What is the correct set of commands to send to be able to generate a continuous TX signal for BLE/ BT on the WL18xx chipset?
I was able to find the following for the BLE testing, however, how should these commands be sent using "HCITools cmd" via embedded linux:
Send_HCI_BLE_Transmitter_Test 0x201e, 0x00, 0x00, 0
Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_BLE_Transmitter_Test_Event 5000, any,
HCI_BLE_Transmitter_Test, 0x00 Send_HCI_BLE_Test_End 0x201f
Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_BLE_Test_End_Event 5000, any, HCI_BLE_Test_End, 0x00, 0