We were working for a residential product called e-Trilock Wi-Fi which has CC3120 Wi-Fi solution. We are having some issues with SimpleLink Wi-Fi SDK , we need support to resolve couple of issues we are seeing. Below are the brief description of the issues.
SDK Version: SimpleLink CC32xx SDK
- We are getting FATAL ERROR with SYNC LOSS occasionally and below is the recovery mechanism from this state.
- This is the recovery mechanism when the FATAL ERROR occurs on the host controller side. -> sl_stop() ->sl_start().
- In some scenarios we are seeing that the recovery mechanism is failing with below condition.
- Sl_stop
- Scenario 1: Stuck in infinite loop waiting for an object to be released in sl_stop() function.
- Scenario 2: Hard fault occurs while executing the below code section in _SlReturnVal_t _SlDrvReleaseAllActivePendingPoolObj() function of driver.c file
We would like to know what could lead into this scenarios and are there any solutions. Also we would like to know if these issues are fixed in the later versions of SDK.