Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, CC3200
Our company uses CC3100 chips for a long time in home security systems. Platform is STM32 with cooperative OS. Since 2017, for many reasons, we didn't update neither Host driver nor chip, no service pack applied. Our Host driver is version Last month some client devices reported a hardfault on the same place: simplelink\source\driver.c Line 1143:
NWP_IF_READ_CHECK(g_pCB->FD, g_pCB->FunctionParams.pTxRxDescBuff, _SL_PROTOCOL_ALIGN_SIZE(g_pCB->FunctionParams.pCmdCtrl->RxDescLen));
At the same time, that devices have an error returned by sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), NULL, 0) function call, which means flash error, afaik.
Under NWP_IF_READ_CHECK macros I have and HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA(&wifi_spi, buf, len) and non-blocking waiting until SPI_RxCpltCallback arrive.
Can you help with this?
Hardfault is very rare, I couldn't reproduce it on my table.
I see a suspicious macros _SL_PROTOCOL_ALIGN_SIZE in the string above, in some circumstances it can cause a buffer overflow on reading.
Can a Host Driver upgrade fix this? Is it neceaasry to apply a chip servicepack too?