[CortxA8] Enter the PHY_INVERT_CLKOUT value (0 or 1) from the spreadsheet 1 Enter the Seed RD_DQS_SLAVE_RATIO Value in Hex to search the RD DQS Ratio Window 40 Enter the Seed FIFO_WE_SLAVE_RATIO Value in Hex to search the RD DQS Gate Window f4 Enter the Seed WR_DQS_SLAVE_RATIO Write DQS Ratio Value in Hex to search the Write DQS Ratio Window 77 *************************************************************** The Slave Ratio Search Program Values are... *************************************************************** PARAMETER MAX | MIN | OPTIMUM | RANGE *************************************************************** DATA_PHY_RD_DQS_SLAVE_RATIO 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 DATA_PHY_FIFO_WE_SLAVE_RATIO 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 DATA_PHY_WR_DQS_SLAVE_RATIO 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 DATA_PHY_WR_DATA_SLAVE_RATIO 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 *************************************************************** rd_dqs_range = 0 fifo_we_range = 0 wr_dqs_range = 0 wr_data_range = 0 Optimal values have been found!! *************************************************************** The Slave Ratio Search Program Values are... *************************************************************** PARAMETER MAX | MIN | OPTIMUM | RANGE *************************************************************** DATA_PHY_RD_DQS_SLAVE_RATIO 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 DATA_PHY_FIFO_WE_SLAVE_RATIO 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 DATA_PHY_WR_DQS_SLAVE_RATIO 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 DATA_PHY_WR_DATA_SLAVE_RATIO 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 | 0x000 *************************************************************** ===== END OF TEST =====