{ 0x00, 0x01 }, // 01: // bit 7: E_EL Device identifivation. 0= CDCEL913 (1.8 V out) // bit [6:4] RID Revision identification number (read-only) // bit [3:0] VID Vendor identificatio nnumber (read-only) = 1 { 0x01, 0x01 },//0x00? // 02: SLAVE_ADR[1:0] 01b Address bits A0 and A1 of the slavereceiveraddress0 { 0x02, 0xB4 }, // 03; 0xB4 = 0b1011.0100 // bit 7: M1 1b Clock source selection for output Y1:0-Inputclock / 1-PLL1clock // bit 6: SPICON Operation mode selection for pin 12/13: 0=Serial programming interface SDA(pin 13) and SCL(pin 12) // bit 5-4: Y1_ST1: Y1-State definition 11= Y1 enabled // bit 3-2: Y1_ST0: Y0-State definition 01= Y0 disabled to 3-state // bit 1-0: Pdiv1[9:8] 10-bitY1-output-divider Pdiv1: 00 = Divider reset and stand-by { 0x03, 0x03 }, // 04 // bit Pdiv1[7:0] 0x01= div 1 { 0x04, 0x02 }, // 05 0x02 = 0b0000.0010 Y1_x State Selection // bit 2: Y1_1: 1= State1(predefinedby Y1_ST1) // bit { 0x05, 0x50 }, // 06 XCSEL: Crystal load capacitor selection // 0x50=20pF (bit[2:0] reserved) { 0x06, 0x40 }, // 07 BCOUNT / EEWRITE 0x0e = 0b0000.1110 // bit [7:1] 7-bit byte count (defines the number of bytes which will be sent from this device at the next BlockRead transfer); // all bytes must be readout to finish the read cycle correctly. // bit [0] EEWRITE Initiate EEPROM write cycle -> 0= No EEPROM write cycle { 16, 0x00 }, // 08 SSC1: PLL1 SSC selection -> 0=Spread Spectrum off { 17, 0x00 }, // 09 SSC1: PLL1 -> 0=Spread Spectrum off { 18, 0x00 }, // 10 SSC1: PLL1 -> 0=Spread Spectrum off { 19, 0x00 }, // 11 FS1_x:PLL1frequencyselection // all 0 -> predefined by PLL1_0 - multiplier/divider value { 20, 0x6d }, // 12 PLL Multiplexer 0xED = 0b1110.1101 // bit 7: MUX1 PLL1 multiplexer: 1-> PLL1 bypass // bit 6: M2 Output Y2 multiplexer 1-> Pdiv2 // bit [5:4]: M3 Output Y3 multiplexer 10-> // bit [3:2]: Y2Y3_ST1 11-> Y2/Y3 enabled // bit [1:0]: Y2Y3_ST0 01-> Y2/Y3 disabled to 3-State { 21, 0x02 }, // 13 Y2Y3_x output state selection 0x02 = 0b0000.0010 // bit 2: 1= State1 (predefined by Y2Y3_ST1) { 22, 0x00 }, // 14 Pdiv2 1= div 1 { 23, 0x00 }, // 15 Pdiv3 1= div 1 { 24, 0xE3 }, // 16 // bit [7:0] PLL1_0N [11:4] { 25, 0x8E }, // 17 // bit [7:4] PLL1_0N [3:0] // bit [3:0] PLL1_0R [8:5] { 26, 0x03 }, // 18 // bit [7:3] PLL1_0R [4:0] // bit [2:0] PLL1_0Q [5:3] /*27*/{ 27, 0x8B }, // 19 // bit [7:5] PLL1_0Q [2:0] // bit [4:2] PLL1_0P [2:0] // bit [1:0] fVCO1_0 range selection: 00 - fVCO1_1 < 125 MHz { 28, 0xE3 }, // 20 // bit [7:0] PLL1_1N [11:4] { 29, 0x8E }, // 21 // bit [7:4] PLL1_1N [3:0] // bit [3:0] PLL1_1R [8:5] { 30, 0x03 }, // 22 PLL1_1 // bit [7:3] PLL1_1R [4:0] // bit [2:0] PLL1_1Q [5:3] /*31*/{ 31, 0x88 } // 23 // bit [7:5] PLL1_1Q [2:0] // bit [4:2] PLL1_1P [2:0] // bit [1:0] fVCO1_1 range selection: 00 - fVCO1_1 < 125 MHz };