This is a continuation of the thread CCS/LPSTK-CC1352R: Large standby current consumption (1.7 mA) with LPSTK-CC1352R as sensor focusing on EasyLink.
- The same Low Power Home Network Weather Monitoring application on the CC1350 SensorTagand the CC1352 LPSTK shows very different power consumption levels measured with EnergyTrace when the node without screen is in idle mode.
Board | Idle mode (mA) |
LPSTK-CC1352R | 1.864 |
CC1350 SensorTag | 0.014 |
- Using the Software > SimpleLink CC13x2 26x2 SDK ( > Examples > Development Tools > CC1352R LaunchPad > TI 15.4-Stack > sensor > TI-RTOS > CCS Compiler > sensor example shows the expected low power level while idle.
- Does EasyLink manages power correctly against the CC1312R / CC1352R as it does it against the CC1310 / CC1350 ?
Could we have some help and guidance from a TI expert please? Thank you!