Inside main Device ID =1057 device successfully connected Reading BMS Config InputVoltageLimit = 6 InputCurrentLimit = 5 SysMinVoltage = 0 BoostModeCurrentLimit= 0 FastChargeCurrentLimit = 16 PreChargeCurrentLimit = 0 TerminationCurrentLimit= 0 ChargeVoltageLimit = 44 BatteryRechargeThr = 0 my getInputVoltageLimit = 6 my getInputCurrentLimit = 5 my getSysMinVoltage = 0 my getBoostModeCurrentLimit= 0 my getFastChargeCurrentLimit = 16 my getPreChargeCurrentLimit = 0 my getTerminationCurrentLimit= 0 my getChargeVoltageLimit = 44 my getBatteryRechargeThr = 0 Now in execute control word in write extended data after checksum data wroteblock data Now in execute control word in write extended data after checksum data wroteblock data Now in execute control word in write extended data after checksum data wroteblock data Now in execute control word in write extended data after checksum data wroteblock data MY Desired Full Design_capacity: 5000 mAh MYFull Design_capacity: 1340 mAh **************************************************************************************** My Voltage: 3781 mV MY Current: -491 mA MY Remaining Battery Capacity: 932 mAh MYFull Full_capacity Capacity: 1207 mAh MY Available_capacity Capacity: 976 mAh MYFull AvailableFull_capacity: 1251 mAh MY RemainingF_capacity: 932 mAh MYFull RemainingUF_capacity: 932 mAh MY FullF_capacity: 1207 mAh MY FullF_capacity: 1207 mAh MYFull Design_capacity: 1340 mAh MY State of Charge: 78 p.c. MY State of Health in percentage: 90 p.c. MY Temperature: 28.100000 Deg C MY Current date and time: 2024-03-11 11:50:36 Fuel Gauge flag =0x189 Fuel guage over temperature Flag = 0 Fuel guage under temperature Flag = 0 Fuel guage full charge detection Flag = 0 Fuel guage fast charging allowed Flag = 1 Fuel guage OCVTAKEN Flag = 1 Fuel guage ITPOR Flag = 0 Fuel guage CFGUPMODE Flag = 0 Fuel guage BAT DETECT Flag = 1 Fuel guage SOC1 Flag = 0 Fuel guage SOCF Flag = 0 Fuel guage DSG Flag = 1 Fuel Gauge status =0x8e Fuel Gauge SHUTDOWNEN status =0 Fuel Gauge WDRESET status =0 Fuel Gauge SS status =0 Fuel Gauge CALMODE status =0 Fuel Gauge CCA status =0 Fuel Gauge BCA status =0 Fuel Gauge QMAX_UP status =0 Fuel Gauge RES_UP status =0 Fuel Gauge INITCOMP status =1 Fuel Gauge HIBERNATE status =0 Fuel Gauge SLEEP status =0 Fuel Gauge LDMD status =1 Fuel Gauge RUP_DIS status =1 Fuel Gauge VOK status =1 **************************************************************************************** system Status value read: 0 VBUS State =0 chrg status is 0 DPM status is 0 Power Good status is 0 VSYSMIN status is 0 Thermal status is 0 Charger Faults value read: 0 Watchdog fault is 0 OTG Fault is 0 Charging fault is 0 Battery fault is 0 NTC FAULT1 is 0 NTC FAULT0 is 0