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About Z-Stack example projects

Hi TI,
I am checking all example projects with the intention learn and customizing code.
I have some questions please,

1-) In the the example project zed_temperaturesensor to update the temperature sample in the remote app: is it enough write the variable sclSampleTemperatureSensor_MeasuredValue with the current measured value?

2-) In the  example project  zed_light, to read the light state from the remote app: is it enough read the variable zclSampleLight_OnOff?

3-) In the  example project  zed_light: how I can know when the remote app change the light sate?

4-) If I defines a manufacturer specific cluster and attributes, I need manufacturer specific commands to read and write these cluster and attributes in the end device and the remote app? 

Thank you very much, for any help!