Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2592, OPA2365, , OPA365
Tool/software: TI-RTOS
Hello TI,
We are using CC2538 with CC2592 for Zigbee(RF) and as controller and OPA2365 amplifier to amplify the microwave sensor signal (For reference i attach microwave sensor amplifier circuit schematic, please go through it)
CC2538 and CC2592 board work standalone properly and OPA2365 board work standalone properly
when i source both circuit from common supply problem started, there is voltage spike generated in amplifier output which make system false trigger
1.Output of OPA2365 coming to CC2538 interrupt pin
2.Supply source is common for both circuit
3.By using OPA2365 interrupt detection we trigger the relay
4.we test the both circuit by supplying different source and make ground common only, that time also spike is present
where is the issues cc2538 affecting amplifier circuit ..?
How to remove that spike which is generated when i make common ground of the both circuit
Rahul surawase