/** * These arguments were used when this file was generated. They will be automatically applied on subsequent loads * via the GUI or CLI. Run CLI with '--help' for additional information on how to override these arguments. * @cliArgs --device "MSPM0G350X" --part "Default" --package "LQFP-64(PM)" --product "mspm0_sdk@" * @v2CliArgs --device "MSPM0G3507" --package "LQFP-64(PM)" --product "mspm0_sdk@" * @versions {"tool":"1.21.2+3837"} */ /** * Import the modules used in this configuration. */ const Board = scripting.addModule("/ti/driverlib/Board"); const GPIO = scripting.addModule("/ti/driverlib/GPIO", {}, false); const GPIO1 = GPIO.addInstance(); const GPIO2 = GPIO.addInstance(); const GPIO3 = GPIO.addInstance(); const SYSCTL = scripting.addModule("/ti/driverlib/SYSCTL"); /** * Write custom configuration values to the imported modules. */ Board.configureUnused = true; Board.globalFastWakeEn = true; GPIO1.$name = "GPIO_LEDS"; GPIO1.port = "PORTB"; GPIO1.associatedPins.create(2); GPIO1.associatedPins[0].$name = "USER_LED_1"; GPIO1.associatedPins[0].assignedPin = "22"; GPIO1.associatedPins[0].pin.$assign = "PB22"; GPIO1.associatedPins[1].$name = "USER_LED_2"; GPIO1.associatedPins[1].assignedPin = "26"; GPIO1.associatedPins[1].pin.$assign = "PB26"; GPIO2.$name = "GPIO_SWITCH"; GPIO2.port = "PORTA"; GPIO2.associatedPins.create(3); GPIO2.associatedPins[0].direction = "INPUT"; GPIO2.associatedPins[0].$name = "USER_SWITCH_1"; GPIO2.associatedPins[0].polarity = "RISE"; GPIO2.associatedPins[0].wakeupLogic = "ON_1"; GPIO2.associatedPins[0].assignedPin = "18"; GPIO2.associatedPins[0].pin.$assign = "PA18"; GPIO2.associatedPins[1].$name = "USER_SWITCH_2"; GPIO2.associatedPins[1].direction = "INPUT"; GPIO2.associatedPins[1].assignedPin = "17"; GPIO2.associatedPins[1].wakeupLogic = "ON_1"; GPIO2.associatedPins[1].polarity = "RISE"; GPIO2.associatedPins[1].pin.$assign = "PA17"; GPIO2.associatedPins[2].$name = "USER_SWITCH_3"; GPIO2.associatedPins[2].direction = "INPUT"; GPIO2.associatedPins[2].assignedPin = "11"; GPIO2.associatedPins[2].wakeupLogic = "ON_1"; GPIO2.associatedPins[2].polarity = "RISE"; GPIO2.associatedPins[2].fastWakeEn = true; GPIO2.associatedPins[2].pin.$assign = "PA11"; GPIO3.$name = "GPIO_INPUT"; GPIO3.port = "PORTB"; GPIO3.associatedPins.create(2); GPIO3.associatedPins[0].$name = "CONFIG_0"; GPIO3.associatedPins[0].direction = "INPUT"; GPIO3.associatedPins[0].internalResistor = "PULL_UP"; GPIO3.associatedPins[0].assignedPin = "17"; GPIO3.associatedPins[1].$name = "CONFIG_1"; GPIO3.associatedPins[1].assignedPin = "12"; GPIO3.associatedPins[1].direction = "INPUT"; GPIO3.associatedPins[1].internalResistor = "PULL_UP"; SYSCTL.forceDefaultClkConfig = true; SYSCTL.clockTreeEn = true; /** * Pinmux solution for unlocked pins/peripherals. This ensures that minor changes to the automatic solver in a future * version of the tool will not impact the pinmux you originally saw. These lines can be completely deleted in order to * re-solve from scratch. */ Board.peripheral.$suggestSolution = "DEBUGSS"; Board.peripheral.swclkPin.$suggestSolution = "PA20"; Board.peripheral.swdioPin.$suggestSolution = "PA19"; GPIO3.associatedPins[0].pin.$suggestSolution = "PB17"; GPIO3.associatedPins[1].pin.$suggestSolution = "PB12";