Instructions to Run AM62x LPSC_MAIN_MCAN Toggle Test Case -Andrew Shutzberg Test Details: -Run on TIFS_M4 core -Will toggle LPSC_MAIN_MCANSS_0 between PSC_DISABLE and PS_ENABLE states indefinitely -Will count the number of transitions (DISABLE->ENABLE) and print every 64K transitions the transition number -Any error will stop loop and produce error message Requirements: -Latest CCS Release (12.5 or later, 12.71 used in this guide) Test Setup: 1. After installing CCS, navigate to the below directory in file explorer: -C:\ti\ccs1271\ccs\ccs_base\emulation\gel\AM62x 2. Edit the AM62x.gel file in directory #1: -Comment out lines 72-74 & save the file //Set_PSC_All_On(); //GEL_TextOut("\n"); //GEL_TextOut("*****Use R5 or A53 GELs to configure DDR\n"); 3. Open CCS and create a new AM62x target configuration (named AM62x_MCAN.ccxml in this guide) -Connection: Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe -Board or Device: AM62 - - -initialization script: point to file modified in step #2, in directory #1 4. Connect device/evm & Launch the target configuration: 5. Connect to: Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe_0/SMS_CM4_0_TIFS_0 -Initialization script will run and setup all PLLs to OFC1 settings automatically 6. Load program to core: "AM62X_MCAN_PSC_Test_TIFS.out" -If core immediately starts running after load, pause core and reload again 7. Click run on TIFS core, program will begin LPSC transitions, and start printing transaction numbers -If error occurs, program will stop transitions and display error print.