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CC3235MODASF: CC3235MODASF Operation failed: Error: SLlmagecreater.exe: BootLoaderError Timeout reading dataWIFI

Part Number: CC3235MODASF
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, TMDSEMU110-U


Now I am using the chip CC3235MODASF to make a WIFI board to transmit data. The current situation is that the UART communication of XDS110 is connected to the WIFI board, the TX series 100Ω resistor is connected to GPIO_01, and the RX series 100Ω resistor is connected to GPIO_02.  When the XDS110 is being connected, the uniflash displays Operation failed: Error: SLlmagecreater.exe:  BootLoaderError Timeout reading dataWIFI "Indicates this fault.  When the WIFI board is powered on, the power consumption is about 3.3V 20mA.  Is this current a little low? Is the chip MCU not working?  At this time when SOP0, SOP1, SOP2 is measured, the corresponding voltage is 0V, 0V, 3.2V.  TCK is configured as a drop-down function, TMS, TDI, TDO, and nRESET are configured as a drop-down function, and RX and TX are not configured.  We compare the test WIFI board with TI's development board and find that the RX voltage of the WIFI board is.  About 1.2V, TI's development board RX is 3.3V.  

Question 1. What caused the failure?  Is there any way to eliminate the problem spot now?  

Q2. How to configure the minimum system of WIFI board?  

Question 3. What should we pay attention to in the design process of CC3235MODASF? 

Best Regards

  • Hi,

    Please analyse current consumption after startup (reset). It is power consumption steady or it is fluctuating? After reset of CC2335MOD is expected high current peak due to RF calibration. If you don't see such current consumption peak it is likely that module is not functional. As far I know common issue is soldering issue under module. You can use x-ray for soldering inspection. Another reason can be issue with reset pin.

    Minimal setup for CC3235MOD is just connect Vcc, GND, UART RX (use pull-up for RX), UART TX, SOP2 pin, Reset. With such settings you should be able connect to by Uniflash. Please follow connection at chapter 4.4 of production line guide.

    Design with QFN CC3235 is very susceptive for proper layout. But layout with CC3235MOD is unproblematic. As far I remember from past, only issue with CC32xxMOD were about soldering.

    You can ask TI for review of your design here.


  • Hi,

    1. We use DC source for power supply, DC source power is enough, try to connect the communication again, the fault is still reported. 

    2.UART RX uses the pull-up RX to connect to the UART RX again. The uniflash displays "Operation failed: Error: SLlmageCreator.exe: BootLoaderError Timeout reading data” again. 

    3. The Uniflash connection is operated in accordance with Chapter 4.4 of the Production Line Guide. 

    4.Comparing the voltage of the same signal between the development board and the WIFI board is as follows:

    5.We have made a simple system with the following configuration:

    PIN 37 (VBAT1) and 40 (VBAT2) are connected to 3.3V,
    PIN 28 (GND) connected to GND,
    PIN 35 (nRESET) string 4.7K Ω connected to 3.3V,
    PIN23 (SOP2) string 100K Ω connected to 3.3V,
    PIN47 (RX) string 4.7K Ω connected to 3.3V

    When using XDS110 to connect a simple system, uniflash still displays "Operation failed: Error: SLlmagecreater.exe:  BootLoaderError Timeout reading data. Sometimes also displays the fault "Operation failed: Error: SLlmageCreator. Exe:  BootLoaderError, Mistamtch between requested  and actual packet length (requested=28,  actual=15358” .

    May I ask if there is any problem with our system configuration? How should we modify it? 

    Best Regards

  • Hi,

    For Uniflash connection you need to have connected reset pin. Do you use XDS110 (TMDSEMU110-U) or XDS-110 from CC32xx LaunchPad?


  • Thank you for your answer. May I ask what are the differences in hardware configuration between these two XDS110 models on the WIFI board we designed? We are currently pulling the reset pin up to 3.3V through a 4.7K Ω resistor, and then using a switch to pull the reset pin down to ground to control the reset function. Are you referring to connecting the reset pin to a specific pin of XDS110?

  • Hi,

    It is recommanded to control reset pin by Uniflash software. Maybe SOP mode 0-0-1 (0-1-2) and manual reset may to work, but I don't tested this at CC3220/CC3235.

    Uniflash control pin PA6 of XDS110 at CC3220 LaunchPad. But I am not sure what exact pin it is at TMDSEMU110-U. Maybe one of pins at AUX board. You can check this by yourself. Check pins at AUX board if are toggled during Uniflash connection attempt.


  • Hello, the following is the waveform of the WIFI board (FIG. 1) and TI demo board (FIG. 2) we made by ourselves when communicating with TMDSEMU110-U using the oscilloscope. The green channel is TX on the board, and the yellow channel is RX on the board.  When the WIFI board we made communicates, the TX level will be pulled down for 8 seconds, and the RX level will remain high after 8 seconds.  The RX pin of TI demo board will have normal signal transmission, may I ask why this phenomenon is caused?  Whether there is a solution direction.



    Best Regards

  • Hi,

    I think this is expected behaviour when Uniflash connection attempt ends with timeout. This will not move us forward.

    When CC32xx/CC33xx is at SOP mode 0-1-0, entering into bootloder is determined by break signal at UART RX line (side CC332xx). Uniflash will send break signal together with toggle reset by PA6 pin of XDS-110. And because there is no response from you device, there is break till timeout.


  • Hi,

    Could you please help us look at the schematic design problem, how should we modify it?

    Best Regards

  • Hi,

    Please ask TI for review of your design here. I don't want to be responsible if I missed something. But at first look I don't see anything significantly wrong (maybe RX pull up can be useful is SOP mode 0-1-0 is used).


  • hi, Jan.

    Your suggestion is valid, after attaching the TGTVDD(sense) pin of the XDS110, can successfully connect the chip. However, the following faults occurred(Operation failed: Error: SLImageCreator.exe: BootLoaderError, Timeout reading data) during the next operation (program Image). The signal lines of uart and jtag were connected during program Image. We have tried sop mode 0-1-1 and 0-0-1, please help us to see what the problem is, thank you

  • Hi,

    This error is still due to missing control of  RST pin. TGTVDD(sense) pin is just a "feedback" for TMDSEMU110-U which identify when target is connected.


  • Hi,

    Does the RST pin mentioned in the reply refer to the 35 pin of the WIFI chip? If so, what is the correct way to connect this RST pin?

  • Hi,

    Yes, it is expected that pin nRESET of CC32xxMOD is controlled by Uniflash.


  • Hi Jan,

    (1) There is no additional configuration on uniflah to successfully burn the CC3235 LaunchPad.

    (2) As mentioned in the reply, how to configure the nRESET pin through uniflash?

    (3) Does the board designed by ourselves lead out the nRESET pin, and does it need to be connected to xds110 in additional ways, or does it only need to perform the operations in step 2 above?

    thank you!

  • Hi,

    1) CC3235 LaunchPad have connected reset pin internally to PA6 port od XDS110. Why do you not tested your hardware and XDS110 from CC3235 LaunchPad as I instructed you before?

    2),3) There is no configuration for control of nRESET at Uniflash (if we not count scripts Uniflash toggle reset pin automatically via XDS110 PA6 pin when needed. You haven't connected reset pin and from this reason Uniflash is not able reset CC3235 when needed.


  • Hi,Jan

    Thank you for your answer. Our problem has been solved.

    Best Regards