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CC1310: tidc01002 SimpleLink™ Sub-1 GHz Sensor to Cloud Gateway Reference Design

Part Number: CC1310


I was following the design guide and also got stuck in the Set Up Node.js Cloud Foundry App.. help.

Step 6.Push the code to the IBM cloud foundry app: cf push


Exit status 0
Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache...
Uploading droplet...
Uploading build artifacts cache...
Uploaded build artifacts cache (6.1M)
Uploaded droplet (23.7M)
Uploading complete
Cell 984253f0-2a3f-4a89-ab52-fccb257e1fc5 stopping instance 8c2d7eeb-54b1-40a5-bae8-1b719731a8db
Cell 984253f0-2a3f-4a89-ab52-fccb257e1fc5 destroying container for instance 8c2d7eeb-54b1-40a5-bae8-1b719731a8db
Cell 984253f0-2a3f-4a89-ab52-fccb257e1fc5 successfully destroyed container for instance 8c2d7eeb-54b1-40a5-bae8-1b719731a8db

0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 crashed
Error restarting application: Start unsuccessful

TIP: use 'cf logs CC3220SPP --recent' for more information

Log info:

2019-04-01T11:46:54.13+1300 [CELL/0] OUT Starting health monitoring of container
2019-04-01T11:46:55.97+1300 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT > s2c-linux@0.0.1 start /home/vcap/app
2019-04-01T11:46:55.97+1300 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT > node app.js
2019-04-01T11:46:56.33+1300 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR /home/vcap/app/node_modules/express/node_modules/debug/src/node.js:132
2019-04-01T11:46:56.33+1300 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR let val = process.env[key];
2019-04-01T11:46:56.33+1300 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR ^^^
2019-04-01T11:46:56.33+1300 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode