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CC2652R: Jump to/trigger ROM bootloader from a running program (no external GPIO)

Part Number: CC2652R

We have CC2652R connected to a host via UART (just TX/RX, no control or GPIO signals present) and we would like to utilise the ROM bootloader for firmware updates. Given that we have no GPIO present, we can not use the external bootloader trigger pins.

Wondering if we can jump to ROM bootloader from a running application so we can issue a command via UART to put device in bootloader mode?

Looking at SWRA466C Fig 1, ROM bootloader is entered if IMAGE_VALID in CCFG is not valid. Can we perhaps then modify that register within the application and reset the device to enter bootloader?

Is there another (better?) way to achieve this?


  • According to the TRM, IMAGE_VALID_CONF in CCFG is read only so that seems to rule out that idea.

    Any other way this could be achieved?

  • Hi Omer,

    I've notified the correct experts to help address your questions.  One quick thought, would it be possible to assign the UART TX pin as the backdoor bootloader pin which could be evaluated once you use the UART interface or RESET_N pin to trigger a device reset?


  • Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for raising the question, hoping we'll hear from the experts soon.

    With regards to your suggestion: The RESET pin is not connected to any IO that I can control so even if I moved the backdoor trigger pin I would still have to reset the device manually. I am interested in a pure software solution where I can effectively jump to the bootloader, if at all possible.



  • Hi Omer, 

    Apologies for the delay. 

    In the figure that you are referring to, the process of entering the bootloader starts with a reset. So there is no way to enter the bootloader without performing a reset. 
