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CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL: Device Unable get the profile in Smart config

Part Number: CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL

Hi Support,

I am using Smart config to provision multiple devices at a time. I am using TI Simplelink Wi-Fi Stater pro mobile app. The device comes into AP+SC mode when the provisioning process has started. I have enabled Smart Config in TI mobile app with the security key. 

When I start configuring the device in SC mode(trying to add the profile in SC mode) , most of the times devices get smart config sync timeout without adding the profile. Sometimes only one device gets the profile and sometimes (very rare) both the devices get the profile. 

I want to know why both the devices are not getting profile at same time when SC is used for provisioning (since SC uses broadcast mechanism). 

One more question, can we increase the broadcast time of SC profile packets at mobile app so that all the devices receive the packets without timeout. 


Sai Jnaneswar Juvvisetty

  • Hi Sai,

    Thanks for your question, I've assigned this to one of our SW experts.

  • Hello Sai, 

    Are you able to share some error code or debug logs of the profile? I need some more information on what is happening on the device to be able to better help you. 

  • Hi Sabeeh,

    Thanks for your response. Sorry for replying late.

    Maybe I can help you by explaining my question clearly and elaborately.

    Question 1:

    For Example, consider 5 devices are in Provisioning mode in AP+SC with Smart config key enabled. I use Simplelink WiFi starter pro mobile app to configure the devices. I enter the Access Point credentials and the smart config key in mobile app to configure the devices. Once the mobile app starts broadcasting the profiles to simplelink devices, out of 5 only 3 devices get the profile, and two devices doesn't get the profile. Below is the log for that two devices that didn't get the profile. 

    67 15614 [INFO ][DEMO][15614] API_adProvisioningOpen(): Provisioninig Service Opened
    68 18164 [INFO ][DEMO][18164] [WLAN EVENT] Smart Config Synced!
    69 58164 [INFO ][DEMO][58164] [WLAN EVENT] Smart Config Sync timeout

    And secondly, even If I give correct credentials and smart config Key in mobile app, devices are unable to get the IP address. It says confirmation fails. Below are the logs for the same. 

    67 107531  [INFO ][DEMO][107531] [WLAN EVENT] Smart Config Synced!
    68 122201  [INFO ][DEMO][122201] [WLAN EVENT] Profile Added
    69 133301  [INFO ][DEMO][133301] [WLAN EVENT] Confirmation fail: Connection failed
    70 133302  [INFO ][DEMO][133302] [Provisioning task] Current: 2, Event: 4, Next: 2

    Can I know why these issues occur. Is there any preconditions that should be followed while doing smart config-based provisioning from mobile app.

    Question 2:

    While using TI mobile app for Smart config-based provisioning, I find out that few devices in bulk provisioning gets smart config timeout. So Is there any parameter that we can use to increase the broadcast time in mobile app so that all the devices get the profile. 

    One more additional question.

    Is there any mobile app library that contains smart config-based provisioning to integrate into my own Mobile app for provisioning process. If yes please provide the link and let me know how to integrate the library.


    Sai Jnaneswar Juvvisetty

  • out of 5 only 3 devices get the profile, and two devices doesn't get the profile

    Are you trying to provision all 5 devices simultaneously? If only 1 device is powered on, is it successful?

  • Also, are you working with the out of box demo, or have you programmed  your devices with a custom application?

  • Hi Sabeeh,

    To answer your questions, yes, I am trying to provision all the devices simultaneously. If one device is powered on sometimes, 90% of the time it is successful, but 10% of time it is not.

    To answer your second question, I am using Amazon FreeRTOS v202107, and I am using TI based provisioning process to provision the devices.


    Sai Jnaneswar  

  • Hi Sai,

    Did you use the out of box demo for this?