# Makefile for UART unit test app include $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/Rules.make ifeq ($(IS_BAREMETAL),yes) BUILD_OS_TYPE = baremetal CFLAGS_OS_DEFINES = LNKFLAGS_LOCAL_mpu1_0 += --entry Entry COMP_LIST_COMMON = $(PDK_COMMON_BAREMETAL_COMP) EXTERNAL_INTERFACES = XDC_CFG_FILE_mpu1_0 = XDC_CFG_FILE_mcu1_0 = else BUILD_OS_TYPE = tirtos CFLAGS_OS_DEFINES = -DUSE_BIOS EXTERNAL_INTERFACES = bios xdc COMP_LIST_COMMON = $(PDK_COMMON_TIRTOS_COMP) ifeq ($(SOC),$(filter $(SOC), j721e j7200 am65xx am64x tpr12 awr294x)) XDC_CFG_FILE_$(CORE) = $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/$(SOC)/sysbios_$(ISA).cfg else XDC_CFG_FILE_mpu1_0 = ./$(SOC)/uartUnitTest_$(ISA).cfg #XDC_CFG_FILE_mcu1_0 = ./$(SOC)/uartUnitTest_r5.cfg XDC_CFG_FILE_mcu1_0 = $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/$(SOC)/sysbios_$(ISA)_btcm.cfg endif ifeq ($(SOC),$(filter $(SOC), am64x)) ifeq ($(ISA),$(filter $(ISA), a53)) LIB_PATHS_DIR=$(BIOS_INSTALL_PATH)/packages/gnu/targets/arm/libs/install-native/aarch64-none-elf/lib/ endif endif endif SRCDIR = . src INCDIR = . src # Common source files across all platforms and cores SRCS_COMMON += main_uart_test.c # List all the external components/interfaces, whose interface header files # need to be included for this component INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_INTERFACES = pdk $(EXTERNAL_INTERFACES) ifeq ($(BUILD_OS_TYPE), tirtos) UART_OS_TYPE= else UART_OS_TYPE=_Baremetal endif # DMA enabled build ifeq ($(DMA), enable) ifeq ($(SMP), enable) #Name of the directory created under packages/ti/binary/ APP_NAME = UART$(UART_OS_TYPE)_DMA_SMP_TestApp # Name of the binary if different from the default (APP_NAME)_$(BOARD_$(CORE)_ LOCAL_APP_NAME = UART$(UART_OS_TYPE)_DMA_$(BOARD)_$(CORE)_SMP_TestApp else #Name of the directory created under packages/ti/binary/ APP_NAME = UART$(UART_OS_TYPE)_DMA_TestApp # Name of the binary if different from the default (APP_NAME)_$(BOARD_$(CORE)_ LOCAL_APP_NAME = UART$(UART_OS_TYPE)_DMA_$(BOARD)_$(CORE)TestApp endif COMP_LIST_COMMON := $(filter-out uart,$(COMP_LIST_COMMON)) COMP_LIST_COMMON += uart_dma #COMP_LIST_COMMON += uart_dma_profile CFLAGS_UART_DMA = -DUART_DMA_ENABLE else ifeq ($(SMP), enable) #Name of the directory created under packages/ti/binary/ APP_NAME = UART$(UART_OS_TYPE)_SMP_TestApp # Name of the binary if different from the default (APP_NAME)_$(BOARD_$(CORE)_ LOCAL_APP_NAME = UART$(UART_OS_TYPE)_$(BOARD)_$(CORE)_SMP_TestApp else #Name of the directory created under packages/ti/binary/ APP_NAME = UART$(UART_OS_TYPE)_TestApp # Name of the binary if different from the default (APP_NAME)_$(BOARD_$(CORE)_ LOCAL_APP_NAME = UART$(UART_OS_TYPE)_$(BOARD)_$(CORE)TestApp endif #COMP_LIST_COMMON += uart_profile CFLAGS_UART_DMA = endif # List all the specific components required by the application #COMP_LIST_COMMON += profiling PACKAGE_SRCS_COMMON = . ifeq ($(SOC),$(filter $(SOC), am64x)) ifeq ($(CORE),$(filter $(CORE), m4f_0)) CONFIG_BLD_LNK_m4f = am64x/uart_linker_m4f.lds PACKAGE_SRCS_COMMON += $(SOC) endif endif CFLAGS_LOCAL_COMMON = $(PDK_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_UART_DMA) $(CFLAGS_OS_DEFINES) # Include common make files ifeq ($(MAKERULEDIR), ) #Makerule path not defined, define this and assume relative path from ROOTDIR MAKERULEDIR := $(ROOTDIR)/ti/build/makerules export MAKERULEDIR endif include $(MAKERULEDIR)/common.mk # OBJs and libraries are built by using rule defined in rules_.mk # and need not be explicitly specified here # Nothing beyond this point