#include "EEG1.h" #include "EEG1_Definitions.h" #include #include #include // start of simulation declarations #define ISR_TRIGGER_GPIO 39 #define PULSE_OUTPUT_GPIO 32 // Scale factor for data #define GAIN 1 #define scaleFactor 1000000*((4.5/(2^23)-1)/GAIN) #define testScale 0.001*4.5/2.4 // Clock Signal #define tCLK 0.0005 // 2 MHz Clock signal, 500 ns int sampleFreq = 250; // to 500. A value of 128 will give 512 samples int factor = 1000/sampleFreq/2; // generate output pulses to emulate DRDY from ADS // this should be placed in multiple places to emulate an unsynchronised DRDY #define GENERATE_DRDY digitalWrite(PULSE_OUTPUT_GPIO, (millis() / factor) % 2); //#define GENERATE_DRDY digitalWrite(PULSE_OUTPUT_GPIO, FALLING) // end of simulation declarations EEG1 EEG; // Functions const int WAKEUP = 0x02; // Wake-up from standby mode const byte STANDBY = 0b00000100; // Enter Standby mode const byte RESET = 0b00000110; // Reset the device const byte START = 0b00001000; // Start and restart (synchronize) conversions const byte STOP = 0b00001010; // Stop conversion const byte RDATAC = 0b00010000; // Enable Read Data Continuous mode (default mode at power-up) const byte SDATAC = 0b00010001; // Stop Read Data Continuous mode const byte RDATA = 0b00010010; // Read data by command; supports multiple read back const byte TEST1 = 0b00000000; const byte RREG = 0x20;// (also = 00100000) is the first opcode that the address must be added to for RREG communication const byte WREG = 0x40;// 01000000 in binary (Datasheet, pg. 35) double data; const byte led = 2; byte registerData[24]; // array is used to mirror register data byte channelDataRaw[24]; long channelData[4]; long ads[4]; int sampleCounter = 0; //byte RREG(byte,int); // read one ADS register bool channelDataAvailable; /* //SPI pin numbers: SCK 18 // Serial Clock. MISO 19 // Master In Slave Out. (DOUT) MOSI 23 // Master Out Slave In. (DIN) SS 5 // Slave Select*/ //ADS1299-X Control Pin Declarations const int STARTPIN = 12; const int DRDYPIN = 4; const int RESETPIN = 0; const int PWDNPIN = 3; void IRAM_ATTR ADS_DRDY_Service() { // if (bitRead(ESP32_DRDY, 0) == 0) if (bitRead(ADS_DRDY, 0) == 0) { // board.channelDataAvailable = true; channelDataAvailable = true; } } int devicebyte = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.flush(); delay(1000); while(!Serial); //Start Pin -- Pull Start Pin High in order to access ADS1299-X data - DRDY toggles at 250Hz EEG.START(); delayMicroseconds(10); //SPI Communication Setup with ADS1299-X // Chip Select Pin pinMode(CS_ADS, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CS_ADS, HIGH); //DRDY Pin - Drops LOW if Data is ready pinMode(ADS_DRDY, INPUT); digitalWrite(ADS_DRDY, HIGH); // Set up SPI SPI.begin(); SPI.setFrequency(2000000); // Set 4 MHz for ADS SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); // Datasheet pg. 12: CPOL = 0 and CPHA = 1 (SPI MODE 1) //Powering Up Sequence DeviceStartUp(); Serial.println("Device power up complete..."); delayMicroseconds(2); // Get Device ID devicebyte = getDeviceID(); Serial.println(); //Writing Channel Configuration writeRegisterConfig(); delayMicroseconds(2); Serial.println(); // Print default settings for registers EEG.printADSregisters(CS_ADS); // Set up interrupt service routine pinMode(ADS_DRDY, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ISR_TRIGGER_GPIO,INPUT_PULLUP); // simulation - set up the pin for output of pulses that emulate DRDY from ADS pinMode(PULSE_OUTPUT_GPIO, OUTPUT); EEG.START(); delay(30); EEG.RDATAC(); delay(1); testSignals(); Serial.println("Register Print After TestSignals:"); EEG.printADSregisters(CS_ADS); } // --------------------------- LOOP --------------------------------------------------- void loop() { updateChannelData(); } // ------------------------- Device Start up Procedure ------------------------------------- void DeviceStartUp(){ //PWDN and RESET PIN set HIGH // Toggle RESET Pin EEG.RESET(); pinMode(PWDN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PWDN, HIGH); //Delay for 1 second, for power up sequence delay(1000); //RESET PULSE EEG.RESET(); //Wait to Settle 16-18 tclk delayMicroseconds(18*tCLK); //Send SDATAC EEG.SDATAC(); delayMicroseconds(4*tCLK); //delay 4 tCLK cycles } // ----------------------- Retrieving Device ID function --------------------------------------------------- int getDeviceID(){ //Delay delay(100); // Begin SPI digitalWrite(CS_ADS,LOW); //Pull CS low to communicate SPI.transfer(RREG); // Read Register 00100000 delayMicroseconds(2); SPI.transfer(ID_REG); //0x00 ID register 00000000 delayMicroseconds(2); byte data = SPI.transfer(ADS_ID); // Binary value for device ID, 4CH = 0b???11100 delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(CS_ADS, HIGH); // Pull CS HIGH to disable communication between Teensy and ADS1299-X return data; } // ------------------------- Write Registers Configuration ------------------------------------- void writeRegisterConfig() { // ADS1299-4 Datasheet pg 62: digitalWrite(CS_ADS,LOW); //Pull CS LOW to start communication SPI.transfer(SDATAC); delayMicroseconds(4*tCLK); //delay 4 tCLK cycles //Using internal reference i.e BIASREF siganl (AVDD + AVSS)/2 WREGConf(CONFIG3, 0xE0); delayMicroseconds(2); // Set Device for f_mod/4096 (250 SPS) WREGConf(CONFIG1, 0x96); WREGConf(CONFIG2, 0xC0); delayMicroseconds(2); // Set Channels to Input Short WREGConf(CH1SET, 0x01); WREGConf(CH2SET, 0x01); WREGConf(CH3SET, 0x01); WREGConf(CH4SET, 0x01); delayMicroseconds(2); WREGConf(MISC1, 0x00); delayMicroseconds(2); EEG.RREGS(ID_REG, CONFIG4, CS_ADS); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(CS_ADS,HIGH); //Pull CS HIGH to stop communication } // --------------------------- Write channel configuration procedure-------------------------- void WREGConf(byte _address, byte _regValue){ byte opcodeW = _address + 0x40; // Write to one register with address (WREG = 0x40), WREG expects 010rrrrr where rrrrr = _address SPI.transfer(opcodeW); // Send WREG command and address SPI.transfer(0x00); // Send dummy byte to ADS. Send number of registers to read -1 SPI.transfer(_regValue); // Write register value registerData[_address] = _regValue; // Update mirror array } // -------------------------------- Setup Test Signals ----------------------------------------- void testSignals(){ EEG.SDATAC(); delayMicroseconds(4*tCLK); //delay 4 tCLK cycles // Set Device for f_mod/4096 (250 SPS) WREGConf(CONFIG2, 0xD3); // For Internal square signals: Set CONFIG2.BIT1 and CONFIG2.BIT0 to '1' (TI Forum reply) // WREGConf(CONFIG2, 0xD0); // CONFIG3 WREGConf(CONFIG3, 0xEC); // Internal reference buffer & BIASREF signal generated internally // Set Channels to Test Signals: Changed 0D to 05 WREGConf(CH1SET, 0x0D); WREGConf(CH2SET, 0x0D); WREGConf(CH3SET, 0x0D); WREGConf(CH4SET, 0x0D); // Lead Off Dectection WREGConf(LOFF, 0x00); // Bias WREGConf(BIAS_SENSP, 0x02); // CH1 set as BIAS WREGConf(BIAS_SENSN, 0x00); // Disable all negative input digitalWrite(CS_ADS, HIGH); // Pull CS HIGH to disable communication between Teensy and ADS1299-X delayMicroseconds(4*tCLK); //delay 4 tCLK cycles EEG.RDATAC(); delayMicroseconds(4*tCLK); //delay 4 tCLK cycles } // ------------------------------- Update Channel Data ------------------------------------- void updateChannelData(){ byte inByte; int byteCounter = 0; int numChan = 4; //assume 4 channel. If needed, it automatically changes to 16 automatically in a later block. long stat_1[1]; long channelDat; if(digitalRead(DRDYPIN) == LOW){ digitalWrite(CS_ADS, LOW); // open SPI delayMicroseconds(2); // READ CHANNEL DATA FROM FIRST ADS for(int i=0; i<3; i++){ // read 3 byte status register from ADS 1 (1100+LOFF_STATP+LOFF_STATN+GPIO[7:4]) inByte = SPI.transfer(0x00); stat_1[i] = (stat_1[i] << 8) | inByte; } // for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ // for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){ // read 24 bits of channel data from 1st ADS in 8 3 byte chunks // inByte = SPI.transfer(0x00); // channelDataRaw[byteCounter] = inByte; // Raw data array // byteCounter++; // channelData[i] = (channelData[i]<<8) | inByte; // Int data array // } // } digitalWrite(CS_ADS, HIGH); // close SPI delayMicroseconds(2); // //reformat the numbers // for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ // convert 3 byte 2's compliment to 4 byte 2's compliment // if(bitRead(channelData[i],23) == 1){ // channelData[i] |= 0xFF000000; // ads[i] = channelData[i]; // }else{ // channelData[i] &= 0x00FFFFFF; // ads[i] = channelData[i]; // } // } for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++){ if(bitRead(stat_1[i],23) == 1){ stat_1[i] |= 0xFF000000; } else{ stat_1[i] &= 0x00FFFFFF; } Serial.println(stat_1[i], HEX); } // printChannelData(); } } // ------------------------------- Print Channel Data ------------------------------------- void printChannelData(){ for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ Serial.println(channelData[i],HEX); } }