"""\r This script is where all compiler and linker flags will be set.\r These flags will be passed to the compiler/linker as part of the toolchain.\r """ def arm_c_flags(): """ This funciton will be used to return all the c flags for the arm compiler.\r \r Returns:\r List of strings to pass as C Flags to the Arm Compiler\r """ return [ "-mlittle-endian", "-mcpu=cortex-r5", "-gdwarf-3", "-mfloat-abi=hard", "-mfpu=vfpv3-d16", #"-mthumb", #"-Werror", "-Weverything", #"-Wunused", "-ffunction-sections", "-Oz", #"-mthumb", "-g", "-fdiagnostics-show-option", "-ffunction-sections", "-fshort-enums", "-mno-unaligned-access", # Define Flags that should be passed to every file "-DCLANG", "-DAWR29XXETS_PLATFORM", "-DBUILD_SOC_AWR294X", "-DBUILD_SUBSYS_MSS", "-DTRACE_ENABLE", "-DASSERT_ENABLE", #Define for enabling the ADC Test pattern generation to trigger the EDMA/HWA-RFFT-DFFT-RDD processing. #"-DADC_TEST_PATTERN_GEN_MODE_ENABLED", ] def arm_cpp_flags(): """ This funciton will be used to return all the c flags for the arm compiler.\r \r Returns:\r List of strings to pass as C Flags to the Arm Compiler\r """ return [ "", ] def arm_asm_flags(): """ This funciton will be used to return all the assembler flags for the arm compiler.\r \r Returns:\r List of strings to pass as C Flags to the Arm Compiler\r """ return [ "-mcpu=cortex-r5", "-mfloat-abi=hard", "-mfpu=vfpv3-d16", ] def arm_linker_flags(r5f_codegen_path): """ This funciton will be used to return all the c flags for the arm compiler.\r \r Returns:\r List of strings to pass as C Flags to the Arm Compiler\r """ return [ "-Wl,--diag_suppress=10063", "-Wl,--emit_warnings_as_errors", "-Wl,-qq", #"-Wl,--rom_model", "-Wl,-mcpu=cortex-r5", "-Wl,-qq", "-Wl,-a", "-Wl,--rom_model", "-Wl,--reread_libs", "-Wl,--unused_section_elimination=on", "-Wl,--compress_dwarf=on", "-Wl,--copy_compression=rle", "-Wl,--cinit_compression=rle", ] def c66_c_flags(): """ This funciton will be used to return all the c flags for the c66 compiler.\r \r Returns:\r List of strings to pass as flags to the C66 Compiler\r """ return [ # "--use_llvm", "-c", "-mv6600", "--abi=eabi", "--gcc", "-g", "-O3", "-mf3", "-mo", "--define=SUBSYS_DSS", "--define=SOC_AWR294X", "--define=_LITTLE_ENDIAN", "--display_error_number", "--define=DebugP_ASSERT_ENABLED", "--diag_warning=225", "--diag_wrap=off", "--preproc_with_compile", "--emit_warnings_as_errors", #Define for enabling the ADC Test pattern generation to trigger the EDMA/HWA-RFFT-DFFT-RDD processing. #"--define=ADC_TEST_PATTERN_GEN_MODE_ENABLED", #Define for enabling the ADC Offline Data in Flash test mode - must define DISABLE_LAUTERBACH_TEST_ADC_OUTPUT also #"--define=ADC_OFFLINE_DATA_ENABLED", #"--define=DISABLE_LAUTERBACH_TEST_ADC_OUTPUT" ] def c66_cpp_flags(): """ This funciton will be used to return all the c flags for the c66 compiler.\r \r Returns:\r List of strings to pass as C Flags to the C66 Compiler\r """ return [ "", ] def c66_asm_flags(): """ This funciton will be used to return all the assembler flags for the c66 compiler.\r \r Returns:\r List of strings to pass as flags to the C66 Compiler\r """ return [ "-mv6600", "--abi=eabi", "-q", "-mi10", "-mo", "-pden", "-pds=238", "-pds=880", "-pds1110", "--emit_warnings_as_errors", "--program_level_compile", "-o3", "-mf3", "-DSOC_AWR294X", ] def c66_linker_flags(c66_codegen_path): """ This funciton will be used to return all the flags for the c66 linker.\r \r Returns:\r List of strings to pass as flags to the C66 Linker\r """ return [ "-mv6600", "--abi=eabi", "-g", "--define=SOC_AWR294X", "--display_error_number", "--diag_warning=225", "--diag_wrap=off", "-z", "--reread_libs", "--warn_sections", "--ram_model", "-i" + c66_codegen_path + "/lib", "--emit_warnings_as_errors", "--diag_error=10015", "--map_file=awr294x_mmw_demo_dss.map", ]