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CCS/CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL: CC3220SF OTA program For Energia

Part Number: CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA, CC3220SF, CC3220S, UNIFLASH, CC3235SF

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


Wireless OTA Firmware update using Energia 

i will try to same Lib but not working , 

any other option at OTA Firmware and program update with out TI APP ,using TCP/IP or Cloud Based Firmware Update

any other Example OTA  at Energia 

Thanks and Regards 


  • Hi Selva,

    As per this thread (), please post any Energia questions to their main forum ( )

    Otherwise, questions about technical details of the CC32XX/CC31XX devices can be asked on this thread, or feel free to open another thread if this one is locked.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Kristen,

    If I may a off-toppic. In case of you inserting a link into brackets, please add space before closing bracket. In this case will be your links functional.

  • Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the heads up! I've edited my post above so the links work.

    Best regards,
  • hai,

    there no reply for my request ,

    almost one week before posted my issue

    but now days not solve my issue ,

    any other at the Energia using CC3220SF OTA program
  • Hi,

    If I am not wrong, OTA update is not supported at Energia for CC32xx devices. Also Energia does not fully supports CC3220SF devices at present time. It does not allow to run code code from flash. If you need execute Energia code from flash, you need to use this temporarily solution -

  • hai Jan,

    Thank you,

    its is possible to OTA on CCS


  • Hi,

    Yes, OTA for CCS is available and fully supported ( ). Three ways of OTA are supported at CC3220 SDK:
    - Dropbox
    - GitHub
    - Local OTA (from a local mobile device, not from the cloud)

  • hai jan,

    thanks for reply

    CCS OTA using gitHub file using energia Pin file upload OTA is possible or NOT ???

    Gibhub OTA, Energia Pin file upload to CC3220SF


  • Hi,

    Sorry I don't undestand what do you means by "energia Pin file".

    OTA is part of your code/firmware. And this is not supported by Energia. It is possible to create loader firmware/code for Energia with OTA support, but this is not easy job. Much easier is to teach how to use OTA in CCS.

  • hai,

    my code convert to bin file ( Using energia )

    my project code example simple led blink code at energia then i will convert to bin file

    then bin file (Tar File) upload using OTA ( GitHub,Dropbox) using cloud

    its is possible or not?

    for example

    Energia code (Led blink)----->energia.bin---->tar file---->GitHub----->Cloud------>OTA------> CC3220SF (OTA programmed CCS)

    this step is possible to OTA,

    you can understand my question?


  • Hi,

    No. This is not possible. OTA support need to be inside your Energia code.

  • hai, jan

    Thank you,

    please check my update questions


  • Hi,

    Sorry, I don't see any updated question.

    To do support of OTA (any kind) you have two ways:
    - integrate OTA support into your Energia code (this can do by yourself already, all "building brick" are integrated in Energia already - e.g. socket communication with server, writing files into sFlash)
    - create own bootloader for energia binary in CCS with OTA support (similar as my bootloader for Energia CC3220SF but you will need add OTA support)

  • Hi,

    For a addition. Here are source codes of bootloader for executing Energia code from sFlash at CC3220SF. I forgot release sources...


  • Hi Jan,

    I recently learned something interesting about the CC3220 bootloader that would help for this energia issue and for any use case where you have a CC3220S binary but want to flash it onto a CC3220SF.

    It turns out that the CC3220 bootloader checks the filename of the MCU binary to decide where to load code. If the mcu binary is named "/sys/mcuimg.bin", then it loads to RAM. If the mcu binary is "/sys/mcuflashimg.bin", then it will load to internal flash. If you think of the differences between a CC3220S Uniflash project and a CC3220SF uniflash project, one of the primary differences is that the "Select MCU Image" interaction provides a different filename to the filesystem. However, there is nothing stopping you from overriding this behavior of Uniflash by manually specifying the MCU image filename. 

    Thus, if you have a CC3220S binary and want the bootloader on the CC3220SF to treat it as code to load to RAM, you simply have to manually add the MCU image as file under /sys/ in Uniflash as "mcuimg.bin". You cannot use the Simple view to add an MCU image, nor use the "Select MCU Image" function, as those will automatically provide the device-appropriate MCU filename. You'll also need to manually set the proper filesystem flags that a MCU img should have, which are the failsafe,secure, and public write flags, but otherwise there are no real barriers to doing this workaround. Once you have provided a Energia binary as "mcuimg.bin", it can boot and run as expected from the external flash.

    Your contribution with the bootloader is greatly appreciated, as shown by the help you've given in this thread, but I wanted to point out to future Energia + CC3220SF users that the above workaround is much simpler than using a secondary bootloader.


  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you for a update. Unfortunately support for CC3220SF (CC3235SF) is not great in Energia. Many things (libraries) should to be updated. Also absence of uploading XIP flash by JTAG/SWD may to be frustrating for someone. I think TI should invest some manpower to maintenance of this project. Because it slowly dying.
