in your test setup? Is it the same length as your 15.4 stack application?

    It is okay that your data length is 165bytes. My question was more related to what is the packet length you are transmitting on SmartRF studio when you got the range to be 400m? 

    If you have the same PHY, TX power and same environment, it would be important to transmit same packet lengths, to have a fair comparison.

        Test Setup/Property Range PHY Tx Power Packet Length
    Smart RF Studio 400m SLR 5Kbps 14dBm ???
    TI 15.4 Stack 250m SLR 5Kbps 14dBm 165 bytes

    I am assuming every other property is the same, including the same test environment and same kind of noise floor in the environment.

    If you are sending smaller packets in SmartRF (default setting is around 20-30bytes) and in TI 15.4 stack you are sending 165byte, then it is expected that the range drops.



  • Hi:

    I understand what you mean, and I will try again to test using the same data length

  • Hi sid:

    Sorry for not providing test results recently

    I think data length should not affect communication distance to such an extent

    My question is as follows:

    1. The 433 RF parameters I used on cc1312 were copied from the collector configuration of the LP-CC1352P7-4 project, with a transmission power of 13dbm, while the transmission power of the tx project in the example is 14. Will there be any impact here?

    2. I generate RF parameters in SmartRF Studio software, but when importing them into the 15.4 protocol stack and compiling them, an error occurs. So, how can I modify the RF parameters generated in SmartRF Studio software to be suitable for the 15.4 protocol stack?

  • Hi,

    We typically do not recommend new phy settings for the 15.4 stack other than the ones provided in the SDK.

    But please can you post the build errors that you saw?


  • Hi sid:

    The problem has been resolved. It was my transplant issue. Thank you for your reply