/** * These arguments were used when this file was generated. They will be automatically applied on subsequent loads * via the GUI or CLI. Run CLI with '--help' for additional information on how to override these arguments. * @cliArgs --device "AM64x_beta" --package "ALV" --part "Default" --context "r5fss0-0" --product "MCU_PLUS_SDK@07.03.01" * @versions {"tool":"1.10.0+2163"} */ /** * Import the modules used in this configuration. */ const flash = scripting.addModule("/board/flash/flash", {}, false); const flash1 = flash.addInstance(); const bootloader = scripting.addModule("/drivers/bootloader/bootloader", {}, false); const bootloader1 = bootloader.addInstance(); const bootloader2 = bootloader.addInstance(); const ddr = scripting.addModule("/drivers/ddr/ddr", {}, false); const ddr1 = ddr.addInstance(); const gtc = scripting.addModule("/drivers/gtc/gtc"); const debug_log = scripting.addModule("/kernel/dpl/debug_log"); const mpu_armv7 = scripting.addModule("/kernel/dpl/mpu_armv7", {}, false); const mpu_armv71 = mpu_armv7.addInstance(); const mpu_armv72 = mpu_armv7.addInstance(); const mpu_armv73 = mpu_armv7.addInstance(); const mpu_armv74 = mpu_armv7.addInstance(); const mpu_armv75 = mpu_armv7.addInstance(); /** * Write custom configuration values to the imported modules. */ bootloader1.appImageOffset = "0x80000"; bootloader1.$name = "CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_FLASH0"; bootloader1.appImageBaseAddress = "0x60080000"; bootloader2.$name = "CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_FLASH_LINUX"; bootloader2.appImageOffset = "0x100000"; /* it's not working with 0x100000 nor 0x300000 */ /* bootloader2.appImageOffset = "0x300000"; */ flash1.$name = "CONFIG_FLASH0"; bootloader1.flashDriver = flash1; bootloader2.flashDriver = flash1; flash1.peripheralDriver.$name = "CONFIG_OSPI0"; flash1.peripheralDriver.phyEnable = true; flash1.peripheralDriver.dmaEnable = true; flash1.peripheralDriver.inputClkFreq = 166666666; flash1.peripheralDriver.advanced = true; ddr1.$name = "CONFIG_DDR0"; const udma = scripting.addModule("/drivers/udma/udma", {}, false); const udma1 = udma.addInstance({}, false); udma1.$name = "CONFIG_UDMA0"; flash1.peripheralDriver.udmaDriver = udma1; debug_log.enableUartLog = true; debug_log.enableCssLog = false; debug_log.uartLog.$name = "CONFIG_UART0"; debug_log.uartLog.intrEnable = "DISABLE"; debug_log.uartLog.UART.$assign = "USART0"; mpu_armv71.$name = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION0"; mpu_armv71.size = 31; mpu_armv71.attributes = "Device"; mpu_armv71.accessPermissions = "Supervisor RD+WR, User RD"; mpu_armv71.allowExecute = false; mpu_armv72.$name = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION1"; mpu_armv72.size = 15; mpu_armv72.accessPermissions = "Supervisor RD+WR, User RD"; mpu_armv73.$name = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION2"; mpu_armv73.baseAddr = 0x41010000; mpu_armv73.size = 15; mpu_armv73.accessPermissions = "Supervisor RD+WR, User RD"; mpu_armv74.$name = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION3"; mpu_armv74.accessPermissions = "Supervisor RD+WR, User RD"; mpu_armv74.baseAddr = 0x70000000; mpu_armv74.size = 21; mpu_armv75.$name = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION4"; mpu_armv75.baseAddr = 0x80000000; mpu_armv75.size = 31; /** * Pinmux solution for unlocked pins/peripherals. This ensures that minor changes to the automatic solver in a future * version of the tool will not impact the pinmux you originally saw. These lines can be completely deleted in order to * re-solve from scratch. */ flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.$suggestSolution = "OSPI0"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.CLK.$suggestSolution = "ball.N20"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.CSn0.$suggestSolution = "ball.L19"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.DQS.$suggestSolution = "ball.N19"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.D7.$suggestSolution = "ball.M17"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.D6.$suggestSolution = "ball.N18"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.D5.$suggestSolution = "ball.P20"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.D4.$suggestSolution = "ball.P21"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.D3.$suggestSolution = "ball.M21"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.D2.$suggestSolution = "ball.M20"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.D1.$suggestSolution = "ball.M18"; flash1.peripheralDriver.OSPI.D0.$suggestSolution = "ball.M19"; debug_log.uartLog.UART.RXD.$suggestSolution = "ball.D15"; debug_log.uartLog.UART.TXD.$suggestSolution = "ball.C16";