Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I plan to utilize thermostat example (https://www.ti.com/tool/TIDM-1020) as a starting point for my project. However after significant time spent on trying to start it up I did not manage to see any results.
As a hardware I use CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL together with BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1.
I also installed SDK’s with proper versions, as stated in https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/tidudq7a/tidudq7a.pdf?ts=1605789187766&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.ti.com%252Ftool%252FTIDM-1020 .
Unfortunately I am not able to perform provisioning of the device. The Mobile app for android notifies that it cannot detect the device or that device supports only legacy provisioning.
In case of configuration via touch display, it is also impossible, because the Display remains inactive. From what I have seen in the debug, the FW waits for the calibration procedure to be conducted.
If there is a specific way i should run such HW configuration or am I missing something?
Best Regards,