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CC3220SF: GetEntireFile in OtaArchive.c free is not called after malloc

Part Number: CC3220SF


    I think there's a memory leak ,Please help to confirm

ti\simplelink_cc32xx_sdk_6_10_00_05_\source\ti\net\ota\source\OtaArchive.c Line:123

int16_t GetEntireFile(uint8_t *pRecvBuf, int16_t RecvBufLen, int16_t *ProcessedSize, uint32_t FileSize, char **pFile)
    int16_t        copyLen = 0;
    static bool    firstRun = TRUE;
    static int16_t TotalRecvBufLen = 0;
	if (firstRun)
        TotalRecvBufLen = RecvBufLen;
        firstRun = FALSE;
        if (TotalRecvBufLen < FileSize)
             /* verify that FileSize  not bigger then the max uint32_t value */
            if (FileSize >= (uint32_t)MaxUint32_t)
            /* Didn't receive the entire file in the first run. */
            /* Allocate a buffer in the size of the entire file and fill it in each round. */
            pTempBuf = (char*)malloc(FileSize+1);
            if (pTempBuf == NULL)
                /* Allocation failed, return error. */
                return -1;
            memcpy(pTempBuf, (char *)pRecvBuf, RecvBufLen);
            *ProcessedSize = RecvBufLen;

            /* didn't receive the entire file, try in the next packet */
            return GET_ENTIRE_FILE_CONTINUE;
            /* Received the entire file in the first run. */
            /* No additional memory allocation is needed. */
            *ProcessedSize = FileSize;
            *pFile = (char *)pRecvBuf;
        /* Avoid exceeding buffer size (FileSize + 1) */
        if (RecvBufLen > ((FileSize + 1) -TotalRecvBufLen))
            copyLen = ((FileSize + 1) -TotalRecvBufLen);
            copyLen = RecvBufLen;

        /* Copy the received buffer from where we stopped the previous copy */
        memcpy(&(pTempBuf[TotalRecvBufLen]), (char *)pRecvBuf, copyLen);

        *ProcessedSize = copyLen;
        TotalRecvBufLen += copyLen;

        if (TotalRecvBufLen < FileSize)
            /* didn't receive the entire file, try in the next packet */
            return GET_ENTIRE_FILE_CONTINUE;

        /* At this point we have the whole file */
        *pFile = (char *)pTempBuf;

    /* Set static variables to initial values to allow retry in case of a warning during the OTA process */
    firstRun = TRUE;
    TotalRecvBufLen = 0;
