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CC3220SF: TIDM-1020: Invalid Lambda ARN for FE Region?

Part Number: CC3220SF
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH


I am following the guide to setup Alexa and I am at page 31 copying the ARN from Lambda to Smart Home Default Endpoint. I am getting this error below. Also the document guide can not be followed as is due to some minor changes, but I managed to reach the last part. How do I solve this problem?>

Invalid Lambda ARN arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:function:thermostat_function for FE region. Please provide a valid ARN in the form 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:000000000000:function:myFunction:myFunctionVersion'.


  • Hi Kel,

    Have you tried changing the region of your Lambda function? It seems like your Lambda skill region is ap-northeast-1 while Alexa expects the skill to be from us-west-2.

    Also, have you ensured that the Alexa Smart Home trigger for the Lambda function has your Alexa skill ID? See step 11 of section


  • Michael Reymond said:
    Have you tried changing the region of your Lambda function? It seems like your Lambda skill region is ap-northeast-1 while Alexa expects the skill to be from us-west-2.

    I am in the Philippines and based from the document page 19, I set region to Asia Pacific (Tokyo) which region is ap-northeast-1. If I set my region to us-west-2 would it work?

    Michael Reymond said:
    Also, have you ensured that the Alexa Smart Home trigger for the Lambda function has your Alexa skill ID? See step 11 of section

    I am sure this is correct.


  • Hi Kel,

    Try changing your region to us-east-1. That is the region that I used for testing the guide.

    Also, looking at the specific error message you are getting it seems like for you the Alexa Smart Home skill wants to be directed to a specific version of your lambda skill. Perhaps you need to publish your lambda skill in order to enable linking.

    If you go to your lambda skill page (so that your screen looks like figure 22), you can select Action -> Publish new version to commit and push a specific version of your lambda skill. This skill will have an ARN that has the format of arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:000000000000:function:myFunction:myFunctionVersion 

    Then, you can try copying the new version-specific lambda ARN into Alexa. Be sure to re-add the Alexa Smart Home skill trigger to your new version. Let me know if that doesn't work.


  • Hi Michael,

    Setting the region to us-east-1 worked and now enabled my skill at Alexa App. Its good for me as long as it works. But should also work if I set the region that is appropriate to my country Philippines.

    Anyway, my hardware is just CC3220SF LP + BOOSTXL-SENSORS BP. I disabled anything that is not needed at wifi_thermostat_app.h. I just want to debug how the targetSetpoint variable is updated at mqtt_client_task.c


  • Hi Michael,

    At Page 36 Figure 33: Editing the AWS IoT Config Files. Do I need to set the AWS_IOT_MQTT_CLIENT_ID = Client ID taken from the guide?

    I see from the Figure 33 AWS_IOT_MQTT_CLIENT_ID = thermostat_thing, seems not right.


  • Hi Michael,

    Can you provide me instructions how to flash the bin file using Uniflash. I have these files below at Uniflash from the guide, but I encounter error flashing the bin file.


  • Hi Kel,

    For AWS, the AWS_IOT_MQTT_CLIENT_ID string is largely a don't-care, as long as there is no collision between another device with the same MQTT client ID in your AWS account-specific endpoint.

    The important define is AWS_IOT_MY_THING_NAME. This needs to match your device's thing name on the cloud otherwise it won't be able to interact with its device shadow.

    For flashing with Uniflash, you will need to include the certificate corresponding to the private key used to sign the binary. This is most likely the dummy-root-ca-cert file included within the SDK at \tools\cc32xx_tools\certificate-playground\. See the Imagecreator guide for more details:

