Background: performing production line tests on Wilink 1873Q. I am able to perform production line test of Wi-Fi using Calibrator and Bluetooth using TI bluetooth stack (Bluetopia), but have no clue regarding GNSs/GPS testing.
Problem: After studying following document, it is not clear how to send AI2 commands via HCI ports.
Question/Discussion: TI: could you please provide some examples with recommended hardware setup? Is it possible to communication to GPS via HCI UART port + PC? What's the I2C register address of this GNSS module?
Many thanks,
1. WL187x and WL17xQ GPS interface control Document Air Independent Interface (AI2), SWRU322
2. Wilink-8 GPS Production-Line Tests, SWRA406
3. WL18XX GNSS Driver GLSDK 7.x Release notes