Part Number: BQ25820
If power path is not needed on BQ25820, remove the BATFET, connected Pin 32 (SYS) to Pin 33(VAC), leave Pin 15 (BATDRV) floating, and connect Pin 16 (BATSRC) to SRP.
Best Regards,
Part Number: BQ25751
If power path is not needed on BQ25751, remove the BATFETs, connected Pin 32 (SYS) to Pin 33(VAC), leave Pin 15 (BATDRV) floating, and connect Pin 16 (BATSRC) to SRP.
Part Number: BQ25751 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25750 , Tool/software: Hello all,
Here is the BQ25750 schematic and layout checklist. This can also be used for the BQ25751.
Best Regards,
Part Number: AM263P4 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263PX , SYSCONFIG
Tool/software: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263PX
Following examples are failing in SDK 10.01.00 version in am263px-cc PROC159A board:
sbl ospi
ospi examples
Part Number: DS90UB988-Q1EVM Tool/software: Hello,
Is it possible to use this setup to test the daisy chain feature with the following setup:
PC -> EVM 983 -> Display with 988 -> Display with 988 -> Display with 988
~ Franz
Part Number: TPS65224-Q1 Tool/software: This guide for undervoltage (UV) and overvoltage (OV) fault injection can be used for other devices as well. Before performing please make sure this will not break anything on the board and that the regulator can…
Part Number: AM623
The following E2E FAQ includes very useful information,…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J721S2 Tool/software: J721S2 devices support two DSI outputs from Display subsystem. The first DSI output ie DSI0 is already supported in the processor SDK RTOS and this is available via DSI to DP convertor on the EVM. The second…