Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA
I am making a device to transmit data* recieved by UART continuously at 2 MHz - I have already implemented this with uDMA in PING PONG mode and the uDMA and wireless transmission* work fine - no packets are missed and the dma switches nicely between PRI and ALT channels.
Unfortunately, I have discovered that I am getting an overrun error (checked with ulStatus = uDMAErrorStatusGet(), returns 8, UART_RXERROR_OVERRUN) every 54 buffers (27 pairs of PRI and ALT) that I transmit* and I have found that it is always caused by the ALT buffer! As a result, an empty buffer is sent and number of data sampled usually contained in the buffer packet are missed. I am using Energia IDE.
Any Ideas how to fix this?
Edit: *all words related to transmission refer wireless tranmssion not UART Tx