// These arguments were used when this file was generated. They will be automatically applied on subsequent loads // via the GUI or CLI invocations. Run CLI with '--help' for additional information on how to override these arguments. // @cliArgs --device "CC1352P1F3RGZ" --package "RGZ" --part "Default" --product "simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk@" // @versions {"data":"2020022712","timestamp":"2020022712","tool":"1.3.1030","templates":"2020022712"} var RF = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/RF"); var CCFG = scripting.addModule("/ti/devices/CCFG"); var TRNG = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/TRNG"); var TRNG1 = TRNG.addInstance(); var easylink = scripting.addModule("/ti/easylink/easylink"); var I2C = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/I2C", {}, false); var I2C1 = I2C.addInstance(); var NVS = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/NVS", {}, false); var NVS1 = NVS.addInstance(); var Timer = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/Timer", {}, false); var Timer1 = Timer.addInstance(); var UART = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/UART", {}, false); var GPIO = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/GPIO", {}, false); var GPIO1 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO2 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO3 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO4 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO5 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO6 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO7 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO8 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO9 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO10 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO11 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO12 = GPIO.addInstance(); var GPIO13 = GPIO.addInstance(); var RTOS = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/RTOS"); var UART1 = UART.addInstance(); var UART2 = UART.addInstance(); // Global Event Mask - Sets global RF driver events RF.globalEventMask = ["RF_GlobalEventRadioPowerDown","RF_GlobalEventRadioSetup"]; // RF Pin Selection - Selects which pins are used by RF frontend RF.pinSelection = ["DIO_28","DIO_29","DIO_30"]; var Power = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/Power", {}, false); var Board = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/Board", {}, false); var DriverLib = scripting.addModule("/ti/devices/DriverLib", {}, false); // Assign pin RF.rfAntennaPin0.$assign = "DIO_30"; // pin number - 43 // Assign pin RF.rfAntennaPin1.$assign = "DIO_29"; // pin number - 42 // Assign pin RF.rfAntennaPin2.$assign = "DIO_28"; // pin number - 41 // Enable XOSC Cap array modification - Enable modification (delta) to XOSC cap-array CCFG.xoscCapArray = true; // XOSC Cap Array Delta - Modify the high frequency oscillator cap-array, changing the frequency offset CCFG.xoscCapArrayDelta = 0xC1; // Enable Bootloader - Enable ROM Bootloader, for flashing from external host CCFG.enableBootloader = true; // Bootloader Backdoor DIO - DIO (pin) to trigger Bootloader backdoor, this pin is only needed at boot CCFG.dioBootloaderBackdoor = 15; // Trigger Level of Bootloader Backdoor - Active high or low on selected DIO to open boot loader backdoor CCFG.levelBootloaderBackdoor = "Active low"; // Name CCFG.ccfgTemplate.$name = "ti_devices_CCFGTemplate0"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to TRNG runtime APIs TRNG1.$name = "CONFIG_TRNG_EASYLINK"; // Random Number Generation Function - If a channel is busy, transmission will backoff for a random period. This function generates the random numbers for this functionality easylink.randNumGenFxn = "getRandomNumber"; // Address Size (bytes) - Defines the address size used for all Tx/Rx operations easylink.addrSize = 2; // Addresses to Filter On (comma separated) - Defines the addresses this device will search for when receiving packets. Hex formatting. easylink.addrFilters = ""; // Enable Address Filtering - Enables the stack to filter out addresses that are not in the address table provided easylink.enableAddrFilter = false; // Frequency (MHz) - Frequency. easylink.radioConfigEasylinkPhyCustom.carrierFrequency = 868.0000; // Packet Length Config - Packet Length Configuration easylink.radioConfigEasylinkPhyCustom.packetLengthConfig = "Variable"; // Fixed Packet Length - The fixed packet length will not be part of the packet data. easylink.radioConfigEasylinkPhyCustom.fixedPacketLength = 30; // Name easylink.radioConfigEasylinkPhyCustom.codeExportConfig.$name = "ti_devices_radioconfig_code_export_param0"; // PA table Export Method - Select how PA table is to be exported easylink.radioConfigEasylinkPhyCustom.codeExportConfig.paExport = "combined"; var multi_stack_validate = scripting.addModule("/ti/easylink/multi_stack_validate", {}, false); // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to I2C runtime APIs I2C1.$name = "CONFIG_I2C_0"; // Name I2C1.i2c.$name = "MyI2C1"; // Use Peripheral I2C1.i2c.$assign = "I2C0"; // Assign pin I2C1.i2c.sdaPin.$assign = "DIO_5"; // pin number - 10 // Assign pin I2C1.i2c.sclPin.$assign = "DIO_21"; // pin number - 31 // Name I2C1.sdaPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_0"; // Name I2C1.clkPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_1"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to NVS runtime APIs NVS1.$name = "CONFIG_NVS_0"; // Name NVS1.internalFlash.$name = "ti_drivers_nvs_NVSCC26XX0"; // Region Base - Base address of the region. Must be aligned on an integer multiple of the sector size. NVS1.internalFlash.regionBase = 0x48000; // Region Size - Size of the region in bytes. Must be a non-zero multiple of the Sector Size NVS1.internalFlash.regionSize = 0x8000; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to Timer runtime APIs Timer1.$name = "CONFIG_TIMER_0"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPTimerCC26XX runtime APIs Timer1.timerInstance.$name = "CONFIG_GPTIMER_0"; // Name Timer1.timerInstance.timer.$name = "MyGPTM1"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO1.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_BTN1"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO1.interruptTrigger = "Rising Edge"; // Assign pin GPIO1.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_27"; // pin number - 40 // Name GPIO1.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_8"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO2.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_INT_ACC"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO2.interruptTrigger = "Both Edges"; // Assign pin GPIO2.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_8"; // pin number - 14 // Name GPIO2.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_9"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO3.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_INT_AL"; // Pull - Specifies the internal pull-up or pull-down resistor configuration of this GPIO pin. GPIO3.pull = "Pull Up"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO3.interruptTrigger = "Falling Edge"; // Assign pin GPIO3.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_9"; // pin number - 15 // Name GPIO3.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_10"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO4.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_INT_VOX"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO4.interruptTrigger = "Both Edges"; // Assign pin GPIO4.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_10"; // pin number - 16 // Name GPIO4.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_11"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO5.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_INT_EXPANDER"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO5.interruptTrigger = "Both Edges"; // Assign pin GPIO5.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_18"; // pin number - 28 // Name GPIO5.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_12"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO6.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_FS_VBUS"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO6.interruptTrigger = "Both Edges"; // Assign pin GPIO6.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_26"; // pin number - 39 // Name GPIO6.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_13"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO7.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_SENS_IN_BF"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO7.interruptTrigger = "Rising Edge"; // Assign pin GPIO7.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_22"; // pin number - 32 // Name GPIO7.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_14"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO8.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_SENS_IN_BF2"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO8.interruptTrigger = "Falling Edge"; // Assign pin GPIO8.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_15"; // pin number - 21 // Name GPIO8.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_15"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO9.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_INT_TILT"; // Pull - Specifies the internal pull-up or pull-down resistor configuration of this GPIO pin. GPIO9.pull = "Pull Up"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO9.interruptTrigger = "Falling Edge"; // Assign pin GPIO9.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_14"; // pin number - 20 // Name GPIO9.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_16"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO10.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_INT_RTC"; // Pull - Specifies the internal pull-up or pull-down resistor configuration of this GPIO pin. GPIO10.pull = "Pull Up"; // Interrupt Trigger - Specifies when or if interrupts are triggered GPIO10.interruptTrigger = "Falling Edge"; // Assign pin GPIO10.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_25"; // pin number - 38 // Name GPIO10.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_17"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO11.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_BAT_OFF"; // Mode - Select the GPIO mode GPIO11.mode = "Output"; // Output Strength - Specifies the output strength GPIO11.outputStrength = "High"; // Assign pin GPIO11.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_23"; // pin number - 36 // Name GPIO11.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_18"; // Mode - Select the GPIO mode GPIO12.mode = "Output"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO12.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_VEXT_EN"; // Assign pin GPIO12.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_20"; // pin number - 30 // Name GPIO12.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_19"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to GPIO runtime APIs GPIO13.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_CEL_PWRON"; // Mode - Select the GPIO mode GPIO13.mode = "Output"; // Initial Output State - Specifies the initial output state GPIO13.initialOutputState = "High"; // Assign pin GPIO13.gpioPin.$assign = "DIO_11"; // pin number - 17 // Name GPIO13.pinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_20"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to UART runtime APIs UART1.$name = "CONFIG_UART_1"; // Flow Control - Enable hardware flow control UART1.flowControl = true; // Name UART1.txPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_4"; // Name UART1.rxPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_5"; // Name UART1.uart.$name = "MyUART1"; // Use Peripheral UART1.uart.$assign = "UART1"; // Assign pin UART1.uart.txPin.$assign = "DIO_24"; // pin number - 37 // Assign pin UART1.uart.rxPin.$assign = "DIO_19"; // pin number - 29 // Assign pin UART1.uart.ctsPin.$assign = "DIO_6"; // pin number - 11 // Assign pin UART1.uart.rtsPin.$assign = "DIO_7"; // pin number - 12 // Name UART1.ctsPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_6"; // Name UART1.rtsPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_7"; // Name - The C/C++ identifier used in applications as the index parameter passed to UART runtime APIs UART2.$name = "CONFIG_UART_0"; // Name UART2.uart.$name = "MyUART1"; // Use Peripheral UART2.uart.$assign = "UART0"; // Assign pin UART2.uart.txPin.$assign = "DIO_13"; // pin number - 19 // Assign pin UART2.uart.rxPin.$assign = "DIO_12"; // pin number - 18 // Name UART2.txPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_2"; // Name UART2.rxPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_PIN_3"; // Suggest solution Timer1.timerInstance.timer.$suggestSolution = "GPTM0";