Hi team,
I am using CC3235SF microcontroller for my project. I have one question. I want to transfer data on i2s to play an audio file using DMA and without context/thread switching temporarily. There are other task running in parallel such as WiFi task,SlNetConn_process,slspawn task and three tasks defined by me.
When i am running only one task that play audio + WiFi task, i am able to hear audio clearly but when i am running another tasks in parallel audio is not playing properly.Its getting slowed down and so much noise is coming.
What i want to achieve,i want to disable cpu scheduler temporary/disable context or thread switching temporarily and enable cpu scheduler/context or thread switching later after audio play gets finished.How i can achieve this in posix thread? I am using sdk -> simplelink_cc32xx_sdk_6_10_00_05.
I am reading mp3 file from internal flash and then decoding it into pcm pulses and sending data over i2s.
I am setting priority of thread which is playing audio,WiFi thread,sl_spawn to 9 and another thread's priority to 1.