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CC3100: Not able to scan with CC3100 module when it's connected to some AP network

Part Number: CC3100


I m programming  CC3100 module, It is in wifi station mode, now I'm able to scan and connect to some available network, Once this connection is established between cc3100 and AP network,I need to scan for available network again, Is it possible ? if so how it can be done?

Please help me with this.

Reference doc :

Thank you.

  • you should be able to call sl_WlanGetNetworkList when the station is connected.

  • Hi,

    I'm able to scan it using sl_WlanGetNetworkList() function, but it's giving pre-scanned networks. New networks are not getting scanned by this function.

  • Hi,

    Do you have properly configured scan policy (scan interval - see swru368c at chapter 4.7.1)? At CC3100 WALN scan is not supported at AP mode, but this is not your case because your device is at STA mode. Do you have uploaded latest Servicepack inside your device?


  • Hi,

    Below is the piece of logic i implemented to scan the available network when it's connected to some AP, Please go through it.

    //Reset Connection policy
    retVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION , SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), NULL, 0);  // here it's getting stuck.

    policyVal = SCAN_INTERVAL;

    /* set scan policy - this enable and starts the scan */
    retVal = SL_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN, &policyVal, sizeof(policyVal)); // if I remove above line,here it's getting stuck.

    /* delay 1 second to verify scan is started */

    /* retVal indicates the valid number of entries */
    NetworkCount = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(runningIdx, numOfEntries,&g_UnFilteredNetworks[runningIdx])

  • Hi,

    Your code cannot work and I think it should be reported error from compiler. Function sl_WlanPolicySet() have four parameters, but at your code are three.

    _i16 sl_WlanPolicySet(const _u8 Type , const _u8 Policy, _u8 *pVal,const _u8 ValLen);

    Also scan policy should be set once not a every time when you read list of WLANs via sl_WlanGetNetworkList().


  • Hi,

    I'm sorry SL_SCAN_ENABLE parameter was missed while writing.

    in my code I'm adding SL_SCAN_ENABLE as well.

    retVal = SL_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN, SL_SCAN_ENABLE,&policyVal, sizeof(policyVal)); // if I remove above line,here it's getting stuck.


    Let me try this,

    Also scan policy should be set once not a every time when you read list of WLANs via sl_WlanGetNetworkList().

  • Hi,

    I tried scanning the networks by setting scan policy only once, now problem is sl_WlanGetNetworkList() function returning same networks list whenever we scan the networks.

  • Hi,

    What Service Pack do you have inside your CC3100MOD? If at your module is not a latest SP, please try to update them. For more details see here and here.


  • How to check the Service pack and validate whether it is up to date  or not?

  • Hi,

    It can be read via API sl_DevGet() and SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION, SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_VERSION. But if you are asking this question, it means that you never updated ServicePack. CC31xx device without proper updated ServicePack may to be affected by bugs and security vulnerabilities. Generally is not a best idea use CC31xx devices without proper ServicePack.


  • Hi,

    I have read the FW version,it's as below. Please go through it.

  • Hi,

    NWP version of your device is I think this ServicePack is approximately 9 years old. You should update ServicePack definitely. Latest ServicePack for CC3100 is available here.


  • Hi,

    Thanks for conforming it, That means without upgrading the Service pack(Firmware) we can't scan the networks when it's connected to some AP network.But the problem is we don't have the provision(UART is not available) to upgrade our module. 

  • Hi,

    I am not able confirm that upgrading ServicePack will fix your issue. But ServicePack upgrading is first step which you should try. If you don§t have available UART, you can still update ServicePack using sl_ filesystem APIs. For more details see chapter 17.2 at production line guide (link is at one of my previous answers).
