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Compiler/SIMPLELINK-SDK-PLUGIN-FOR-AZUREIOT: Build Azure PAL and SDK libraries - fail


Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

I try to build the azure libraries by following step 2 in

The goal is ultimately to make lib for cc13xx.

I have edited the products.mak file to:

#  ======== products.mak ========

### Automatically use installation locations from plugin and SDK when possible
ifneq (,$(wildcard ../../../../imports.mak))
$(info Fetching installation locations from imports.mak...)
include ../../../../imports.mak
ti.targets.arm.elf.M4  = $(CCS_ARMCOMPILER)
iar.targets.arm.M4     = $(IAR_ARMCOMPILER)
gnu.targets.arm.M4     = $(GCC_ARMCOMPILER)
ti.targets.arm.elf.M4F = $(CCS_ARMCOMPILER)
iar.targets.arm.M4F    = $(IAR_ARMCOMPILER)
gnu.targets.arm.M4F    = $(GCC_ARMCOMPILER)

# When not part of the plugin, fill these out manually         #
######################## All platforms ########################
XDC_INSTALL_DIR    ?= C:/ti/xdctools_3_51_03_28_core

######################## Optional ########################

# Fill in the variable set corresponding to your platform      #
# Only one set should be used at a time                        #

##################### For CC32XX ####################
SIMPLELINK_CC32XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR   ?= C:/ti/simplelink_cc32xx_sdk_3_20_00_06

# Toolchains: Leave assignment empty to disable a toolchain
ti.targets.arm.elf.M4  ?= C:/ti/ccs910/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-arm_18.12.2.LTS
iar.targets.arm.M4     ?=
gnu.targets.arm.M4     ?=

#################### For MSP432E4 ###################

# Toolchains: Leave assignment empty to disable a toolchain
ti.targets.arm.elf.M4F ?= 
iar.targets.arm.M4F    ?=
gnu.targets.arm.M4F    ?=

I get these errors:

C:\azure-iot-pal-simplelink-master\build_all>C:\ti\xdctools_3_51_03_28_core\gmake.exe clean
cleaning packages ...
making clean: Sat Sep 7 00:58:16 2019 ...
======== clean [../build_all/pal] ========
======== clean [../build_all/sdk] ========
cleaning complete: Sat Sep 7 00:58:18 2019.

C:\azure-iot-pal-simplelink-master\build_all>C:\ti\xdctools_3_51_03_28_core\gmake.exe all
building packages...
making all: Sat Sep 7 00:58:22 2019 ...
======== .interfaces [../build_all/pal] ========
======== .interfaces [../build_all/sdk] ========
making package.mak (because of package.bld) ...
making package.mak (because of package.bld) ...
generating interfaces for package build_all.pal (because package/ is older than package.xdc) ...
generating interfaces for package build_all.sdk (because package/ is older than package.xdc) ...
.interfaces files complete: Sat Sep 7 00:58:27 2019.
======== .libraries [../build_all/pal] ========
======== .libraries [../build_all/sdk] ========
clem4 ../../pal/src/httpapi_sl.c ...
clem4 ../../pal/src/tlsio_sl.c ...
gmake[1]: *** No rule to make target 'agenttime.c', needed by 'package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/common_sl_debug/agenttime.oem4'.  Stop.
gmake[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
clem4 ../../pal/src/httpapi_sl.c ...
clem4 package/package_build_all.pal.c ...
clem4 ../../pal/src/platform_sl.c ...
clem4 ../../pal/src/platform_sl.c ...
clem4 ../../pal/src/threadapi_pthreads_sl.c ...
clem4 ../../pal/src/socketio_sl.c ...
clem4 ../../pal/src/threadapi_pthreads_sl.c ...
clem4 ../../pal/src/tlsio_sl.c ...
clem4 ../../pal/src/parson_sl.c ...clem4 ../../pal/src/socketio_sl.c ...
clem4 package/package_build_all.sdk.c ...
"../../pal/inc/tlsio_sl.h", line 14: fatal error: cannot open source file "azure_c_shared_utility/xio.h"
1 catastrophic err"o.r. /d.e.t"/e."../../pal/inc/tlsio_sl.h", line 14: fatal error: canpno"t open socurc.e fi"l.e. /".a.z/uprael_/cs_rsch/atrherde_audtaiplii_tpyt/hxrieoa.dhs"_
l.c",1  lciantea s4t:r ofpahtiacl  eerrrroorr :d a.ectta/encntoetd  oli.pne nt hseo eucrocme.p iflialtei o"na zoufr e"_.c._//d./ss. / lhaad/ttll_sht//urepsstc arri/cpcclhoi//itm_tpttpshlypilra/al.ettpacafh"it"dor._i, pma/lnli_d.. i_""sa.conp..lp/"fet...ip,  h/"/c.a. "./../pal/src/parson_sl.c", line 351:r.. "hll.f3e..."/i.atal :ae//

n source file "pnae.rfsaasConc. .ha_llo"/1/ts//
p1 catastrophic error  ld:al.errtected in the compilation of "../../pal/src/parson_sl.c".
Cicos l mcccpilation terminatleaif/e"//adtoasr,ps.
ta_trr aoissacolrcotll/risknr
>> Compilation failure
. t:noe ohel enttp"rsc _ieh,roia4sori ron:l_mcl:_n .si i sofclnenclta".area. t,ctr ncoa"eo1n"pl ,dr4o.e l . :t
efoCsrentapooo eetemur3 canpr:51tl ic :5e slec :deoa af  rutfnafirriintanocoloat renetlat:     lh ft"oe ecieapre a
>> Compilation failure
lrzerrcnemunoron ir romo""nes:rpt.aa_o :i .ztcuclo/ue_r aap.rdsccnte.e.heann/_i
rfntsa_neo ols idtou/holgmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release.a.mak:204: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release/parson_sl.oem4] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
_ prsafe
>> Compilation failure
uocerr  tpenec""ie  d/.alnfs_s.zi iouo/utslutc.ryoerik.e/u cle/_hr"eictca tpt_tezfyaisp ui/lohafrlh/_apieessril_t rle.ect"c.dh _pp/c_""saagmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release.a.mak:80: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release/platform_sl.oem4] Error 1
zairs iur.eollrehanied"1id.n__
cyp" _ta/i
5hl1ahp:ai srt rtcteh1feyarar ad/todect_xapaaaauishpdtltotiisa i.rc._selho hstri"pe"lrrt
cpr/co"h:s r.i o1e 1
ac reckCnaeotaeontrrettmoar caiptsodtsoi treetgmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release.a.mak:111: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release/tlsio_sl.oem4] Error 1
.lor tdrhapoe do"tepciep
o ie einscdtcc o  ht t1ueieeee rrn drrccr c rmaeotoioit rhmnrnaf ep  asid itdttleclheeretoaetdo emt e.p"cpicc
izelnmecuda pd r to"i. ./..eiiflei/rno a_npr ntc aot i_tl"rhoosh/. efnhei.d   a n/ec" dmt/cp/"_pl
>> Compilation failure
pti..uisael..tlilda//iao/ tp.lt_siia.iisrnol/tocn/ly n/ s./t phorhshoatfc"oeflt /,c  /p"h kc"sa.tleo.rp.titmc/pni.p/.aeio/ip.p"/rt_a:.
aool/ crt1ss"o"ca rl.f./lcc.

.p_prraC.isi:odo/lll pampaa.cttcaphapii"liinioo./lcn_nn
rtettttCcir heeo/ororrrmsnopemmpo reaiiict ndnnlked saaaeres_ttttmtoseeiiieulddooncr...n_atcc

tled .e.d f
>> Compilation failure

>> Compilation failure
h"ptCeaieo zldcmu
>> Compilation failure
pl_oiacngmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug.a.mak:142: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug/threadapi_pthreads_sl.oem4] Error 1
lt_ aist
>> Compilation failure
toheinaro rmntei edngmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug.a.mak:49: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug/httpapi_sl.oem4] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release.a.mak:49: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release/httpapi_sl.oem4] Error 1
or_afmut ite"
>> Compilation failure
gmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug.a.mak:204: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug/parson_sl.oem4] Error 1
>> Compilation failure
/so1c kceattiaos_tsrlo.pch"i.c
eCrormopri ldaettieocnt etde rimni nthea tceod.
pilation of "../../pal/src/platform_sl.c".
Compilation terminated.

>> Compilation failure

>> Compilation failure
gmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug.a.mak:111: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug/tlsio_sl.oem4] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release.a.mak:142: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release/threadapi_pthreads_sl.oem4] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release.a.mak:173: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_release/socketio_sl.oem4] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug.a.mak:173: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug/socketio_sl.oem4] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug.a.mak:80: package/lib/lib/ccs/m4/pal_sl_debug/platform_sl.oem4] Error 1
xdctools_3_51_03_28_core\gmake.exe: *** [C:/ti/xdctools_3_51_03_28_core\packages\xdc\bld\xdc_top.mak:389: ../build_all/pal,.libraries] Error 2
xdctools_3_51_03_28_core\gmake.exe: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
xdctools_3_51_03_28_core\gmake.exe: *** [C:/ti/xdctools_3_51_03_28_core\packages\xdc\bld\xdc_top.mak:389: ../build_all/sdk,.libraries] Error 2
gmake: *** [Makefile:59: all] Error 2

  • I was able to clean and build the library using the SDK plugin.

    Then I tried to modify all the makefiles etc to cc13x2_26x2 pointing to this sdk, but this did not work.

    So my question is:

    Does TI have any plans to make an azure library (extend the makefiles) for cc13x2 so that cc31xx can be used for WiFi?

    We would like to implement our own sub 1 GHz protocol on cc13x2 and also keep the azure library on this same chip while using a slave WiFi module (cc31xx).

    The other approach would be to use cc1310 and cc32xx with a SPI com bus between them - but it would be much better to only use one MCU as this makes life easier.

  • Hi,

    I sent it to a concerned engineer. we will get back to you ASAP. Please bear with us.



  • Hi,

    Thank you :-)

  • Hi Hans,

    Unfortunately, we do not support the Azure library on the CC13xx devices, and we do not have experience porting it. The first step though would be to port the CC31xx Wi-Fi Plugin to the CC13xx. Were you able to complete that successfully? There is a driver for CC26x2 that should be very similar. The Azure plugin won't work without the SimpleLink network libraries.

    Your other option would be, as you said, use a CC32xx device with the CC13x0. We have a TI 15.4 Plugin that supports the CC32xx and CC13x0 already, and the Azure library would already be built for the CC32xx. The CC3220 or CC3235 would act as the application MCU, and the memory is much larger than the CC13x0 to accommodate the network stack and cloud libraries like Azure. If you choose CC13xx as your main application MCU, you will have to be careful of code size.

    Best regards,
