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RTOS/CC3220S-LAUNCHXL: OTA check fails after many attempts.

Genius 3100 points
Part Number: CC3220S-LAUNCHXL

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

The OTA check seems to fail after many attempts on the same OTA image. I wrote my program to check OTA every hour (for testing) and it seems to fail after many attempts. I am using dropbox to store the OTA and the OTA image is not changed during the process. The first few attempts (100 or more) would return event OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION and after sometime it returns a failure as shown below. Finally my MCU would freeze (out of memory, may be). Please note that I am using the latest SDK and the respective service packs

OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile
OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile: file=/OTA_CC3220SF/20180305230740_CC3200_OTA.tar, size=307200
OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
   OtaArchive_CheckVersion: current version str = 20180305230740, decimal = -1746093164
   OtaArchive_CheckVersion: new     version str = 20180305230740, decimal = -1746093164
   OtaArchive_CheckVersion: older version update - 20180305230740

OtaRunStep: status from Ota_run: OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION 

Reply from SUCCESS, Time=36ms,     Overall Stat Success (171/173)
OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
RespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384

_OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=1/5, return only WARNNING
OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry

OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
RespLen is 673, ProcessedSize is: 668
the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384

Debug Logs. (refer lines with OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION &  Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file)

  • HI Zacson,

    What SDK version are you using, and what are you getting back as the JSON object?

  • Hi Aaron,
    I have already mentioned the SDK version in my query (latest SDK and the respective service packs). The error is thrown from the OTA library and I am not receiving any JSON.

  • Looking at the logs again, there is a difference in RespLen and ProcessedSize during normal check and the failed one. This comes from the OTA library.

    OtaRunStep: status from Ota_run: OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION 
    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 0, 0
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    RespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, NumDirFiles=1
    OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile
    OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile: file=/OTA_CC3220SF/20180305230740_CC3200_OTA.tar, size=307200
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: current version str = 20180305230740, decimal = -1746093164
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: new     version str = 20180305230740, decimal = -1746093164
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: older version update - 20180305230740
    OtaRunStep: status from Ota_run: OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION 
    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 0, 0
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    RespLen is 673, ProcessedSize is: 668
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=1/5, return only WARNNING
    Reply from SUCCESS, Time=49ms,     Overall Stat Success (93/97)
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry

  • TI Team,

    Can someone please look into this on an urgent basis ? The OTA seems to create lot of problems.

  • Hi Zac,

    What will happen on the next OTA attempt (after the failure) if you reset the device?

    Seems that something is wrong with the Dropbox response for the folder list query,

    Can you print the buffer received in "CdnDropboxV2_ParseRespDir" (you'll need to rebuild the library) afterwards.

    for example add the following code after the call HttHttpClient_RecvSkipHdr....

    RespLen = HttpClient_RecvSkipHdr(SockId, pRespBuf, NET_BUF_SIZE, NULL);
    if (RespLen < 0)


    _SlOtaLibTrace(("CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR HttpClient_RecvSkipHdr, status=%ld\r\n", RespLen));
    return RespLen;




    int i;

    _SlOtaLibTrace("pRespBuf:: ");

    for (i=0; i<RespLen; i++)


    _SlOtaLibTrace("02x, ", pRespbuf[i]);







  • Dear Kobi,

    The OTA check works fine again if I reset the board.
    I do suspect some bad response from Dropbox. However the major problem is once an error occurs, then it keeps throwing it until we reset the board. And if we don't reset the board, this could end up freezing the system.

  • Hi Kob,

    Below are the logs with the suggested code change.

    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 0, 0
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    Reply from SUCCESS, Time=106ms,    Overall Stat Success (103/105)
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, NumDirFiles=1
    OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile
    OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile: file=/OTA_CC3220SF/20180313194148_CC3200_OTA.tar, size=307200
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: current version str = 20180313194148, decimal = -1738129756
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: new     version str = 20180313194148, decimal = -1738129756
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: older version update - 20180313194148
    OtaRunStep: status from Ota_run: OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION 
    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 0, 0
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, NumDirFiles=1
    OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile
    OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile: file=/OTA_CC3220SF/20180313194148_CC3200_OTA.tar, size=307200
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: current version str = 20180313194148, decimal = -1738129756
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: new     version str = 20180313194148, decimal = -1738129756
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: older version update - 20180313194148
    OtaRunStep: status from Ota_run: OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION 
    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 0, 0
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    Reply from SUCCESS, Time=2ms,      Overall Stat Success (104/106)
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=1/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=2/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=3/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=4/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    Reply from SUCCESS, Time=2ms,      Overall Stat Success (105/107)
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=5/5, MAX_CONSECUTIVE_OTA_ERRORS!!! 
    OtaRunStep: FATAL ERROR from Ota_run -21003 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 4, 1
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=1/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, 02x, /n/rRespLen is 673, ProcessedSize is: 668
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=2/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry



  • Hi Zac,

    There is a problem with the debug code.

    The following line should be changed:

     _SlOtaLibTrace("02x, ", pRespbuf[i]);

    It should be:

     _SlOtaLibTrace("%02x, ", pRespbuf[i]);



  • Hi Kobi,

    Here are the updated logs.

    OtaRunStep: status from Ota_run: OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION 
    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 36, 9
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 32, 39, 61, 0d, 0a, 7b, 22, 65, 6e, 74, 72, 69, 65, 73, 22, 3a, 20, 5b, 7b, 22, 2e, 74, 61, 67, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 66, 69, 6c, 65, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 6e, 61, 6d, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 6c, 6f, 77, 65, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 6f, 74, 61, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 32, 30, 73, 66, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 6f, 74, 61, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 64, 69, 73, 70, 6c, 61, 79, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 4f, 54, 41, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 32, 30, 53, 46, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 69, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 69, 64, 3a, 4a, 74, 57, 71, 42, 66, 48, 4e, 61, 5a, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 53, 41, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6c, 69, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 65, 72, 76, 65, 72, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 72, 65, 76, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 37, 65, 37, 38, 31, 31, 36, 34, 38, 30, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 33, 30, 37, 32, 30, 30, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6f, 6e, 74, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 68, 61, 73, 68, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 33, 33, 66, 64, 35, 34, 32, 37, 35, 39, 37, 30, 65, 30, 35, 64, 64, 63, 31, 30, 30, 63, 38, 30, 37, 64, 36, 32, 64, 37, 30, 62, 34, 31, 32, 31, 63, 38, 66, 35, 39, 34, 61, 64, 65, 63, 31, 64, 65, 38, 35, 37, 33, 61, 30, 32, 64, 36, 35, 39, 35, 61, 31, 32, 22, 7d, 5d, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 75, 72, 73, 6f, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 41, 41, 45, 61, 39, 38, 4e, 39, 70, 46, 34, 6d, 4d, 4a, 68, 36, 57, 37, 4e, 74, 43, 46, 6a, 57, 33, 4e, 35, 4d, 70, 4b, 55, 66, 48, 41, 73, 50, 75, 47, 2d, 6d, 6d, 38, 72, 39, 70, 6e, 73, 49, 72, 54, 4f, 74, 74, 5a, 42, 72, 56, 42, 62, 42, 50, 71, 4b, 67, 73, 72, 68, 6d, 70, 39, 36, 4a, 77, 6c, 63, 47, 62, 4e, 44, 37, 6c, 63, 55, 33, 41, 48, 35, 78, 6a, 4c, 68, 44, 53, 53, 76, 7a, 59, 75, 66, 69, 4f, 54, 73, 70, 6d, 76, 7a, 32, 49, 68, 37, 30, 59, 70, 4f, 73, 4c, 38, 4f, 63, 77, 35, 5a, 36, 69, 6d, 56, 55, 6a, 78, 44, 6d, 46, 52, 33, 46, 57, 68, 62, 77, 70, 2d, 76, 37, 30, 4c, 54, 7a, 72, 4b, 68, 4b, 61, 6f, 35, 46, 32, 4d, 66, 79, 6b, 31, 69, 57, 44, 76, 43, 4d, 6a, 31, 46, 7a, 68, 77, 74, 43, 67, 6e, 65, 4f, 67, 46, 68, 34, 42, 4d, 35, 42, 76, 5f, 63, 49, 58, 74, 51, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 68, 61, 73, 5f, 6d, 6f, 72, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 66, 61, 6c, 73, 65, 7d, 0d, 0a, 30, 0d, 0a, 0d, 0a, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, NumDirFiles=1
    OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile
    OTA_run: CdnClient_GetNextDirFile: file=/OTA_CC3220SF/20180313194148_CC3200_OTA.tar, size=307200
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: current version str = 20180313194148, decimal = -1738129756
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: new     version str = 20180313194148, decimal = -1738129756
        OtaArchive_CheckVersion: older version update - 20180313194148
    OtaRunStep: status from Ota_run: OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION 
    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 36, 9
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 32, 39, 61, 0d, 0a, 7b, 22, 65, 6e, 74, 72, 69, 65, 73, 22, 3a, 20, 5b, 7b, 22, 2e, 74, 61, 67, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 66, 69, 6c, 65, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 6e, 61, 6d, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 6c, 6f, 77, 65, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 6f, 74, 61, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 32, 30, 73, 66, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 6f, 74, 61, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 64, 69, 73, 70, 6c, 61, 79, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 4f, 54, 41, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 32, 30, 53, 46, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 69, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 69, 64, 3a, 4a, 74, 57, 71, 42, 66, 48, 4e, 61, 5a, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 53, 41, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6c, 69, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 65, 72, 76, 65, 72, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 72, 65, 76, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 37, 65, 37, 38, 31, 31, 36, 34, 38, 30, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 33, 30, 37, 32, 30, 30, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6f, 6e, 74, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 68, 61, 73, 68, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 33, 33, 66, 64, 35, 34, 32, 37, 35, 39, 37, 30, 65, 30, 35, 64, 64, 63, 31, 30, 30, 63, 38, 30, 37, 64, 36, 32, 64, 37, 30, 62, 34, 31, 32, 31, 63, 38, 66, 35, 39, 34, 61, 64, 65, 63, 31, 64, 65, 38, 35, 37, 33, 61, 30, 32, 64, 36, 35, 39, 35, 61, 31, 32, 22, 7d, 5d, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 75, 72, 73, 6f, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 41, 41, 47, 35, 77, 76, 6e, 2d, 74, 49, 55, 42, 32, 58, 58, 79, 78, 36, 5f, 55, 61, 30, 62, 47, 70, 43, 6e, 4c, 77, 52, 43, 37, 4c, 43, 4a, 4a, 52, 45, 52, 2d, 78, 4e, 77, 79, 55, 53, 7a, 49, 31, 53, 38, 37, 57, 58, 65, 46, 62, 49, 63, 5f, 79, 4e, 5a, 51, 35, 6e, 4f, 6f, 73, 4e, 6f, 31, 63, 7a, 73, 65, 47, 5f, 6d, 41, 49, 71, 46, 58, 42, 68, 72, 59, 34, 30, 72, 53, 73, 43, 4a, 50, 75, 78, 55, 4d, 31, 35, 41, 34, 6c, 57, 5f, 44, 5a, 41, 73, 52, 41, 42, 67, 52, 31, 4f, 52, 44, 57, 43, 47, 6b, 54, 5a, 55, 6a, 6e, 67, 6f, 42, 62, 79, 35, 37, 64, 50, 44, 30, 43, 32, 64, 56, 5a, 69, 69, 6e, 4f, 72, 54, 51, 54, 7a, 36, 74, 45, 4d, 46, 7a, 77, 6e, 46, 58, 32, 6f, 55, 59, 57, 6d, 53, 46, 73, 36, 4d, 79, 42, 53, 54, 67, 42, 37, 56, 31, 78, 49, 6f, 37, 7a, 5f, 72, 43, 77, 76, 34, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 68, 61, 73, 5f, 6d, 6f, 72, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 66, 61, 6c, 73, 65, 7d, 0d, 0a, 30, 0d, 0a, 0d, 0a, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=1/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 32, 39, 61, 0d, 0a, 7b, 22, 65, 6e, 74, 72, 69, 65, 73, 22, 3a, 20, 5b, 7b, 22, 2e, 74, 61, 67, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 66, 69, 6c, 65, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 6e, 61, 6d, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 6c, 6f, 77, 65, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 6f, 74, 61, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 32, 30, 73, 66, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 6f, 74, 61, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 64, 69, 73, 70, 6c, 61, 79, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 4f, 54, 41, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 32, 30, 53, 46, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 69, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 69, 64, 3a, 4a, 74, 57, 71, 42, 66, 48, 4e, 61, 5a, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 53, 41, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6c, 69, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 65, 72, 76, 65, 72, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 72, 65, 76, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 37, 65, 37, 38, 31, 31, 36, 34, 38, 30, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 33, 30, 37, 32, 30, 30, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6f, 6e, 74, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 68, 61, 73, 68, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 33, 33, 66, 64, 35, 34, 32, 37, 35, 39, 37, 30, 65, 30, 35, 64, 64, 63, 31, 30, 30, 63, 38, 30, 37, 64, 36, 32, 64, 37, 30, 62, 34, 31, 32, 31, 63, 38, 66, 35, 39, 34, 61, 64, 65, 63, 31, 64, 65, 38, 35, 37, 33, 61, 30, 32, 64, 36, 35, 39, 35, 61, 31, 32, 22, 7d, 5d, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 75, 72, 73, 6f, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 41, 41, 48, 72, 62, 52, 73, 6e, 63, 76, 68, 53, 52, 2d, 4e, 48, 76, 72, 33, 54, 4d, 77, 50, 6c, 49, 50, 72, 71, 56, 59, 32, 63, 66, 6f, 34, 4c, 39, 4a, 5a, 35, 67, 49, 74, 6f, 66, 56, 69, 78, 78, 31, 7a, 6b, 69, 70, 38, 63, 65, 68, 30, 64, 30, 70, 33, 39, 55, 6d, 38, 31, 6f, 49, 59, 63, 72, 4b, 44, 79, 58, 2d, 41, 43, 38, 37, 46, 31, 71, 47, 63, 74, 64, 57, 6f, 57, 4d, 45, 6b, 6e, 45, 44, 56, 4e, 47, 4b, 66, 45, 44, 6a, 62, 67, 31, 63, 77, 38, 69, 6b, 55, 49, 6b, 63, 51, 68, 57, 62, 53, 57, 39, 6c, 68, 75, 66, 6d, 53, 48, 75, 4a, 2d, 4f, 55, 4f, 68, 74, 66, 65, 36, 6b, 69, 47, 53, 5f, 41, 72, 73, 64, 48, 56, 36, 65, 6e, 32, 69, 35, 4e, 4c, 71, 51, 34, 66, 4e, 39, 7a, 78, 71, 4a, 34, 67, 37, 6b, 6d, 6b, 71, 67, 4a, 4a, 74, 66, 42, 32, 76, 59, 6b, 42, 6a, 79, 33, 37, 63, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 68, 61, 73, 5f, 6d, 6f, 72, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 66, 61, 6c, 73, 65, 7d, 0d, 0a, 30, 0d, 0a, 0d, 0a, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=2/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    C: Net 0, Sending Ping request [768]
    C: FH-B1 0xc0 to net 0, Sent (2 Bytes) [@ 768]
    Reply from SUCCESS, Time=6ms,      Overall Stat Success (74/75)
    pRespBuf:: 32, 39, 61, 0d, 0a, 7b, 22, 65, 6e, 74, 72, 69, 65, 73, 22, 3a, 20, 5b, 7b, 22, 2e, 74, 61, 67, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 66, 69, 6c, 65, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 6e, 61, 6d, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 6c, 6f, 77, 65, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 6f, 74, 61, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 32, 30, 73, 66, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 6f, 74, 61, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 64, 69, 73, 70, 6c, 61, 79, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 4f, 54, 41, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 32, 30, 53, 46, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 69, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 69, 64, 3a, 4a, 74, 57, 71, 42, 66, 48, 4e, 61, 5a, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 53, 41, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6c, 69, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 65, 72, 76, 65, 72, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 72, 65, 76, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 37, 65, 37, 38, 31, 31, 36, 34, 38, 30, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 33, 30, 37, 32, 30, 30, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6f, 6e, 74, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 68, 61, 73, 68, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 33, 33, 66, 64, 35, 34, 32, 37, 35, 39, 37, 30, 65, 30, 35, 64, 64, 63, 31, 30, 30, 63, 38, 30, 37, 64, 36, 32, 64, 37, 30, 62, 34, 31, 32, 31, 63, 38, 66, 35, 39, 34, 61, 64, 65, 63, 31, 64, 65, 38, 35, 37, 33, 61, 30, 32, 64, 36, 35, 39, 35, 61, 31, 32, 22, 7d, 5d, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 75, 72, 73, 6f, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 41, 41, 45, 63, 49, 6a, 39, 56, 38, 46, 35, 6e, 6e, 49, 6c, 32, 32, 41, 61, 79, 38, 52, 70, 42, 36, 61, 4f, 4f, 61, 5f, 63, 50, 30, 4f, 57, 68, 4a, 59, 4e, 52, 6e, 2d, 62, 75, 2d, 43, 58, 53, 30, 39, 36, 75, 7a, 72, 4e, 76, 4f, 51, 5f, 47, 64, 62, 4a, 70, 52, 72, 7a, 67, 33, 7a, 58, 57, 34, 2d, 2d, 4f, 75, 38, 50, 70, 58, 43, 55, 65, 66, 76, 4e, 4a, 42, 36, 33, 70, 64, 56, 77, 36, 32, 69, 33, 47, 38, 54, 68, 6d, 5f, 78, 69, 73, 39, 67, 4f, 33, 39, 47, 38, 6c, 51, 37, 79, 59, 51, 6a, 61, 48, 4c, 61, 6e, 53, 4b, 5a, 75, 51, 4b, 31, 5a, 79, 55, 75, 59, 51, 43, 39, 46, 4a, 30, 61, 56, 6e, 31, 77, 4d, 62, 31, 6b, 42, 64, 54, 37, 65, 53, 43, 46, 54, 42, 4f, 78, 57, 50, 5a, 36, 32, 76, 30, 74, 46, 71, 4d, 68, 77, 4e, 33, 66, 7a, 72, 57, 42, 62, 45, 4c, 53, 58, 79, 5f, 56, 41, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 68, 61, 73, 5f, 6d, 6f, 72, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 66, 61, 6c, 73, 65, 7d, 0d, 0a, /n/rRespLen is 673, ProcessedSize is: 668
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=3/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    C: Rcvd msg Fix-Hdr (Byte1) 0xd0 from net 0 [@ 769]
    C: Msg w/ ID 0x0000, processing status: Good
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 32, 39, 61, 0d, 0a, 7b, 22, 65, 6e, 74, 72, 69, 65, 73, 22, 3a, 20, 5b, 7b, 22, 2e, 74, 61, 67, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 66, 69, 6c, 65, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 6e, 61, 6d, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 6c, 6f, 77, 65, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 6f, 74, 61, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 32, 30, 73, 66, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 6f, 74, 61, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 64, 69, 73, 70, 6c, 61, 79, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 4f, 54, 41, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 32, 30, 53, 46, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 69, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 69, 64, 3a, 4a, 74, 57, 71, 42, 66, 48, 4e, 61, 5a, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 53, 41, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6c, 69, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 65, 72, 76, 65, 72, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 72, 65, 76, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 37, 65, 37, 38, 31, 31, 36, 34, 38, 30, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 33, 30, 37, 32, 30, 30, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6f, 6e, 74, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 68, 61, 73, 68, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 33, 33, 66, 64, 35, 34, 32, 37, 35, 39, 37, 30, 65, 30, 35, 64, 64, 63, 31, 30, 30, 63, 38, 30, 37, 64, 36, 32, 64, 37, 30, 62, 34, 31, 32, 31, 63, 38, 66, 35, 39, 34, 61, 64, 65, 63, 31, 64, 65, 38, 35, 37, 33, 61, 30, 32, 64, 36, 35, 39, 35, 61, 31, 32, 22, 7d, 5d, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 75, 72, 73, 6f, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 41, 41, 47, 4c, 31, 4e, 69, 4c, 52, 41, 6a, 34, 52, 45, 52, 4d, 53, 59, 64, 5f, 58, 46, 71, 47, 47, 41, 74, 39, 32, 53, 54, 78, 4e, 4c, 61, 4b, 76, 63, 75, 53, 42, 6b, 79, 59, 4d, 52, 57, 50, 44, 54, 64, 65, 6e, 74, 77, 6f, 45, 38, 46, 44, 6a, 36, 47, 56, 71, 72, 36, 36, 50, 54, 2d, 61, 32, 65, 4d, 63, 67, 6f, 4b, 53, 61, 56, 39, 6c, 33, 57, 58, 6c, 34, 4b, 5a, 42, 58, 57, 76, 4d, 36, 54, 42, 4f, 44, 6e, 5a, 76, 46, 66, 75, 4a, 70, 54, 72, 34, 6f, 33, 6b, 50, 4f, 31, 49, 6b, 76, 42, 67, 5a, 65, 42, 6a, 65, 57, 34, 47, 33, 47, 6f, 63, 62, 42, 76, 79, 70, 54, 4b, 43, 69, 33, 6c, 56, 5a, 61, 57, 4a, 52, 73, 35, 4b, 6c, 53, 63, 38, 75, 67, 50, 65, 76, 6a, 64, 49, 43, 4b, 43, 5f, 78, 31, 35, 44, 67, 38, 61, 33, 70, 62, 34, 71, 44, 65, 38, 4a, 51, 4f, 70, 35, 67, 65, 4d, 30, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 68, 61, 73, 5f, 6d, 6f, 72, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 66, 61, 6c, 73, 65, 7d, 0d, 0a, 30, 0d, 0a, 0d, 0a, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=4/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 32, 39, 61, 0d, 0a, 7b, 22, 65, 6e, 74, 72, 69, 65, 73, 22, 3a, 20, 5b, 7b, 22, 2e, 74, 61, 67, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 66, 69, 6c, 65, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 6e, 61, 6d, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 6c, 6f, 77, 65, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 6f, 74, 61, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 32, 30, 73, 66, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 6f, 74, 61, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 64, 69, 73, 70, 6c, 61, 79, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 4f, 54, 41, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 32, 30, 53, 46, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 69, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 69, 64, 3a, 4a, 74, 57, 71, 42, 66, 48, 4e, 61, 5a, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 53, 41, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6c, 69, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 65, 72, 76, 65, 72, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 72, 65, 76, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 37, 65, 37, 38, 31, 31, 36, 34, 38, 30, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 33, 30, 37, 32, 30, 30, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6f, 6e, 74, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 68, 61, 73, 68, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 33, 33, 66, 64, 35, 34, 32, 37, 35, 39, 37, 30, 65, 30, 35, 64, 64, 63, 31, 30, 30, 63, 38, 30, 37, 64, 36, 32, 64, 37, 30, 62, 34, 31, 32, 31, 63, 38, 66, 35, 39, 34, 61, 64, 65, 63, 31, 64, 65, 38, 35, 37, 33, 61, 30, 32, 64, 36, 35, 39, 35, 61, 31, 32, 22, 7d, 5d, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 75, 72, 73, 6f, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 41, 41, 48, 4c, 59, 6d, 6e, 42, 7a, 48, 42, 49, 34, 57, 2d, 51, 32, 6f, 37, 7a, 37, 71, 6b, 47, 46, 53, 44, 58, 54, 4b, 57, 2d, 42, 6d, 69, 70, 7a, 4b, 32, 44, 52, 30, 2d, 34, 59, 52, 69, 75, 4a, 77, 2d, 38, 6e, 58, 5f, 6c, 48, 79, 65, 6d, 75, 45, 47, 44, 4a, 30, 37, 59, 47, 72, 4d, 2d, 33, 4a, 4a, 70, 71, 75, 6d, 56, 78, 56, 4d, 34, 39, 71, 74, 73, 65, 62, 64, 66, 34, 36, 37, 33, 39, 49, 42, 6f, 62, 4b, 76, 6f, 75, 6f, 65, 6f, 51, 55, 6f, 4f, 69, 4c, 4b, 74, 75, 5f, 36, 59, 52, 61, 72, 43, 30, 65, 69, 4f, 64, 64, 5f, 59, 2d, 71, 75, 61, 72, 6a, 4b, 66, 34, 36, 44, 59, 56, 7a, 63, 4c, 43, 2d, 4b, 74, 5a, 53, 30, 79, 67, 67, 78, 68, 5a, 6f, 53, 32, 37, 37, 4e, 54, 78, 32, 66, 56, 46, 42, 5a, 4d, 74, 41, 56, 78, 31, 79, 76, 30, 54, 43, 78, 2d, 69, 44, 35, 72, 6f, 73, 55, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 68, 61, 73, 5f, 6d, 6f, 72, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 66, 61, 6c, 73, 65, 7d, 0d, 0a, 30, 0d, 0a, 0d, 0a, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=5/5, MAX_CONSECUTIVE_OTA_ERRORS!!! 
    OtaRunStep: FATAL ERROR from Ota_run -21003 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Commit with Config....OtaInit: statistics = 0, 40, 10
    OtaInit: call Ota_init
    OTA_init: sizeof CdnClient=576, sizeof OtaArchive=8532
    OTA_init: sizeof OtaLib_t=11312, sizeof OTA_memBlock=12000
    OTA_init: OTA lib version = OTA_LIB_2.0.0.7
    OtaArchive_Init: OTA archive version = OTA_ARCHIVE_2.0.0.4
    OtaConfig: call OTA_set EXTLIB_OTA_SET_OPT_VENDOR_ID, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    OTA_run: call CdnClient_ConnectServer OTA
    CdnClient_ConnectServer: HttpClient_Connect
    HttpClient_Connect: IP_ADDR=
    HttpClient_Connect: WARNING Socket Connect, status=-468, Ignored...
    OTA_run: CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, VendorDir=OTA_CC3220SF
    CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder
    pRespBuf:: 32, 39, 61, 0d, 0a, 7b, 22, 65, 6e, 74, 72, 69, 65, 73, 22, 3a, 20, 5b, 7b, 22, 2e, 74, 61, 67, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 66, 69, 6c, 65, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 6e, 61, 6d, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 6c, 6f, 77, 65, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 6f, 74, 61, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 32, 30, 73, 66, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 63, 63, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 6f, 74, 61, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 70, 61, 74, 68, 5f, 64, 69, 73, 70, 6c, 61, 79, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 2f, 4f, 54, 41, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 32, 30, 53, 46, 2f, 32, 30, 31, 38, 30, 33, 31, 33, 31, 39, 34, 31, 34, 38, 5f, 43, 43, 33, 32, 30, 30, 5f, 4f, 54, 41, 2e, 74, 61, 72, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 69, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 69, 64, 3a, 4a, 74, 57, 71, 42, 66, 48, 4e, 61, 5a, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 53, 41, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6c, 69, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 65, 72, 76, 65, 72, 5f, 6d, 6f, 64, 69, 66, 69, 65, 64, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 32, 30, 31, 38, 2d, 30, 33, 2d, 31, 33, 54, 31, 39, 3a, 31, 30, 3a, 33, 35, 5a, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 72, 65, 76, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 37, 65, 37, 38, 31, 31, 36, 34, 38, 30, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 33, 30, 37, 32, 30, 30, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 6f, 6e, 74, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 68, 61, 73, 68, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 33, 33, 66, 64, 35, 34, 32, 37, 35, 39, 37, 30, 65, 30, 35, 64, 64, 63, 31, 30, 30, 63, 38, 30, 37, 64, 36, 32, 64, 37, 30, 62, 34, 31, 32, 31, 63, 38, 66, 35, 39, 34, 61, 64, 65, 63, 31, 64, 65, 38, 35, 37, 33, 61, 30, 32, 64, 36, 35, 39, 35, 61, 31, 32, 22, 7d, 5d, 2c, 20, 22, 63, 75, 72, 73, 6f, 72, 22, 3a, 20, 22, 41, 41, 46, 61, 39, 74, 76, 36, 7a, 34, 39, 48, 6b, 58, 41, 49, 53, 4b, 6d, 7a, 73, 6d, 50, 56, 4b, 33, 6f, 68, 2d, 33, 36, 73, 55, 67, 5a, 41, 71, 63, 64, 43, 79, 74, 6a, 41, 37, 38, 37, 53, 7a, 52, 34, 73, 4f, 35, 32, 52, 4e, 62, 54, 58, 72, 6c, 74, 48, 51, 4f, 70, 52, 36, 30, 6f, 58, 4c, 39, 6e, 68, 63, 65, 4c, 56, 47, 44, 38, 51, 42, 39, 30, 56, 71, 66, 43, 77, 31, 70, 61, 62, 4c, 71, 50, 33, 6f, 48, 37, 4d, 75, 62, 67, 45, 31, 52, 71, 54, 53, 31, 56, 32, 6f, 68, 74, 78, 33, 54, 64, 57, 55, 6d, 38, 2d, 57, 43, 41, 57, 65, 55, 47, 78, 66, 34, 46, 63, 30, 53, 32, 4d, 62, 69, 38, 52, 64, 55, 30, 49, 76, 42, 66, 4d, 53, 77, 63, 69, 46, 42, 57, 38, 5a, 64, 39, 61, 49, 4e, 53, 5f, 66, 37, 64, 67, 4f, 36, 50, 76, 46, 57, 6d, 5f, 43, 65, 65, 43, 33, 4b, 72, 79, 5f, 58, 51, 22, 2c, 20, 22, 68, 61, 73, 5f, 6d, 6f, 72, 65, 22, 3a, 20, 66, 61, 6c, 73, 65, 7d, 0d, 0a, 30, 0d, 0a, 0d, 0a, /n/rRespLen is 678, ProcessedSize is: 673
    the entire JSON pRespBuf is: Error: -16384  , Couldn't parse the received Json file 
    CdnDropbox_ParseRespDir: ERROR OtaJson_init, retVal=-16384
    OTA_run: ERROR CdnClient_ReqOtaDir, Status=-16384
    _OtaCheckConsecutiveErrors: ConsecutiveOtaErrors=1/5, return only WARNNING
    OtaRunStep: WARNING Ota_run, Status=20004, continue for next OTA retry



  • Hi Zac,

    The buffer seems ok (it passes when I use it on my reference) so I can't tell yet where is the problem.

    However, in your log i can see that the first "Folder List" request passes and OTA stops due to "OLDER_VERSION" (it seems that you are not using the OTA_LOOP_TESTING  flag).

    looks like something is not cleaned upon the 2nd OTA sequence. 

    What triggers the 2nd OTA attempt?



  • Hi Kobi,

    The OTA check is being done in loop with the same old firmware in dropbox (every 1 second for testing).
    I have not enabled the loop testing flag as it would actually update and reset my device.

  • Ok. So, does it always fails in the 2nd attempt, or the failure happens sporadically after couple of successful attempts?
  • Hi Kobi,

    The scenario which I am trying to test is, how the system would behave when running for few months while checking the OTA firmware every day or so. In real scenario this would happen only once in a day. However for testing purpose I reduce the OTA check interval and saw this behaviour.
    Apart from the above, I have also noticed some failures when OTA folder is empty.

  • I understand the test use case.
    The question is (since I don't see the full log) whether the failure happens always on the 2nd attempt or the "OTA_RUN_STATUS_CHECK_OLDER_VERSION" case happens repeatedly (how many times?) before you get the error.
    Also, please put more space between the OTA triggers (to make sure the connections to the Dropbox are fully closed), e.g. every 10 seconds instead of every second.

  • Hi Kobi,

    The failure occurs only after 150+ attempts. I had trimmed the logs only to show the last few attempts. Also in the log, if you all the ping count (which happens every second) it is already 176.
    I had earlier set the delay to 60 seconds between OTA triggers and it still failed sometime in a day. Anyway I shall try that again to confirm.

  • Hi Kobi,

    I tried with 60 seconds delay between each OTA retry and the system ran out of memory after almost 3 hours.
    I then monitored heap memory (using Runtime Object View) in between each OTA check and found that the remaining memory is slowly getting reduced after each OTA check. Finally after multiple attempts, heap memory gets exhausted and system would hang. Disabling the OTA routine showed that the remaining heap memory is constant.
    Hence It looks memory is not properly deallocated in OTA library and may need further evaluation and testing. Appreciate if you could look into this on priority as it would badly affect production devices.

  • Thanks Zac,

    We’ll definitely check this next week.

    Thanks for the analysis.



  • Hi Zac,

    The bug was found and will be fixed in the next SDK release.

    If you want fix it yourself, you'll need to update "json.c" (you can copy it to your project from /source/ti/utils/json/ or /source/ti/net/json/ - depending on the SDK version you use, and update the project's include path).
    In the function "Json_destroyTemplate" move the line "pInternalTemplate->pData = NULL;" behind the line that frees the "pData" memory "JsonFree(pInternalTemplate->pData);".

  • Dear Kobi,

    I have tried your solution and it seems to have fixed the memory leak (my memory is stable on each OTA check cycle). I have now kept my device to cycle OTA check continuously to ensure that the OTA check failure is resolved as well. I shall keep you posted on the update.
    Will this fix be applied in the upcoming SDK release (Q1)? Please confirm.

    Meanwhile I had also found similar issue on the MQTT reconnection which you may want to look (

    Appreciate your support.
  • We've just missed the Q1 release (which is already out).
    It will be added in Q2.
