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Issues with CC3100 on STM32F207 using FreeRTOS

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3100


We are trying to run the CC3100 using a STM32F207 as the controlling processor.  Unfortunately we are running into some issues with porting the CC3100 SDK functions over to the STM processor.

Some notes:

- The Inhibit pin is pulled high with pin processor pin to control it.

- We are using SPI to communicate with the CC3100

- The CC3100 firmware is placed in its own thread at the begining.

The first issue we are running into is a memory overflow when we use the vSimpleLinkSpawnTask( ) and  osi_Spawn() functions in osi_freertos.c to handle passing our semaphores.  After a single successful interaction between the CC3100 and the processor, the Queue pointed at by SimpleLinkSpawnQueue variable has been overwritten with incorrect data.  Most notably the uxItemSize variable in the Queue has been set to a pointer value, so when the Queue re-enters the xQueueReceive it does a memcpy of a pointer value (0x200062d8)... which of course causes a lot more problems. 

I noticed some issues with pointers in the SDK examples with regards to the user.h Multithreaded defines, but the functions from the osi_freertos.c seems to have resolved the issues I noticed.  I attempted to track this down myself, but was unfortunately unable to find a location in the Spawn Thread.  I noticed it seemed to happen in a debug sprintf (fine before... overwritten after), but removing this statement had no effect (and the destination pointer was located after the memory location getting overwritten), thus I believe it might be occurring in another thread or an interrupt.  For a further test, if I bypass the osi_Spawn() function and instead set the sl_Spawn define to sl_SyncObjSignalFromIRQ(&g_pCB->ObjPool[0].SyncObj) in order to directly set the semaphore that sl_Start is waiting for, the process continues and I'm able to begin to talk to the CC3100.

Any idea where this Queue's data could be overwritten, seems like a faulty pointer somewhere... but I'm not able to located it, so if anyone has run into something similar before, I'd appreciate a nudge in the right direction.

My second issue involves the actual communication with the CC3100.  I try to set it to AP mode and proceed to get communication back and forth as expected, until I reach the end of the communication.  The CC3100 functions are waiting for an RECV_RESP_CLASS message but it never arrives, so the communication eventually times out even though it has been talking and has given me a IP address.  One thing I am concerned about is the response Sync bytes are not quite what I expected.  All the documentation I've seen says it should be 0xABCDDCBA, however I get 0xABCDDCBC.  This sync byte still passes the N2H_SYNC_PATTERN_MATCH and proceeds to continue to communicate.  See below for the output from console for the communications:

WifiManager is up!  SM=0
Configuring to Station mode
_SlDrvDriverCBInit done!

_SlDrvCmdOp: call _SlDrvMsgWrite
SPI write
WIFI_Manager: 21433412
SPI write
WIFI_Manager: B48C0400
SPI write
WIFI_Manager: 00A5A5A5
_SlDrvCmdOp: call _SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx
_SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx: Waiting for resp 1 == 0
SPI write
WIFI_Manager: 65877856
SPI Read
WIFI_Manager: BCDCCDAB08000800
SPI Read
Rx Sync: op=0008 len=0008
SPI Read
WIFI_Manager: 00000000
WIFI_Manager: 0800080000000000
_SlDrvMsgRead: op=0008, PL-len=0004
SPI Read
WIFI_Manager: 33333333
_SlDrvMsgRead: RspLen=0004 LenRx=0004
_SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx - 1
_SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx: Waiting for resp 2 == 1
SPI write
WIFI_Manager: 65877856
SPI Read
WIFI_Manager: BDDCCDAB25181000
SPI Read
Rx Sync: op=1825 len=0010
SPI Read
WIFI_Manager: 38000000
WIFI_Manager: 2518100038000000
_SlDrvMsgRead: op=1825, PL-len=000c
SPI Read
WIFI_Manager: 0101A8C00101A8C000000000
_SlDrvMsgRead: RspLen=000c LenRx=000c

_SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx - 1
_SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx: Waiting for resp 2 == 2
_SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx - 2
_SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx: Waiting for resp 2 == 2
_SlDrvMsgReadCmdCtx - 2

Note the output only converts each byte into ASCII at a time, thus 0x21433412 as seen in the output is actually 0x12344321.

Again I'm at a bit of a loss as to why the processor never receives the expected response in order to not time out. Any ideas?

Since the main setup for using the CC3100 SDK functions is the user.h file, I have attached it... perhaps I have overlooked something?  If there is any other information needed, let me know.


Davin Morris

 * user.h - CC31xx/CC32xx Host Driver Implementation
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - 
 *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
 *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
 *  are met:
 *    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the   
 *    distribution.
 *    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
 *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
 *    from this software without specific prior written permission.

#ifndef __USER_H__
#define __USER_H__

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

    \addtogroup Porting



    \defgroup       porting_user_include        User Include Files
    This section IS NOT REQUIRED in case user provided primitives are handled 
    in makefiles or project configurations (IDE) 

        - Include all required header files for the definition of:
            -# Transport layer library API (e.g. SPI, UART)
            -# OS primitives definitions (e.g. Task spawn, Semaphores)
            -# Memory management primitives (e.g. alloc, free)

	in order to "install" external SimpleLink library one should follow the next steps:
	1. Include the external library API header file (i.e. #include "IOT.h")
	2. Define each one of the desired external lib with one (out of 5) of the following:
      #define SL_EXT_LIB_1 <Your external lib name>
      #define SL_EXT_LIB_2 <Your external lib name>
      #define SL_EXT_LIB_3 <Your external lib name>
      #define SL_EXT_LIB_4 <Your external lib name>
      #define SL_EXT_LIB_5 <Your external lib name>


#include "wifidrv.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "memmgr.h"
#include "osi.h"

#define SL_SMALL


    \defgroup       porting_capabilities        Capability Set Definition

    This section IS NOT REQUIRED in case one of the following pre defined 
    capabilities set is in use:
    - SL_TINY
    - SL_SMALL
    - SL_FULL

        - Define one of the pre-defined capabilities set or uncomment the
          relevant definitions below to select the required capabilities


    \brief      Defines the maximum number of concurrent action in the system
				Min:1 , Max: 32
                Actions which has async events as return, can be 


    \note       In case there are not enough resources for the actions needed in the system,
	        	error is received: POOL_IS_EMPTY
			    one option is to increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS 
				(improves performance but results in memory consumption)
		     	Other option is to call the API later (decrease performance)

    \warning    In case of setting to one, recommend to use non-blocking recv\recvfrom to allow
				multiple socket recv

#ifndef SL_TINY_EXT
    \brief      Defines CPU frequency for Host side, for better accuracy of busy loops, if any

    \warning    If not set the default CPU frequency is set to 200MHz
                This option will be deprecated in future release
#define CPU_FREQ_IN_MHZ        25


    \brief      Defines whether the SimpleLink driver perform argument check 
                or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver perform argument check on 
                function call. Removing this define could reduce some code 
                size and improve slightly the performances but may impact in 
                unpredictable behaviour in case of invalid arguments


    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

    \warning    Removing argument check may cause unpredictable behaviour in 
                case of invalid arguments. 
                In this case the user is responsible to argument validity 
                (for example all handlers must not be NULL)


    \brief      Defines whether SimpleLink driver should expose standard BSD 
                APIs or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver in addition to its alternative
                BSD APIs expose also standard BSD APIs.
                Standard BSD API includes the following functions:
                socket , close , accept , bind , listen	, connect , select , 
                setsockopt	, getsockopt , recv , recvfrom , write , send , sendto , 


    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec



    \brief      Defines whether to include extended API in SimpleLink driver
                or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also all 
                extended API of the included packages

    \sa         ext_api

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define SL_INC_EXT_API

    \brief      Defines whether to include WLAN package in SimpleLink driver 
                or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also 
                the WLAN package


    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


    \brief      Defines whether to include SOCKET package in SimpleLink 
                driver or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also 
                the SOCKET package


    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


    \brief      Defines whether to include NET_APP package in SimpleLink 
                driver or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also the 
                NET_APP package


    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


    \brief      Defines whether to include NET_CFG package in SimpleLink 
                driver or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also 
                the NET_CFG package


    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


    \brief      Defines whether to include NVMEM package in SimpleLink 
                driver or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also the 
                NVMEM package


    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


    \brief      Defines whether to include socket server side APIs 
                in SimpleLink driver or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also socket 
                server side APIs

    \sa         server_side



    \brief      Defines whether to include socket client side APIs in SimpleLink 
                driver or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also socket 
                client side APIs

    \sa         client_side

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


    \brief      Defines whether to include socket receive APIs in SimpleLink 
                driver or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also socket 
                receive side APIs

    \sa         recv_api

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


    \brief      Defines whether to include socket send APIs in SimpleLink 
                driver or not
                When defined, the SimpleLink driver will include also socket 
                send side APIs

    \sa         send_api

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec



 Close the Doxygen group.



    \defgroup   porting_enable_device       Device Enable/Disable IO

    The enable/disable API provide mechanism to enable/disable the network processor

        - None

    \brief		Preamble to the enabling the Network Processor.
                        Placeholder to implement any pre-process operations
                        before enabling networking operations.

    \sa			sl_DeviceEnable

    \note       belongs to \ref ported_sec

#define sl_DeviceEnablePreamble()		

    \brief		Enable the Network Processor

    \sa			sl_DeviceDisable

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_DeviceEnable()			HAL_GPIO_WritePin(nRF_RST_GPIO_Port, nRF_RST_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET)
//#define sl_DeviceEnable()

    \brief		Disable the Network Processor

    \sa			sl_DeviceEnable

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define sl_DeviceDisable()			HAL_GPIO_WritePin(nRF_RST_GPIO_Port, nRF_RST_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET)
//#define sl_DeviceDisable()

 Close the Doxygen group.



    \defgroup   porting_interface         Hardware Transport Interface

    The simple link device can work with different transport interfaces
    (namely,SPI or UART). Texas Instruments provides single driver
    that can work with all these types. This section binds the
    physical transport interface with the SimpleLink driver

    \note       Correct and efficient implementation of this driver is critical
                for the performances of the SimpleLink device on this platform.

        - None



#define _SlFd_t     short*

    \brief      Opens an interface communication port to be used for communicating
                with a SimpleLink device
	            Given an interface name and option flags, this function opens 
                the communication port and creates a file descriptor. 
                This file descriptor is used afterwards to read and write 
                data from and to this specific communication channel.
	            The speed, clock polarity, clock phase, chip select and all other 
                specific attributes of the channel are all should be set to hardcoded
                in this function.
	\param	 	ifName  -   points to the interface name/path. The interface name is an 
                            optional attributes that the simple link driver receives
                            on opening the driver (sl_Start). 
                            In systems that the spi channel is not implemented as 
                            part of the OS device drivers, this parameter could be NULL.

	\param      flags   -   optional flags parameters for future use

	\return     upon successful completion, the function shall open the channel 
                and return a non-negative integer representing the file descriptor.
                Otherwise, -1 shall be returned 
    \sa         sl_IfClose , sl_IfRead , sl_IfWrite

	\note       The prototype of the function is as follow:
                    Fd_t xxx_IfOpen(char* pIfName , unsigned long flags);

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_IfOpen       WifiDrv_Open

    \brief      Closes an opened interface communication port
	\param	 	fd  -   file descriptor of opened communication channel

	\return		0  - successful
			    -1 - fail
    \sa         sl_IfOpen , sl_IfRead , sl_IfWrite

	\note       The prototype of the function is as follow:
                    int xxx_IfClose(Fd_t Fd);

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_IfClose      WifiDrv_Close

    \brief      Attempts to read up to len bytes from an opened communication channel 
                into a buffer starting at pBuff.
	\param	 	fd      -   file descriptor of an opened communication channel
	\param		pBuff   -   pointer to the first location of a buffer that contains enough 
                            space for all expected data

	\param      len     -   number of bytes to read from the communication channel

	\return     upon successful completion, the function shall return the number of read bytes. 
                Otherwise, 0 shall be returned 
    \sa         sl_IfClose , sl_IfOpen , sl_IfWrite

	\note       The prototype of the function is as follow:
                    int xxx_IfRead(Fd_t Fd , char* pBuff , int Len);

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_IfRead       WifiDrv_Read

    \brief attempts to write up to len bytes to the SPI channel
	\param	 	fd      -   file descriptor of an opened communication channel
	\param		pBuff   -   pointer to the first location of a buffer that contains 
                            the data to send over the communication channel

	\param      len     -   number of bytes to write to the communication channel

	\return     upon successful completion, the function shall return the number of sent bytes. 
				otherwise, 0 shall be returned 
    \sa         sl_IfClose , sl_IfOpen , sl_IfRead

	\note       This function could be implemented as zero copy and return only upon successful completion
                of writing the whole buffer, but in cases that memory allocation is not too tight, the 
                function could copy the data to internal buffer, return back and complete the write in 
                parallel to other activities as long as the other SPI activities would be blocked until 
                the entire buffer write would be completed 

               The prototype of the function is as follow:
                    int xxx_IfWrite(Fd_t Fd , char* pBuff , int Len);

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_IfWrite      WifiDrv_Write

    \brief 		register an interrupt handler routine for the host IRQ

	\param	 	InterruptHdl	-	pointer to interrupt handler routine

	\param 		pValue			-	pointer to a memory structure that is passed
									to the interrupt handler.

	\return		upon successful registration, the function shall return 0.
				Otherwise, -1 shall be returned


	\note		If there is already registered interrupt handler, the function
				should overwrite the old handler with the new one

	\note       If the handler is a null pointer, the function should un-register the
	            interrupt handler, and the interrupts can be disabled.

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_IfRegIntHdlr(InterruptHdl , pValue)
//#define sl_IfRegIntHdlr(InterruptHdl , pValue) 		WifiDrv_RegisterIRQHandler(InterruptHdl , pValue)
    \brief 		Masks the Host IRQ

    \sa		sl_IfUnMaskIntHdlr

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


#define sl_IfMaskIntHdlr()							WifiDrvMaskIRQ()

    \brief 		Unmasks the Host IRQ

    \sa		sl_IfMaskIntHdlr

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


#define sl_IfUnMaskIntHdlr()						WifiDrvUnmaskIRQ()
    \brief 		Write Handers for statistics debug on write 

	\param	 	interface handler	-	pointer to interrupt handler routine

	\return		no return value


	\note		An optional hooks for monitoring before and after write info

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


#define sl_IfStartWriteSequence                      
#define sl_IfEndWriteSequence                        

 Close the Doxygen group.



    \defgroup   porting_mem_mgm             Memory Management

    This section declare in which memory management model the SimpleLink driver
    will run:
        -# Static
        -# Dynamic

    This section IS NOT REQUIRED in case Static model is selected.

    The default memory model is Static

        - If dynamic model is selected, define the alloc and free functions.



    \brief      Defines whether the SimpleLink driver is working in dynamic
                memory model or not

                When defined, the SimpleLink driver use dynamic allocations
                if dynamic allocation is selected malloc and free functions
                must be retrieved


    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec






    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_Malloc(Size)                                 MemAlloc(Size)



    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_Free(pMem)                                   MemFree(pMem)



 Close the Doxygen group.



    \defgroup   porting_os          Operating System (OS)

    The simple link driver can run on multi-threaded environment as well
    as non-os environment (main loop)

    This section IS NOT REQUIRED in case you are working on non-os environment.

    If you choose to work in multi-threaded environment under any operating system
    you will have to provide some basic adaptation routines to allow the driver
    to protect access to resources from different threads (locking object) and
    to allow synchronization between threads (sync objects).

        -# Uncomment SL_PLATFORM_MULTI_THREADED define
        -# Bind locking object routines
        -# Bind synchronization object routines
        -# Optional - Bind spawn thread routine





    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define SL_OS_RET_CODE_OK                       ((int)OSI_OK)

    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define SL_OS_WAIT_FOREVER                      ((OsiTime_t)OSI_WAIT_FOREVER)

    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define SL_OS_NO_WAIT	                        ((OsiTime_t)OSI_NO_WAIT)

	\brief type definition for a time value

	\note	On each porting or platform the type could be whatever is needed - integer, pointer to structure etc.

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define _SlTime_t				OsiTime_t

	\brief 	type definition for a sync object container

	Sync object is object used to synchronize between two threads or thread and interrupt handler.
	One thread is waiting on the object and the other thread send a signal, which then
	release the waiting thread.
	The signal must be able to be sent from interrupt context.
	This object is generally implemented by binary semaphore or events.

	\note	On each porting or platform the type could be whatever is needed - integer, structure etc.

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define _SlSyncObj_t			OsiSyncObj_t

	\brief 	This function creates a sync object

	The sync object is used for synchronization between different thread or ISR and
	a thread.

	\param	pSyncObj	-	pointer to the sync object control block

	\return upon successful creation the function should return 0
			Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned

    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define sl_SyncObjCreate(pSyncObj,pName)            osi_SyncObjCreate(pSyncObj)

	\brief 	This function deletes a sync object

	\param	pSyncObj	-	pointer to the sync object control block

	\return upon successful deletion the function should return 0
			Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define sl_SyncObjDelete(pSyncObj)                  osi_SyncObjDelete(pSyncObj)

	\brief 		This function generates a sync signal for the object.

	All suspended threads waiting on this sync object are resumed

	\param		pSyncObj	-	pointer to the sync object control block

	\return 	upon successful signalling the function should return 0
				Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
	\note		the function could be called from ISR context
#define sl_SyncObjSignal(pSyncObj)                  osi_SyncObjSignal(pSyncObj)

	\brief 		This function generates a sync signal for the object from Interrupt

	This is for RTOS that should signal from IRQ using a dedicated API

	\param		pSyncObj	-	pointer to the sync object control block

	\return 	upon successful signalling the function should return 0
				Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
	\note		the function could be called from ISR context
#define sl_SyncObjSignalFromIRQ(pSyncObj)           osi_SyncObjSignalFromISR(pSyncObj)
	\brief 	This function waits for a sync signal of the specific sync object

	\param	pSyncObj	-	pointer to the sync object control block
	\param	Timeout		-	numeric value specifies the maximum number of mSec to
							stay suspended while waiting for the sync signal
							Currently, the simple link driver uses only two values:
								- OSI_NO_WAIT

	\return upon successful reception of the signal within the timeout window return 0
			Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define sl_SyncObjWait(pSyncObj,Timeout)            osi_SyncObjWait(pSyncObj,Timeout)

	\brief 	type definition for a locking object container

	Locking object are used to protect a resource from mutual accesses of two or more threads.
	The locking object should support reentrant locks by a signal thread.
	This object is generally implemented by mutex semaphore

	\note	On each porting or platform the type could be whatever is needed - integer, structure etc.
    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define _SlLockObj_t 			                    OsiLockObj_t

	\brief 	This function creates a locking object.

	The locking object is used for protecting a shared resources between different

	\param	pLockObj	-	pointer to the locking object control block

	\return upon successful creation the function should return 0
			Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define sl_LockObjCreate(pLockObj,pName)            osi_LockObjCreate(pLockObj)

	\brief 	This function deletes a locking object.

	\param	pLockObj	-	pointer to the locking object control block

	\return upon successful deletion the function should return 0
			Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define sl_LockObjDelete(pLockObj)                  osi_LockObjDelete(pLockObj)

	\brief 	This function locks a locking object.

	All other threads that call this function before this thread calls
	the osi_LockObjUnlock would be suspended

	\param	pLockObj	-	pointer to the locking object control block
	\param	Timeout		-	numeric value specifies the maximum number of mSec to
							stay suspended while waiting for the locking object
							Currently, the simple link driver uses only two values:
								- OSI_NO_WAIT

	\return upon successful reception of the locking object the function should return 0
			Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define sl_LockObjLock(pLockObj,Timeout)            osi_LockObjLock(pLockObj,Timeout)

	\brief 	This function unlock a locking object.

	\param	pLockObj	-	pointer to the locking object control block

	\return upon successful unlocking the function should return 0
			Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec
#define sl_LockObjUnlock(pLockObj)                  osi_LockObjUnlock(pLockObj)

	\brief 	This function call the pEntry callback from a different context

	\param	pEntry		-	pointer to the entry callback function

	\param	pValue		- 	pointer to any type of memory structure that would be
							passed to pEntry callback from the execution thread.

	\param	flags		- 	execution flags - reserved for future usage

	\return upon successful registration of the spawn the function should return 0
			(the function is not blocked till the end of the execution of the function
			and could be returned before the execution is actually completed)
			Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_Spawn(pEntry,pValue,flags)               osi_Spawn(pEntry,pValue,flags)
//#define sl_Spawn(pEntry,pValue,flags)               sl_SyncObjSignalFromIRQ(&g_pCB->ObjPool[0].SyncObj)

 Close the Doxygen group.



    \defgroup       porting_events      Event Handlers

    This section includes the asynchronous event handlers routines

        -Uncomment the required handler and define your routine as the value
        of this handler





    \note       belongs to \ref porting_sec


#define sl_GeneralEvtHdlr       					WifiMgrGeneralEventHandler

    \brief          An event handler for WLAN connection or disconnection indication
                    This event handles async WLAN events. 
                    Possible events are:
                    SL_WLAN_CONNECT_EVENT - indicates WLAN is connected 
                    SL_WLAN_DISCONNECT_EVENT - indicates WLAN is disconnected

    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_WlanEvtHdlr          					WifiMgrWlanEventHandler

    \brief          An event handler for IP address asynchronous event. Usually accepted after new WLAN connection.
                    This event handles networking events.
                    Possible events are:
                    SL_NETAPP_IPV4_ACQUIRED - IP address was acquired (DHCP or Static)


    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec


#define sl_NetAppEvtHdlr        					WifiMgrNetAppEventHandler

    \brief          A callback for HTTP server events.
                    Possible events are:
                    SL_NETAPP_HTTPGETTOKENVALUE - NWP requests to get the value of a specific token
					SL_NETAPP_HTTPPOSTTOKENVALUE - NWP post to the host a new value for a specific token

	\param			pServerEvent - Contains the relevant event information (SL_NETAPP_HTTPGETTOKENVALUE or SL_NETAPP_HTTPPOSTTOKENVALUE)

	\param			pServerResponse - Should be filled by the user with the relevant response information (i.e SL_NETAPP_HTTPSETTOKENVALUE as a response to SL_NETAPP_HTTPGETTOKENVALUE event)


    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec


#define sl_HttpServerCallback   					WifiMgrHttpServerCallback



    \note           belongs to \ref porting_sec

#define sl_SockEvtHdlr          					WifiMgrSockEventHandler


 Close the Doxygen group.


#ifdef  __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* __USER_H__ */

  • Hi Davin,

    Will get back to you on your 1st question.

    For your second question, please refer to documentation here: More specifically, the Synchronization words section. The "Device to Host" pattern is 0xABCDDCBx, where x=0b11xx. This means the last two "bits" are don't-cares. Possible values for the patterns would range from 0xABCDDCBC - 0xABCDDCBCF. 0xABCDDCBA is not a possible option.

    If you need to check if your host porting is done correctly or not, I'd recommend you running the SPI Debug Example from our CC3100 SDK.

  • Hi Victor,

    Thanks for the response. I was able to resolve these issues. As you said the return sync byte was fine. And the pointer issue was actually a FreeRTOS task stack size issue. I needed to increase the Wifi and Spawn task stack sizes (I set them to 1024). Is this normal for these 2 tasks? The library had the spawn task as 512 divided by a FreeRTOS variable (don't have the code in front of my right now, will update on Monday).
