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CC1310: wireless MBus Suite

Part Number: CC1310
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01531, , WMBUS, SIMPLELINK-CC13X0-SDK


I use two CC1310 to test and work with your wireless MBus solution. For changing the wireless MBus configuration I wanted to use "swra602.pdf" from TIDA-01531.

Unfortunately I cannot find the "wireless MBus Suite" from StackForce which is mentioned in the "swra602.pdf".

In another entry in the forum a github project is recommended to use instead of the wireless MBus Suite, but the link is not available anymore.

Is there another tool for configuring the wMBus parameters or is it possible in another way?

And is there a description or User Guide how to make changes?


  • Unfortunately I do not think that Stackforce has this tool available anymore. To configure the stack you need to look at the documentation that you get when downloading the stack (SATP APL Interface) and look at which command you need to send over a serial interface to communicate with the stack.



  • Hi Siri,

    Ok, but how can I communicate with the wMBus Stack?

    I found this example in the forum, where they use commands to communicate with the stack

    but there the "SFSERIALCLI tool" is used, which is the tool from the github, which is not available anymore, or at least I cannot find it.

  • For Tools that Stackforce has made, you need to contact SF directly. I do not know why the serial cli is no longer available.

    To communicate with the Stack, you either have to use a serial terminal on your PC to transmit the necessary UART commands, or you need to connect to an external MCU over UART, and write your application on that MCU (sending UART commands to the device running the WMBus Stack)

    Unfortunately TI does not have any SW tools that will do this for you.


  • Hi,

    thank you for your answer.

    Could you help me how to use PUTTY (or something similar) to send commands to the wMBus Stack and receive the answers. like shown in the forum entry I mentioned before, where it was done with the "StackForce Serial CLI"?


    I tried to use PUTTY to communicate over the COM Port with the UART of the CC1310. I looked at the "display" example and the "uartEcho" Example" of the SDK to get more information to UART communication.

    As far as I know, I need some code in my program to have UART communication available. Is there any example project to send commands over UART for example "restart" and the board restarts? And can this also work with the wMBus Stack?


    For using the wMBus Stack I need to flash the “.hex” from the wMBus project on the board. How can I combine this ".hex" example binary with a "UART communication project" and use this for changing the wMBus parameters via commands?


    Thank you

  • If you have a LP you should download one of the serial hex files based on what you are implementing:

    I used Serial_CC13xx_Meter_T1_C1.hex

    You can then connect the LP to a PC running a terminal program. I used this one:

    Looking into the documentation (md_src_utils_serial-interface-mac__serial_m_a_c_protocolv2.html) you will see that the frame format is as follows:

    SYNC BYTE (1 byte), LENGTH (2 bytes), INVERTED LENGTH (2 bytes), PAYLOAD (x bytes), CRC (2 bytes)

    The following document (_s_a_t_p__a_p_l__g_e_t_t_i_n_g__s_t_a_r_t_e_d.html) gives you info on how to setup a Collector and Meter



    You want to send a ping command. According to the documentation this is 3 bytes: 00 00 0A

    These 3 bytes corresponds to the payload in your command.


    SYNC BYTE:                        A5

    LENGTH:                             00 03


    PAYLOAD:                           00 00 0A

    CRC:                                    53 78


    I used the following crc calculator to calculate the CRC:


    The complete command you should send over UART will then be:

    A5 00 03 FF FC 00 00 0A 53 78

    Unfortunately we do not have any tools for generating the header (sync, length, inverted length) and CRC, so you need to do this yourselves.



  • Thank you very much for your answer. It helped a lot and I successfully communicate with the stack now,

    Thats very sad, that there is no tool from TI for this communication. And also that you need a special terminal instead of using the Code Composer studio Terminal.

    A further question:

    Is it possible to use the StackForce Stack within a Coder Composer Studio Project? If yes, how could that be done?

    For example then it could be possible to add commands like this in a project code and read and "translate" the answers for a better communication for example via a "standard" terminal. Or do other things in the firmware code.

    Best regards


  • Hi

    When using the stack, you can either use the Serial SATP Interface and communicate with the stack over a UART interface, or you can use the Wireless M-Bus Application Layer.


    If you want to use the serial interface, you can either do what I showed in the last post, or you have to generate your own code on a CC13x0 (or a different MCU) and write your host application there. Communicate with a PC is just for test purposes, and for your real application you need to write an application on a host MCU. If you want to use a CC13x0 as you host MCU, there are UART example and drivers that you can use in the SDK.

    If you want to use the application layer (see APL-Interface-Doc-v4.0.1), you can open the example code in CCS, and use the examples available as a starting point for your application.

    There are several available examples in the stack release (APL_CC13xx_Collector_xx and APL_CC13xx_Meter_xx).

    I have also contacted Stackforce, and they have told me that they are planning to make the serial cli available again from their website. Not sure, however, when this will happen.



  • Hi Siri,

    thank you very much but I have further questions for using the application layer:

    I already found the examples, but how can I use them within a CCS project?

    And in the APL documentation there are Examples like the "main_meter.c" and "main_collector.c", can these be used within a CCS project?

    I tried but there are errors because of missing files, even when I add the folders from the "wMBus Stack" and try to solve the errors.

    Best regards


  • Once you have doenloaded the stack from the web, and downloaded the correct version of the SDK (SIMPLELINK-CC13X0-SDK v2.20.00.38) you can open the project in CCS (CCS v8.1.0.00011).

    You can then select which project to be active, and use the code as you like:

    In for example the collector code, you will find something similar to what is shown in the code examples in the documentation:


  • Hi

    I have the wMBus stack and I downloaded the older versions of ccs and sdk.

    How can I combine sdk and stack as visible in your screenshots? Or is it an example project, where can I find it or which project from the SDK do you use?

    Is there anywhere a user guide or document how to do that?

    How can I configure choosing the Meter/Collector as "Build configurations"?

    Best regards


  • Not sure I understand your question. If you have downloaded the stack, you simply open CCS and import the project from:


    In my previous post I show a screenshot of how you select between the different build configurations.


  • Hi Siri,

    maybe there is a mistake on my side, but when I open the downloaded stack there is no project to open.

    When I use CCS (v8) to "Open Projects from File system"


    there are 3 projects in my CCS:

    - CC13xx_RTOS

    - mcu-cc13xx

    - wmbus-cc13xx-rtos-2.0.0

    and none of them can be build or marked as an active project. And the structure and name of the folders looks different to yours.

    I downloaded the stack from : and use CCS Studio v and the SDK 2_20_00_38 is installed .

    Best regards



    After a new download and installation of the wMBus stack it now works as you have shown in the screenshots.


  • Glad to hear you got it up and running :-)